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When is it time to say enough?


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All the points you are being asked about are the reasons you give as to why you think the board must be removed.

None of them are true.

Long story short you want the board removed for imagined wrongdoing.

Oh, so not taking up a £30m investment from King and potentially forcing us into Admin again is imagined wrong doing?

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Oh, so not taking up a £30m investment from King and potentially forcing us into Admin again is imagined wrong doing?

You do realise King cannot invest in this share issue? Its only for existing shareholders.

A resolution would need to be passed by shareholders at an AGM or even EGM if it came to it, for King to be able.

Here's a revelation for you: The resolution was proposed at last years AGM and it was voted down off the back of campaigning by the UoF and SoS asking shareholders to block it.

So yeah, it wasn't the board who blocked Kings investment.


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You do realise King cannot invest in this share issue? Its only for existing shareholders.

A resolution would need to be passed by shareholders at an AGM or even EGM if it came to it, for King to be able.

Here's a revelation for you: The resolution was proposed at last years AGM and it was voted down off the back of campaigning by the UoF and SoS asking shareholders to block it.

So yeah, it wasn't the board who blocked Kings investment.



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So whether you agree with my point of vuew or not, are you telling me you are happy with the board and the job they are doing?

Your point of view is that the board have done A,B,C or failed to do A,B,C, none of which is true.

Do you not find it strange that the same fans that campaigned to block fresh investment, be it King or anyone else, then spent 7 or 8 months asking where the investment was?

Considering some are profiting financially off the back of these actions doesn't that make them liars, corrupt and spiv like.

Jus' sayin'

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Did I say that?

Did anybody say that?

So why the hell are you attacking my post intead of just saying 'your opinions are wrong or misguided' and contribute to the idea that something more substantial has to be done?

My views may well be misguided or ill informed, but you can surely see the underlying point to my post that the Rangers way is just hurting us in this crucial time.

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so why the hell are you attavking my post intead of just saying 'you opinions are wrong or misguided' and contribute to the idea that something more substantial has to be done?

My views may well be misguided or ill informed, but you can surely see the underlying point to my post that the Rangers way is just hurting us in this crucial time.

I'm attacking your post because you are advocating storming the barricades of Ibrox on the basis of lies & misinformation

It's not rocket science

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For ages now, fans have been unhappy with pretty much ever aspect of our club.

Our play style, the way we rebuilt, the management, the board, the clear corruption within Ibrox, the needless spending... The list goes on and on.

All i have heard on here for the last few weeks if that people with say nothing and do nothing as that is not the Rangers way.

Well let me tell you, 'the Rangers way' has not helped us so far, and infact it is hurting us. We have known for the last 2 years that we didn't want the current board in place, yet we have done and said nothing, and not were are possible 2 weeks from Admin2.

We complain the board have blown nearly £80m in two years, and we have done nothing bud bitch about it on the internet.

While all this being said. When is it time to say enough of 'the Rangers way'? We complain that things in the club have been done the same as they were before the rebuild (young not given a chance and no scouting network for example), yet the fans are stuck in the same place, dignisfied silence until it kills us.

For me I want the board out and a single controlling interest, same as everyone else, but emails and internet bitching is not going to do that.

It should be time to break the mould, and actually demonstrate properly how unhappy we are before it is too late. Fuck our precious public image or self imposed 'Rangers way', something HAS to be done, and done quickly for the sake (and future) of our club.

Much of what you have posted is rubbish.

The current board has only been in place since late November. They are trying to sort out the mess left by previous incumbents.

How have we known for the last 2 years about the current board not being right? If that was the case why did people buy shares?

How are we possibly 2 weeks from admin?

If you haven't a clue what you are talking about you would be better not talking at all.

One man ownership got us into this mess in the first place.

Which one man are you proposing for ownership anyway? Is it Dave King perhaps? The same Dave King who was on the board when SDM introduced the EBT scheme?

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Hardly evidence of corruption. Mismanagement yes but not corruption.

For the year your taking about we've wasted closer to 70 million. Bear in mind that the operating costs excluding wages have always been around 15-16 million per year this would account for large chunk. Playing staff are around 7 mil and non playing staff similar. No one ha syphoned of 70 million pounds.

The situation is chronic and I doubt any one wants 'dignified silence' but some of our support seem hell bent on harming the club unless it gives them precisely what they want, no compromise. Anyone who believes that denying the club cash from it's ain revenue streams are not a big factor in this is not very bright. Quickest way to make the sell of our assets are realistic possibly is admin.

Now to remove the board we'll have to pay them off. Do we have the cash? And what happens when elements of the support still don't get the boar members they want?

How do we effect a majority share holder? With the club valued at 16sh million at the moment do you have that kind of cash? To date the only person who has that kind of money is King. He won't buy shares on the open market and the board does not have the authority to offer shares to new investors there is a bit of a stalemate there.

So we do need to do something but at the moment what would people suggest?

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Ok, so lets just sit back and watch us decline even further.. great idea.

More strawman shite. Who suggested we should just be happy to carry on this way?

The fact is the club cannot move forward whoever owns it with the rabble rousing malcontents in our support riling everyone up based on lies, innuendo and assumption.

You're advocating the removal of club employees based on beliefs that are blatantly wrong, regardless of whether it comes from a good place or not.

Currently we have owners who have pumped in 35 million, and will probably pump in another 4 or 5 in this share issue, only to see it squandered and their investment being hurt.

They wont recover that by selling off the assets. They wont recover that unless the share prices go up so it behoothes them to have a board in place who can run the company in a way that raises the share price.

You would have us believe the opposite and want us to hound them out on this basis.

"We're in it for the money......so lets waste all the money leaving us out of pocket..........because we are only in it for the money".

What about that is it that makes sense?

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There is a misconception about separating board from major investors. The current directors at Ibrox did not get the Club into this mess and neither did the major investors. Getting rid of the current board members will not suddenly improve RFC. New board members will still have the existing problems to solve. The major investors will still own their shares.

Green, Ahmad and Stockbridge totally mucked up but there would still have been a need for further investment. I would point out that one of the main bunch of trouble-makers pushing the SoS and UoF is Malcolm Murray who was on the board with Green, Ahmad etc.

Let us suppose the current directors are removed, The Easdales receive no salary, Crighton £40k, Somers £40k or £50K, Wallace £300k. Who do you get in to replace them? How much will that cost? What difference will it make?

I am not pro-board, I simply understand that a company needs directors. Any new directors will be appointed by the same shareholders.

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I suspect that is the case mate, for him it makes perfect business sense. However means more hurting for us the fans

So is it really worth pushing the club to the brink in order that King can save a few million?

He is the only winner and even then there is no guarantee he will step up to the plate after his vague mutterings about his kids inheritance

Why has King got this Svengali hold over you people?

And why do you want to risk the very existence of the club to save him a few bob?

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I am not a supporter of the board, or the fans groups, I'm what you would call? a neutral, a floating voter, a Rangers supporter.

From where I am standing, there are two things that would currently scare any potential new investors:

the constant negative publicity as a result of supposed season ticket boycott,

the drop in revenue as a result of former supporters now spending their "Saturday's somewhere other than Ibrox".

I am a self confirmed pessimist, I constantly plan for the inevitable cluster**cks in life. As for this share offer, I don't think this will be as undersubscribed as some think.

I believe the bigger investors have no option but to take up their entitlement, if only to protect their current share of the club.

Any not taking up the offer would see their stake shrink by around a third, taking the offer would cost only a tenth of their initial investment.

So I believe it's a no brainier for them. The unknown is the individual supporters, and how they feel about committing more.

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So is it really worth pushing the club to the brink in order that King can save a few million?

He is the only winner and even then there is no guarantee he will step up to the plate after his vague mutterings about his kids inheritance

Why has King got this Svengali hold over you people?

And why do you want to risk the very existence of the club to save him a few bob?

You do really talk a load of shite.

Who the feck do you think he is trying to 'save a few million', himself?

'He is the only winner'............Yeah, a guy who spunked £20m on the team he loves.

The 'very existence of the club' will be decided by one thing, how far this bunch of charlatans can push the support to fill their own trough.

One thing for sure, it wont be to the financial benifit of our club !!!

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You do really talk a load of shite.

Who the feck do you think he is trying to 'save a few million', himself?

'He is the only winner'............Yeah, a guy who spunked £20m on the team he loves.

The 'very existence of the club' will be decided by one thing, how far this bunch of charlatans can push the support to fill their own trough.

One thing for sure, it wont be to the financial benifit of our club !!!

You do know that he got about £16m back during his time at Rangers.

This man has been proven to be untrustworthy in a court of law. The judge nailed him to the wall and you want King involved.

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So to recap

Are we storming the front doors or not?

What do you think? I'm not sure how long we can continue the way we are. We can't keep the club going by funding operating costs from share issues.

I appreciate our income will increase if we are promoted but going by recent statements we will require 2 injections of funds to make it until the start of next season.

That's just to survive, I would hope we would also be looking at investing in the team for the premiership.

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You do really talk a load of shite.

Who the feck do you think he is trying to 'save a few million', himself?

'He is the only winner'............Yeah, a guy who spunked £20m on the team he loves.

The 'very existence of the club' will be decided by one thing, how far this bunch of charlatans can push the support to fill their own trough.

One thing for sure, it wont be to the financial benifit of our club !!!

£20 million of SA taxpayers money

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