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Rangers and the War ahead

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John Reid on the Board at Parkhead, got connections at Government level and elsewhere. Will do everything in his power to thwart us. What have we got, a chairman that has lost the will to fight our enemies and a sunbed gofor that does his bidding. Hate to say it but if this season goes tits up we'll be light years behind the bheggars. !

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WE don´t have anybody including Gordon Smith he works for another body, are you trying to insinuate that GS will be working for us ? People like you give the enemy ammunition. But you can be assured reid will be working for them. Opus Dei member and rhepublican sympathiser, we´re up against it there !

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Ok, two people, one wins them the European Cup and 9 successive championships the other, to quote George Galloway, is the man who taught the Scottish labour party to sing IRA songs, which do you think gets the seat on the septic board and which do you think gets diddly squat? Well it's the cafflick that gets the warm handshake and the Protestant who gets the cold shoulder of course.

Just as well septic are non-sectarian isn't it :rolleyes:

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Well we have Gordon Smith as Chief of SFA. He is fair and will not let any agendas from any clubs hurt any other.

Its a fair point Danny ....but lets remember Gordon Smith is not on our board.

Furthermore we have no-one on our board with the network of contacts which Reid has. Our board is looking decidely lightweight. Maybe we should get Murray's pal 007 on board.

AFter all ...he has a licence to kill. :D

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No, we're not equipped at board level is the simple answer.


- Chairman: Sir David Murray

Wants to sell the club and commitment is questionable.

- Chief Exec Officer: Martin Bain

Has a thankless task in so many ways but does he really provide value for money when one compares him to other such CEO's?

- Finance Director: Donald McIntyre

Has an impressive CV and seems to do a lot of work without much fan-fare. He's one person I think who is more than capable of serving the club.

- Director: John Greig

Rewarded for his many years of sterling service with a seat on the board. I'd rather it was an honoray non-exec position enabling us to appoint someone with more experience in business.

- Non Executive Dir: Alistair Johnston

Another director with an impressive business CV - yet no executive position so no real say in how the club is run. Also, no evidence of him investing any of his own personal wealth.

- Non Executive Dir: Donald Wilson

If Murray has stay around for longer than he'd like, I'd imagine Donald will be Bain's successor. Genuinely qualified to fulfill that role but his work with MIH may prove a conflict.

- Non Executive Dir: Dave King

Invested around £20million (in 2001 IIRC) and has little return for his money. No official say in how the club is run so his effect is minimal in terms of progress.

- Non Executive Dir: John McClelland

Brought in by Murray to do the dirty downsizing work, McClelland's influence is also minimal in terms of investment and input.

In general, it's pretty obvious we need new ideas, more imagination and directors capable of investing their own personal wealth into the club to help us move forward in the short-medium term. Bringing in new blood, more executive directors and including at least one supporter on the board would help us do that while providing the sound basis for the long term future.

Unfortunately, while we have an chairman who owns 91.8% of the club and doesn't like being told how to do his job, bringing in external talented people who can challenge Murray in terms of ambition and commitment (not to mention high net worth) will prove extremely difficult. Just as Tom Hunter and Alistair Donald....

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No, we're not equipped at board level is the simple answer.


- Chairman: Sir David Murray

Wants to sell the club and commitment is questionable.

- Chief Exec Officer: Martin Bain

Has a thankless task in so many ways but does he really provide value for money when one compares him to other such CEO's?

- Finance Director: Donald McIntyre

Has an impressive CV and seems to do a lot of work without much fan-fare. He's one person I think who is more than capable of serving the club.

- Director: John Greig

Rewarded for his many years of sterling service with a seat on the board. I'd rather it was an honoray non-exec position enabling us to appoint someone with more experience in business.

- Non Executive Dir: Alistair Johnston

Another director with an impressive business CV - yet no executive position so no real say in how the club is run. Also, no evidence of him investing any of his own personal wealth.

- Non Executive Dir: Donald Wilson

If Murray has stay around for longer than he'd like, I'd imagine Donald will be Bain's successor. Genuinely qualified to fulfill that role but his work with MIH may prove a conflict.

- Non Executive Dir: Dave King

Invested around £20million (in 2001 IIRC) and has little return for his money. No official say in how the club is run so his effect is minimal in terms of progress.

- Non Executive Dir: John McClelland

Brought in by Murray to do the dirty downsizing work, McClelland's influence is also minimal in terms of investment and input.

In general, it's pretty obvious we need new ideas, more imagination and directors capable of investing their own personal wealth into the club to help us move forward in the short-medium term. Bringing in new blood, more executive directors and including at least one supporter on the board would help us do that while providing the sound basis for the long term future.

Unfortunately, while we have an chairman who owns 91.8% of the club and doesn't like being told how to do his job, bringing in external talented people who can challenge Murray in terms of ambition and commitment (not to mention high net worth) will prove extremely difficult. Just as Tom Hunter and Alistair Donald....

So as Rangers supporters what should we do about murray, should we sit on our hands with dignity or should we protest ? :sherlock:

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So as Rangers supporters what should we do about murray, should we sit on our hands with dignity or should we protest ? :sherlock:

Ah the $64,000 question...!

Well, in my opinion, we certainly shouldn't sit on our hands. However, neither am I sure car park protests are the answer (yet)...

As it stands, currently the best channel of protest (IMO the RST) are working hard to force dialogue with the chairman to find out about a number of issues at the club. However, at the moment, even critics like us can't say too much until the end of August. By that time, we'll have an idea of how much we've spent, whether or not we've qualified for the CL group stage and how well we've started in the SPL.

If none of these are too our satisfaction (primarily the investment IMO), then further, more aggressive action may be required.

Unfortunately, ensuring the removal of a man whio owns 91.8% of the club is easier said than done.

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So as Rangers supporters what should we do about murray, should we sit on our hands with dignity or should we protest ? :sherlock:

Ah the $64,000 question...!

Well, in my opinion, we certainly shouldn't sit on our hands. However, neither am I sure car park protests are the answer (yet)...

As it stands, currently the best channel of protest (IMO the RST) are working hard to force dialogue with the chairman to find out about a number of issues at the club. However, at the moment, even critics like us can't say too much until the end of August. By that time, we'll have an idea of how much we've spent, whether or not we've qualified for the CL group stage and how well we've started in the SPL.

If none of these are too our satisfaction (primarily the investment IMO), then further, more aggressive action may be required.

Unfortunately, ensuring the removal of a man whio owns 91.8% of the club is easier said than done.

Agree with with the waiting till August, but got a gut feelin that protests will come somehow ! :pipegreen:

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Well, speaking as an individual, if Murray fails to satisfy the kind of commitment, leadership and commitment that I demand from any Rangers employee, I agree a more aggressive strategy may have to employed to get what we want.

Like I say though, that's not as easy as some make it out to be.

Either way, the next few months will be fascinating and could determine the club's long term future in many different ways.

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So as Rangers supporters what should we do about murray, should we sit on our hands with dignity or should we protest ? :sherlock:

Ah the $64,000 question...!

Well, in my opinion, we certainly shouldn't sit on our hands. However, neither am I sure car park protests are the answer (yet)...

As it stands, currently the best channel of protest (IMO the RST) are working hard to force dialogue with the chairman to find out about a number of issues at the club. However, at the moment, even critics like us can't say too much until the end of August. By that time, we'll have an idea of how much we've spent, whether or not we've qualified for the CL group stage and how well we've started in the SPL.

If none of these are too our satisfaction (primarily the investment IMO), then further, more aggressive action may be required.

Unfortunately, ensuring the removal of a man whio owns 91.8% of the club is easier said than done.

Were you in the car park protesting when DM took us into £67m debt ?.

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John Reid on the Board at Parkhead, got connections at Government level and elsewhere. Will do everything in his power to thwart us. What have we got, a chairman that has lost the will to fight our enemies and a sunbed gofor that does his bidding. Hate to say it but if this season goes tits up we'll be light years behind the bheggars. !

Time for Donald Findlay to be invited back if ye ask me


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John Reid on the Board at Parkhead, got connections at Government level and elsewhere. Will do everything in his power to thwart us. What have we got, a chairman that has lost the will to fight our enemies and a sunbed gofor that does his bidding. Hate to say it but if this season goes tits up we'll be light years behind the bheggars. !

Time for Donald Findlay to be invited back if ye ask me


Yes but as chairman !

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John reid has as much power than I've got on my toe(nothing to worry about there)

Besides he's got his head out of tony blairs arse cause he's off to the desert.

Rubbish and ignorance, events at Glasgow Airport today proves you really don't know who has power to influence things here ? :sherlock:

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Don't expect the mhanks to get any extra benefits of John Ried being on board. They are under the same constraints - be it law - as us and everyone else.

What can John Ried add?

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Don't expect the mhanks to get any extra benefits of John Ried being on board. They are under the same constraints - be it law - as us and everyone else.

What can John Ried add?

He can add deals and connections, got Government clout ! :sherlock:

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