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Fernando Game In Elgin 20Th September

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

I'm a new member but an old fan.

Some of you may be aware, but we are holding a Rangers Legends match in Elgin on the 20th September in aid of Fernando Ricksen and MND. This is in order to both raise awareness for the condition and to raise money to support Fernando, MND, and local families affected by the cause.

The game will consist of ex Rangers legends (see attached photo for list) including the likes of Marco Negir, Michael Mols, Colin Hendry and many more with also some still to be confirmed. They will be playing in a Rangers team and against a Guest Xl team consisting of ex players from Celtic, Aberdeen and many more. There are also places available on teams to bid and play alongside them.

This is going to be an amazing day and with Fernando being there on the day also and all of us coming together to again show our support and prove we have not forgotten.

Throughout my time publicising this and raising awareness it has proven to me that Rangers fans really are the best and just how compassionate they can be when it comes to causes like this and it really makes me proud to call myself a blue nose!

Tickets are available for purchase through myself (other options available depending on location) and are $15 for an adult or £5 for a child/concession.

There will be other events on during the day and its going to be a fantastic family day out for everyone and I cannot wait to see Fernando and show him my support.

Please get in touch with me via 07508186163 for any ticket queries.

Thank you for your time and hope to see you at the game! :)

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