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The Fish !


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A man of character with integrity. Never duplicitous and never spineless - an indefatigible legend in his own right and supported by many true supporters. In age of the horrors of politcial correctness and decadent liberalism it is sometimes both heart warming, refreshing and amusing (and .....galling !) to read his posts.

Well done FISH you are a top bloke and probably the most respected chap on here.

Keep up the good work...even though sometimes we disagree. If you ever need counsel, just refer. No surrender.

I would suggest that although his views are agreed with at times, he is also looked at as a laughing stock and to be honest, refreshing to have one of those sort out of fans out in the open so we know what we are up against.

Also can't whaetsoever agree at 'the most respected chap on here' as he once said 'you'll (you'll in reference to the modernists or anti tradition posters in a recent thread on protestanism that lasted for over 100+ pages) never be happy until all the players and fans are catholics' which, to my reckoning means that if this were ever the case then he would be dead against it and that is shocking in my opinion and disgraceful.

Rant over.

Out in the open? When you actually ask him his views on Catholics playing for and supporting the club, he bottles it.

Naw a dont its jist you and yer cronies on here who dont get an answer...the billy boy brothers who know me know exactly whit a think and its the same as my brothers so dont waste yer breath like that other wan on here the noo

See ye :classier_than_pipeguy:

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Not enough people like or indeed people who have the courage of their convictions like Fish that tell it how it is ! To many hiding behind PC, which is dead in the water I may add, to stand up and be counted. They think the good fairy is gonna come along and make everything better. Fish is standing his ground like a true Ranger should and it would suit some of you to start emulating him and maybe then our enemies in the mhedia and elsewhere would start to think twice about shitting all over us. Act like real Rangers men and say what you really think and stop behavin like wannabe journos ! :sherlock:

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Not enough people like or indeed people who have the courage of their convictions like Fish that tell it how it is ! To many hiding behind PC, which is dead in the water I may add, to stand up and be counted. They think the good fairy is gonna come along and make everything better. Fish is standing his ground like a true Ranger should and it would suit some of you to start emulating him and maybe then our enemies in the mhedia and elsewhere would start to think twice about shitting all over us. Act like real Rangers men and say what you really think and stop behavin like wannabe journos ! :sherlock:

dont worry mate there is still plenty of us left.

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Like all members you have the choice to ignore the man or bite and make a fool of yourself.I choose the former but I think every board should have one if only because he makes the rest of us sound intelligent.

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Like all members you have the choice to ignore the man or bite and make a fool of yourself.I choose the former but I think every board should have one if only because he makes the rest of us sound intelligent.

Sensible post

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Like all members you have the choice to ignore the man or bite and make a fool of yourself.I choose the former but I think every board should have one if only because he makes the rest of us sound intelligent.

That's what a free country is all about my friend freedom of choice, and I respect yours. But please in some cases don't get intelligence mixed up with cowardice ! :sherlock:

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Not enough people like or indeed people who have the courage of their convictions like Fish that tell it how it is ! To many hiding behind PC, which is dead in the water I may add, to stand up and be counted. They think the good fairy is gonna come along and make everything better. Fish is standing his ground like a true Ranger should and it would suit some of you to start emulating him and maybe then our enemies in the mhedia and elsewhere would start to think twice about shitting all over us. Act like real Rangers men and say what you really think and stop behavin like wannabe journos ! :sherlock:

Say what I think? Why don't I just say what Fishy thinks:

On Beasley - we shouldn't sign him because, among other things, he is black and American.

On children adopted by gay couples - he would send his own children out to beat them up.

On Rangers fans who are Catholics - not welcome at the club because they are "unwashed".

Fish is a bigoted, homophobic, racist xenophobe and it is not "hiding behind PC", whatever that means, to think the man belongs in the Dark Ages. The day I emulate him is the day I slip on a red armband and a pair of jackboots.

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FISH is a legend, he just tells it how it is

Then you (and anyone who's posted something similar) support:

- the racial abuse of a new Rangers player

- the notion that catholics are not welcome at RFC

Many may actually agree with the second proposition, but anyone who remembers what happened to Mark Walters at the sty and still agrees that a man who says we shouldn't have signed Beasley because he is black is a "legend" needs to take a long hard look at him or herself.

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FISH is a legend, he just tells it how it is

Then you (and anyone who's posted something similar) support:

- the racial abuse of a new Rangers player

- the notion that catholics are not welcome at RFC

Many may actually agree with the second proposition, but anyone who remembers what happened to Mark Walters at the sty and still agrees that a man who says we shouldn't have signed Beasley because he is black is a "legend" needs to take a long hard look at him or herself.

are you avin a laugh mate

how can you POSSIBLY say that???

just because i like the fish doesnt mean i agree with everything he says

and please show me where he has said beasley isnt welcome because he is black

your well out of order saying i support racism

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FISH is a legend, he just tells it how it is

Then you (and anyone who's posted something similar) support:

- the racial abuse of a new Rangers player

- the notion that catholics are not welcome at RFC

Many may actually agree with the second proposition, but anyone who remembers what happened to Mark Walters at the sty and still agrees that a man who says we shouldn't have signed Beasley because he is black is a "legend" needs to take a long hard look at him or herself.

are you avin a laugh mate

how can you POSSIBLY say that???

just because i like the fish doesnt mean i agree with everything he says

and please show me where he has said beasley isnt welcome because he is black

your well out of order saying i support racism

You didn't say you liked him, you said he was a legend. I'd say that's some pretty strong support right there, and I think it's fair comment to say that if you call someone a legend you can expect people to imagine you're behind him on his opinions. You may find that "out of order", but I stand by my post.

He made his Beasley comment on this very board, by the way, I think it was about a week or so ago.

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when i say the THEFISH is a legend... i dont mean he is like Brian Laudrup or that, i just mean i agree with mostly what he says re: Murray etc. I would NEVER say i support racism at this club, if you saw what i said when Beasley signed i was over joyed with his signing.

You have no right to say i support racism at all without no proof what so ever. no right at ALL !

and yes..your WAY out of order saying that.

I say loads of folk on here are Legends, but doesnt mean i agree with everything they say.

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if you call someone a legend you can expect people to imagine you're behind him on his opinions.

Gazza's a legend but I don't always agree with what he says or does :rolleyes:

Can you find the Beasley comment please ?

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FISH is a legend, he just tells it how it is

Agreed :)

Come on people, ya gotta admit he's funny :pipegreen:

does that make her a racist? ^^^^

she agreed with my original post...

come on now dont be shy in dishing out allegations now

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A man of character with integrity. Never duplicitous and never spineless - an indefatigible legend in his own right and supported by many true supporters. In age of the horrors of politcial correctness and decadent liberalism it is sometimes both heart warming, refreshing and amusing (and .....galling !) to read his posts.

Well done FISH you are a top bloke and probably the most respected chap on here.

Keep up the good work...even though sometimes we disagree. If you ever need counsel, just refer. No surrender.

I would suggest that although his views are agreed with at times, he is also looked at as a laughing stock and to be honest, refreshing to have one of those sort out of fans out in the open so we know what we are up against.

Also can't whaetsoever agree at 'the most respected chap on here' as he once said 'you'll (you'll in reference to the modernists or anti tradition posters in a recent thread on protestanism that lasted for over 100+ pages) never be happy until all the players and fans are catholics' which, to my reckoning means that if this were ever the case then he would be dead against it and that is shocking in my opinion and disgraceful.

Rant over.

Out in the open? When you actually ask him his views on Catholics playing for and supporting the club, he bottles it.

Naw a dont its jist you...


It's just you don't have the balls. You make snide little remarks about Catholics but when asked a straight question you run away again.

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Ok gents - lets not get carried away with the personal stuff

i say THEFISH is a legend..all of a sudden i become a racist?

sorry mate, thats a pretty serious thing to say , especially when you have no proof. Surely you can understand that

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Ok gents - lets not get carried away with the personal stuff

i say THEFISH is a legend..all of a sudden i become a racist?

sorry mate, thats a pretty serious thing to say , especially when you have no proof. Surely you can understand that

I think what was implied is not that you are a racist, but that if you support Fish then you're gonna get tarred with the same brush.

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Ok gents - lets not get carried away with the personal stuff

i say THEFISH is a legend..all of a sudden i become a racist?

sorry mate, thats a pretty serious thing to say , especially when you have no proof. Surely you can understand that

I think what was implied is not that you are a racist, but that if you support Fish then you're gonna get tarred with the same brush.

which is basically saying i support racism too

, and like everyone one here, I dont agree with everything everyone says, and THEFISH is no different

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Im not having a go at anyone in particular - im merely pulling people back from the personal jibes as its these that get threads closed and moved.

This thread really has no bearing on Rangers and is purely here as a Forum issue - but when it descends into a slagging match it will get pulled - that is what im trying to avoid

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FISH is a legend, he just tells it how it is

Agreed :)

Come on people, ya gotta admit he's funny :pipegreen:

I don't find people with the kind of views the likes of Fish holds as remotely funny...particularly when he spouts those views in the name of Rangers FC.

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Ok gents - lets not get carried away with the personal stuff

I'm not trying to be personal - I still think it's reasonable to point out that if you support The Fish you support a man who thinks this:

QUOTE(excoriate @ Jun 10 2007, 05:47 PM)

It seems that PSV and the player really don't like each other, what happened to cause such a breakdown in the relationship?

PSV realised he is pesh, he is black American and canny accept that any foreigner should ever accuse him of being pesh

I have to hold my hands up, apologise and accept this is different to how I said it was originally. Such is my memory. However, it's pretty clear that Fishy thinks Beasley was unable to keep up a relationship with his club simply because fo the colour of his skin. That, in my book, and that of a few subsequent posters in the forum in question, makes him a racist. If you say the guy is a "legend", you can't then take the humph when someone points out that your words are in support of a racist!

And the Gazza analogy simply doesn't work - he is a legend as a footballer, but certainly not as a human being. Saying he is a legend is not supporting his general lifestyle or opinions or whatever, but particularly his abilities on the football field. Saying Fish is a legend on the other hand is saying that what Fish writes on this board leads you to conclude that he is a legend. As I pointed out, some of what he says is racist, bigoted, xenophobic and homophobic, so it shouldn't come as a surprise if people post what I posted!

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Ok gents - lets not get carried away with the personal stuff

I'm not trying to be personal - I still think it's reasonable to point out that if you support The Fish you support a man who thinks this:

QUOTE(excoriate @ Jun 10 2007, 05:47 PM)

It seems that PSV and the player really don't like each other, what happened to cause such a breakdown in the relationship?

PSV realised he is pesh, he is black American and canny accept that any foreigner should ever accuse him of being pesh

I have to hold my hands up, apologise and accept this is different to how I said it was originally. Such is my memory. However, it's pretty clear that Fishy thinks Beasley was unable to keep up a relationship with his club simply because fo the colour of his skin. That, in my book, and that of a few subsequent posters in the forum in question, makes him a racist. If you say the guy is a "legend", you can't then take the humph when someone points out that your words are in support of a racist!

And the Gazza analogy simply doesn't work - he is a legend as a footballer, but certainly not as a human being. Saying he is a legend is not supporting his general lifestyle or opinions or whatever, but particularly his abilities on the football field. Saying Fish is a legend on the other hand is saying that what Fish writes on this board leads you to conclude that he is a legend. As I pointed out, some of what he says is racist, bigoted, xenophobic and homophobic, so it shouldn't come as a surprise if people post what I posted!

im leaving this thread before i say something il regret

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OK, let me be clear - I'm not accusing Laudrup RFC or anyone else (except Fish) of being a racist. When I said:

Then you (and anyone who's posted something similar) support:

- the racial abuse of a new Rangers player

I was clearly going too far and what I should have said was:

Then you (and anyone who's posted something similar) support:

- A PERSON WHO HAS ENGAGED IN the racial abuse of a new Rangers player

I apologise to Laudrup RFC for giving him the impression (which in fairness wasn't a stretch given my unfortunate wording) that I was calling him a racist.

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