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Journey To Nowhere


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Hard to argue with any of this.

Journey To Nowhere
On Sunday I felt worse than at any point in our supposed journey back to the top.
I’m hurting today and the realisation that we aren’t good enough is tough to take.
What happened on Sunday has to be a watershed moment for us, as a club and as a fan base. We have to wake up and smell the stench of failure.
Pathetic, inglorious failure. A 6-1 hiding to the team that finished second bottom of the Premiership is not anywhere near acceptable and it never will be.
We need leadership. We have none.
Dave King, where were you? Nowhere near Fir Park and nowhere to be seen. Our most important game in years, possibly ever and you weren’t there. Yesterday you weren’t good enough, Mr King.
Stuart McCall, thanks for the effort you’ve put in over the last few months but ultimately failure isn’t acceptable and that’s exactly what that was on Sunday.
To each and every player that has departed the club, cheerio. You failed, consistently, not just the other day. This team that we’ve endured this season was on the whole a disgrace to the jersey.
We have to take stock. We have to look at ourselves and realise this isn’t who we are and it isn’t what we are either.
We haven’t learned a single thing in three years. We’ve paid these imposters exorbitant wages that not one of them have deserved. All of them have shirked their responsibilities.
Players on five figure weekly wages that can’t pass a ball to a blue jersey, can’t mark up, can’t tackle, can’t shoot on target, can’t get fit, with so little discipline or respect.
If King, The Three Bears, Paul Murray and the rest think the way they’ve gained control of this football club is acceptable to the more aware among the support, think again. It wasn’t and isn’t acceptable, nor will it ever be.
The result on Sunday will see them having to find millions of pounds more than they anticipated. And to think King less than 2 weeks ago was talking about Europa League qualification this time next year.
How much more? North of £10 million I’d think.
We are in a worse position now than we were three years ago. At least then we were a united support, all pulling in the same direction. Now, there is so much distrust of one another it’s frightening.
We are a shambles, a club that’s fast become a caricature of itself. Paying average players ridiculous wages and boardroom chancers that seek the blue pound.
It’s high time the support stopped backing any of these people. Don’t back them until they back us.
As for the blue pound, this blue pound that we keep telling ourselves the rest of Scottish Football needs – we need to get it fully into our heads, they either don’t actually need it or they simply hate us so much they don’t want it. We need to wake up.
I’m urging all of us, don’t back any of them that are at our club without demanding the fullest from them. Demand answers, demand commitment, demand dedication, demand transparency, demand to know why our Chairman thinks he can turn up four times a year and think it’s acceptable. Demand leadership.
After all, they’re demanding our money. They tell us it’s required, and they demand that we all muck in for the cause.
Well, demand to know how much investment there’ll actually be. Demand to know who they’ll approach for investment. Demand to know why King said he had £30 million and now says he really doesn’t know how much. It’s been like this for years.
These are the most dangerous times for us. The cost to keep us afloat is £1.5 million a month. That’s just to keep the sheriff officers from the door. The turnover last year was £25 million with a loss of £8 million and that suggests there are bills not getting paid.
Demand to know what’s going on before putting your hands in your pockets. Full transparency is required before any of them are getting a penny of my cash.
I don’t want to see players being signed; I want to see RANGERS players being signed.
I want to see investment in the club. It was promised. Share issues and loans have been done many times before. It’s old hat and I for one am not buying into it, neither physically or morally.
This regime told us they had investment – so pony it up. This summer is going to make or break many in the support. The board will pull at our heart strings but trust is gained not a given.
I don’t trust them. Most on here are well aware of that I’m sure but I have good reason not to. They have done nothing so far that had given me any reason to change my mind.
This is crunch time, get that money out. We have heard from those fans that backed King and the Three Bears that: a) King is worth a serious fortune and: b) Park had such wealth that they compared Sandy Easdale’s bus company to his in the most derogatory manner. Well get some of this serious wealth out, get it on the table and start fixing this club now.
I hear they are bargaining on 40,000 season tickets being bought for the start of the season. I also hear that each and every one of those season ticket holders will be asked to pony up a vast amount of cash in the upcoming share issue along with their season ticket purchase.
It won’t happen because so many of us have had our fill of this charade.
You first Mr King! You first Mr Park! Show us the money. Show us the intent. Explain to us how you are going to fix this broken club .If you believe that the fans who have gone through this last four years are just going to swallow everything you say without evidence, you are wrong and that is a promise!
We are all hurting right now. Sunday really was a pisser. A wake up call to all of us. We are a Championship club, nothing more. Let that sink in. It’s horrific and as I’ve said before it’s all a mess of our own making.
It’s time to get real, time to be honest with ourselves and for our leaders to show leadership. We don’t have any leaders though and that’s my greatest fear.
Does anybody really believe that Dave King is going to throw £30 million pounds at a business that’s lost nearly £40 million pounds in the last 3 years?
Who’s kidding who here?
I’m aware obviously that most fans that have backed Dave King and his consortium don’t agree with me and that I get vilified on certain forums but all I’m asking all Rangers supporters to actually consider what I say.
This lot are kidding us on, give them weeks, not months. Demand answers and insist on them keeping their promises.
The previous incumbents had their characters assassinated and some of them quite rightly so. Do not let euphoria cloud our judgment. I beg of us all to heed the warnings.
This is a sad, sad time for us. Our club is broken and I truly don’t believe it’s fixable at the moment but maybe I’m just downbeat about things.
6-1 against Motherwell? Three years of build up to take a pants down brownie? Not good enough. Unacceptable and thank heaven for small mercies we don’t and won’t be watching many of that shower again but we must remember this…
This is our fault, no one else’s. We did this to ourselves. We have had Sir David Murray, Craig Whyte, Charles Green, Sandy Easdale and of course that most horrible of cretins David Somers. Now we have Dave King.
His past is shrouded in controversy. Trust him with nothing. Not a single penny till he shows us his children’s inheritance. After all, that’s what he said.
Until he does, keep vigilant and hope and pray that we get this summer right.
A new manager and an entire football team needs brought in. That will cost millions of pounds. So let’s all hold our cards to our chests and see who blinks first.
They will ask us to buy season tickets and they will say we must dig deep. So must they.
We are watching and we are waiting because you would like to think things can only get better but only if the investment that was promised and so many bought into and believed was coming shows up.
It hasn’t yet.
The clock is ticking…

Well said.


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A good read what i'd expect from a passionate supporter.

Where are the supporter Groups in all this the Rst have said nothing VB have even been very quiet on these isssues, unless i have missed the statements.

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Essentially, he's a bit sore he picked the wrong horse and will use our failure at promotion as a vehicle for his thinly veiled, putrid propaganda. (tu)

'We are in a worse position now than we were three years ago.'

We have a licence to play. No transfer ban. 1 year away from the top flight. Not a much better position, but a fair way from worse.

This ninjamans bitter, deluded rants belong in the boardroom section where the like minded can pleasure each other to it.

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