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Why has RM descended into chaos?


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I've not had the report function for months, I never used it tbh but it just seemed to disappear.

try logging out, clearing your internet cache and cookies. See if that helps. If not then i will pm basldger for you :)
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A valid reason in December 2012, but not now

You'll need to choose from the remaining valid reasons:

1 - Can't afford it

2 - Think govanblue's a tosser

3 - Don't really support Rangers

We'll go for number 2 eh? :thumbup:

Aye I don't support Rangers because I didn't give you a tenner. :lol:

What happened in December 2012? I've never met you so you're a stranger, hence no donation.

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Reading 1700 Ally oot posts a day can be a bit mind numbing to be brutally honest same stuff day in day out by the same handful of posters. Even the stuff that has nothing to do with Rangers in the gen sport section within 3 posts descends into Ally oot.

That and bawsbag or whatever his moniker is, if I wanted to read constant C&P from the Daily record I would buy the rag and not get it shoved in my napper by someone that's never been to a game of Football EVER.

Anyway rant over.

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Turmoil at the club is the culprit mate :(

that plays a massive part.

we also have taigs that are harder to spot right now because of all the shite going on, they are fitting right in just now and because there is so much shit flying about, theuly blend in better.

we have a boardroom forum where ine section blame shareholders and the board for every problem ( and made up problems) and the other section blame the SoS/UoF for everything.

We have members who think they can say and do whatever they want.

we have members who wont listen to staff.

and thats all just off the top of my head. I cant remember it ever being lile this before we went into admin.

that fucker whyte has a lot to answer fault.

edit: Edu should share some of the blame, well just becaise he is Edu.

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Started on another wee forum and it has all my needs :P but RM was brilliant but unless this shit is over once and for all it's just gonae be more of the same.

So how is Kerryfail Street these day's still obsessed with the Rangers ? :pipe:

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We should hold elections for deciding mods (add abit of democracy in to it).

All members vote and put forward 5 members (can't vote for yourself) and the 5 members who have the most votes are put forward to enter the running to become a mod.

Throughout a period of 1 week, the 5 members give out their polices and try and persuade people to vote for them and shit like that and at the end of the week, another vote is held and the member with the most votes becomes mod.

Should happen twice a year.

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