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Rangers fans seen as 'fair game" by an unpleasant and active minority', says Ibrox supporters group

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RANGERS fans claim they and their club are being seen as ‘fair game’ in Scotland following the crowd disorder that marred Saturday’s Scottish Cup final at Hampden.

Thousands of Hibernian supporters stormed onto the park at the final whistle as Alan Stubbs’ side lifted the silverware for the first time in 114 years, but the celebrations were tarnished as Gers players were allegedly assaulted and fights broke out between rival fans.
The incident came a year after Rangers supporters were confronted at Fir Park after another pitch invasion in the aftermath of the Light Blues’ play-off final defeat to Motherwell.


A dedicated police unit probing Saturday’s incident have made more than a dozen arrests. Two teenagers have already appeared in court.

A Club 1872 spokesman said: “A climate is being created within Scottish football, and Scotland as a whole, where Rangers supporters, staff and anyone connected with the club are seen as fair game by an unpleasant and active minority who attach themselves to several Scottish football clubs.

Read more: Rangers hit out at SFA, Hibernian, the Government and the media following Hampden riot

“The bile generated by these people, which has its root in social media but has moved into areas of the mainstream media and politics, is now translating into acts of violence.

“Not only were Rangers players assaulted on the field of play but Rangers supporters were attacked as far away as Edinburgh after the game.

“The bile, hatred and resulting violence shown towards Rangers needs to stop before someone is more seriously hurt.

Evening Times: 

“The Scottish Government, politicians, media, the football authorities and other Scottish clubs all have a responsibility in this regard. It is a responsibility in which they are collectively failing.”

The Scottish FA have set up an Independent Commission to probe the Hampden riots, while Police Scotland have launched their own investigation and have requested the assistance of fans in gathering information.

Rangers were highly critical of Hibernian, the SFA and the Government in a hard-hitting statement on Sunday evening and Club 1872 have now called for Easter Road chief Rod Petrie to lose his place at the Hampden top table.

The spokesman said: “We have liaised closely with Rangers to pass on the information we have received. In the first instance, we call on the Scottish FA to request the immediate resignation of Hibernian Chairman and SFA Vice President, Rod Petrie from the SFA board.


“His comments immediately following the game, and since, have been an absolute disgrace. How can Mr Petrie justify describing the violent acts of his supporters as “exuberance”?

“How can he justify the lack of any apology to Rangers for the attacks on our players? We welcome the announcement by the SFA of an independent enquiry but Mr Petrie’s comments are entirely at odds with their approach.

Read more: Derek Johnstone: Hibernian, the police and the SFA should be ashamed

“Had it not been for the match officials and Rangers own security staff, the assaults on our players could have been considerably worse and they have our heartfelt thanks for their actions.”

Yesterday a teenage student admitted his part in a pitch invasion.

Greg Binnie, 19, pleaded guilty yesterday to running at and making offensive gestures towards Rangers goalkeeper Wes Foderingham after climbing over fencing at Hampden Park on May 21.

Evening Times: 

Sports coaching student Binnie was in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court yesterday after appearing from custody. He was charged under the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act.

Meanwhile another teenager appeared on petition at the same court accused of assaulting Rangers players Lee Wallace and Jason Holt.

Dale Pryde, from Edinburgh, is accused of running towards and attempting to punch Wallace on the head at Hampden Park, and attempting to punch Holt.

Pryde is also accused of breaching the peace by running on to the pitch towards Rangers supporters and brandishing a chair.

He made no plea or declaration and was released on bail by Sheriff Linda Ruxton.

He is expected to appear again at a later date.


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"seen as fair game by an unpleasant and active minority"; not to mention our being seen as fair game by the unpleasant majority who simply couldn't care less and would rather not be hearing about Rangers being ill treated in any given scenario. 

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Reading this seems to describe people like Angela Haggerty exactly.  She started out working for Phil who is a Rangers hater, on his book of Rangers hate, for other Rangers haters like himself.  She later found her way in the Herald (SMSM) where her Rangers hating agenda got her sacked.  She's managed to worm her way back in and you'll notice that she keeps the hate mostly to herself these days because she doesn't want to get in to trouble again.  Some people like mad Phil have built a reputation from Rangers hate and do in fact profit from it via paypal, website advertising, or otherwise.  It's unacceptable that someone like Phil should be allowed to sit on social media all day and earn a living from his hate and lies.  It's not very socially responsible, is it?  It's not moral, it's not ethical, it's not objective, it's nothing like proper journalism yet he constantly claims that he is in fact a journalist.  The reality is, he writes a blog of hate and lies for profit.  In fact, someone on here said he wrote 150 blogs about Rangers last year despite our off field troubles being dulled down compared to recent years. Surely there's a case to be made to the NUJ to remove his membership.


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I am reall shit at explaining what I mean so hope you see what I mean. Theres an issue here for me with all this. Be sure that the polis will be under instruction to charge people under the OBAF act where ever they can as an excuse not to repeal the act, and specially us.

This Binnie cunt has probably got away with a lesser charge than he should of got. If vidoe evidence shows he intended to push Wes but failed because the other guy Pryde did, then its still assault, lesser mind but still assault. That wont fit the politics of the SNP with there flagship OBAF act to defend, so they will want as many as possible charged under this dictator law. The thing is that this shows the exact reason that shows how ridiculous it is to charge someone for singing.    

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1 hour ago, Cameltoe said:

I am reall shit at explaining what I mean so hope you see what I mean. Theres an issue here for me with all this. Be sure that the polis will be under instruction to charge people under the OBAF act where ever they can as an excuse not to repeal the act, and specially us.

This Binnie cunt has probably got away with a lesser charge than he should of got. If vidoe evidence shows he intended to push Wes but failed because the other guy Pryde did, then its still assault, lesser mind but still assault. That wont fit the politics of the SNP with there flagship OBAF act to defend, so they will want as many as possible charged under this dictator law. The thing is that this shows the exact reason that shows how ridiculous it is to charge someone for singing.    

It certainly looked as if Binnie attempted to assault Wes which is a crime.  Binnie also had his hands round Dean Shiels throat as you can see below so the bastard should be charged without doubt.  Binnie was on twitter the next day pleading his innocence and claiming he was the victim of a bad camera angle doh


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Not a bad statement, although I still think that they'll try to put the blame onto us Rangers fans.

For instance, if we weren't there none of the fighting would've happened.

If we didn't sing songs, that offend some poor wee souls ears, the rioting hibs fans would've stayed in their seats.

If the Rangers players had got off the pitch quicker (well they are supposed to be fit athletes) there would've no one for the hibs fans to abuse, assault, & spit on.

I also think we have to see it from their point of view, they don't know how to celebrate cup wins, do they?

I am, of course, being sarcastic here. I hope that they identify as many as possible, and issue banning orders, because these people simply do not know how to behave at a football match.

Those that are identified as attacking, abusing, & spitting on Rangers players, should lose their liberty for a good long while..

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The fact is that Police Scotland, The Press, The SG, The SFA  are nothing more than cliques or gangs who protect themselves and control.

 Voted in or subsidised with public money ensures this. Free society my arse, it is power driven with jobs and money. They are there to apportion blame as a means to protect themselves.  Their decisions come after much jostling and conniving as to the best way out for them.

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Good statement. Hopefully the supporters groups keep releasing statements daily to keep the pressure on. Glad to see that everyone of us to a man is saying "enough is enough"

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I said in another topic that giving 22000 tickets to a club with an average attendance 9000 was ridiculous. I hope that somewhere along the line the club brings this issue up. Hivs had a public sale of tickets, imagine if our supporters had bought them.

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15 minutes ago, ranter said:

I said in another topic that giving 22000 tickets to a club with an average attendance 9000 was ridiculous. I hope that somewhere along the line the club brings this issue up. Hivs had a public sale of tickets, imagine if our supporters had bought them.

Did not realise that. We fucking should have.

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