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Labour to repeal SNP fascist football law

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Despite the internet giving trolls a voice, the vast majority of our support is steeped in PUL traditions and the Unionist plight in Northern Ireland is something we hold dear. Labour, during a tense time in the NI peace process, placed a known staunch Republican Dr Death in as SoS. There was a reason for that. The Labour party despise the 6 county state on the island of Ireland, despise it. Folk voting for Labour coz their Granny did, undermine the very struggles Rangers fans sing about each week. Glasgow City Council could provide a season worth of corruption for The Sopranos to use, a lot of which benefits one rancid club and one sect. There may be Rangers supporting socialists that are in Labour, but they have no influence with the vast majority who are rancid Bheasts that despise our people. I found myself supporting Johann Lamont on that farcical "live debate" the other week. Then I remembered who her husband is. I am a staunch Unionist, some might even say extremist, but the Labour party are no friends of the Union as we see it. They may well oppose Sqlmonds Republic, but that is for their own grubby ends. Everyone of us get out and vote no, then start using our voice better by choosing candidates and all do our bit to help them get in. A vote for Labour or SNP, goes against everything I hold dear as a Rangers fan.

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couldnt care less about any Law iv never been in a position to have it affect me

also there is a Labour for yes movement, only reason Labour are voting no is because they want into westminster and to carry on the draconian Tory cuts as they never had the balls to be the ones to implement them in the first place and also the bedroom tax ... Labours idea (tu)

I work and have never claimed benefits of any kind and I have never voted SNP in my life but i will be voting Yes because thats what i want and couldnt care less about the glorified tags of the UK and Queen and at the end of the day the Queen will still be head of state in an independant Scotland except she will be head of a country that will finally be able to make decisions for itself by itself

Ban me if you like but i am 100% a rangers fan always have and always will and was even named Graeme after Souness and this will never affect my love for my Country and what i believe is right for it and its people

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couldnt care less about any Law iv never been in a position to have it affect me

also there is a Labour for yes movement, only reason Labour are voting no is because they want into westminster and to carry on the draconian Tory cuts as they never had the balls to be the ones to implement them in the first place and also the bedroom tax ... Labours idea (tu)

I work and have never claimed benefits of any kind and I have never voted SNP in my life but i will be voting Yes because thats what i want and couldnt care less about the glorified tags of the UK and Queen and at the end of the day the Queen will still be head of state in an independant Scotland except she will be head of a country that will finally be able to make decisions for itself by itself

Ban me if you like but i am 100% a rangers fan always have and always will and was even named Graeme after Souness and this will never affect my love for my Country and what i believe is right for it and its people

Deluded if you actually believe that about the queen
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We all have a vote, the whole democracy argument is bs

do we vote for a Queen or head of state ?

and if you refer to Scotlands vote in westminster then yes we all do have a vote however the power of that vote is very little as previous history has shown and stops us from getting anyone in that actually gives a shit about scotland

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do we vote for a Queen or head of state ?

and if you refer to Scotlands vote in westminster then yes we all do have a vote however the power of that vote is very little as previous history has shown and stops us from getting anyone in that actually gives a shit about scotland

My vote didn't stop me getting a SNP government so is that a lack of democracy as well?
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couldnt care less about any Law iv never been in a position to have it affect me

also there is a Labour for yes movement, only reason Labour are voting no is because they want into westminster and to carry on the draconian Tory cuts as they never had the balls to be the ones to implement them in the first place and also the bedroom tax ... Labours idea (tu)

I work and have never claimed benefits of any kind and I have never voted SNP in my life but i will be voting Yes because thats what i want and couldnt care less about the glorified tags of the UK and Queen and at the end of the day the Queen will still be head of state in an independant Scotland except she will be head of a country that will finally be able to make decisions for itself by itself

Ban me if you like but i am 100% a rangers fan always have and always will and was even named Graeme after Souness and this will never affect my love for my Country and what i believe is right for it and its people

what "decisions" do you wish Scotland to make itself? Do you have children ot grandchildren?

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Unfortunately the Presbyterian majority are far to idle to cast the vote, the vote that the fallen gave their today for....so that we could have the morrow.

Nothing less than shameful.

For someone who makes claims about their involvement in the 'inky trade' your grammar is appalling. This isn't the first time I've noticed it either.

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For someone who makes claims about their involvement in the 'inky trade' your grammar is appalling. This isn't the first time I've noticed it either.

Fortunately your opinions and deflections are of no value to me, stick to snorkeling or defending the 16%...... of which the denny hinterlands has many.

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There is zero evidence that Catholics vote on mass, that's ridiculous. Blue Peter is right and Nicka Jelavic should do more research, you cant just pluck statements like that and pass them off as fact. I'd suggest looking at the Scottish Election Study 2011 by the ESRC as a starting point.

How have you concluded that there is zero evidence?

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Fortunately your opinions and deflections are of no value to me, stick to snorkeling or defending the 16%...... of which the denny hinterlands has many.

There's not even a Celtic bus leaves Denny as far as I know now. The Denny RSC is still going strong however. There's also quite a few prominent ex Gers from Denny, including 2 Hall of Fame members.

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'Some correlation' is not what he said, almost the opposite of 'on mass'. Of course some people take these things into consideration but its not a vote changer like he suggested.

No need to get your knickers in a twist.

You were both at extremes of the argument, and there is evidence that you are both wrong. I was merely pointing out there is evidence of people voting on a religious basis, I was not backing his assertion of on mass voting. I actually do think it can make a difference in closely contested seats, but would sincerely like to think it doesn't.

As an aside, my wife's old dear (long departed) was a practicing RC and she informed me that they were told to vote Labour way back years ago, but I know for a fact in her old age she didn't. Only anecdotal mind!

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The only reason Labour are doing this is to pander to their target voters at the Emptihad. If they weren't getting caught up in the fallout from this appalling piece of legislation they wouldn't go near it.

It was bought in as a stick to beat football fans and Rangers fans in particular. That it has caught the dhims out was purely unintentional but Labour have to maintain their core supporters.

I'd rather not vote than give it to to one of them.


The scum campaigned for something to be done and got this new law. Their puppets like Spiers helped push it through. Now that it's a law and cannot target one group to the exclusions of others, it's backfiring on them.

Now having got the law they effectively campaigned for, they're doing a 180° and demanding it's repealed, so up step their fellow season ticket holders to buy some votes with a policy of repealing it.

Give it a few years and a witty Rangers song that digs at them, especially during a victory at the Stade de Gadd, and there'll be a new law, to be sure, to be sure.

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No need to get your knickers in a twist.

You were both at extremes of the argument, and there is evidence that you are both wrong. I was merely pointing out there is evidence of people voting on a religious basis, I was not backing his assertion of on mass voting. I actually do think it can make a difference in closely contested seats, but would sincerely like to think it doesn't.

As an aside, my wife's old dear (long departed) was a practicing RC and she informed me that they were told to vote Labour way back years ago, but I know for a fact in her old age she didn't. Only anecdotal mind!

Both major Scottish political parties, SNP and Labour have never really attempted to accommodate for Catholics and went against a lot of what they stand against. Labour abolished section 28 in 2000 and the SNP recently legalised same-sex marriage. It's just not logical and those decisions speak volumes about how the two main parties consider religion as a strong voting factor.

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Also surprised at the strong Tory support on this thread. Anyone any strong reasons why they consider the Tories the best option from Thatcher to now?

Some of the attacks on Labour are also mind-boggling, should base your politics on economic and social impacts - not football, religion and Irish politics, in my opinion of course. A just criticism of Labour is that they are too right of centre, not that they are a 'vote for Rome' etc. Thought the comment about too British politics being dominated by lefties way off the mark as well, we've had right of centre governments since 1979.

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Also surprised at the strong Tory support on this thread. Anyone any strong reasons why they consider the Tories the best option from Thatcher to now?

Some of the attacks on Labour are also mind-boggling, should base your politics on economic and social impacts - not football, religion and Irish politics, in my opinion of course. A just criticism of Labour is that they are too right of centre, not that they are a 'vote for Rome' etc. Thought the comment about too British politics being dominated by lefties way off the mark as well, we've had right of centre governments since 1979.

If your minds not too boggled then you could go back and remind yourself what this thread is about,.

The Scottish labour party want to remove the legislation because it causes problems for their teams fans and their fetish with the IRA.

They have no problem with Rangers fans being harassed or criminalized (social impact?) by this legislation, the SNPs intent.

They are involved in a fight with the SNP for the Celtic vote.

We are not seen as an electoral opportunity or threat to either the SNP republicans or the Labour tims so we are either dismissed or attacked.

As a working class Ulsterman living in Scotland I would never vote for the Labour party because of their racist bans on NI membership and the friendships with the Provos.

AS for a Scottish Bear voting for them or the SNP, it can be only described as a form of self harming.

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