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Rangers and Scotland: How they turned our own nation against us

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2 hours ago, Andy2020 said:

And the SNP get pelters here, but look at who caused all the problems for our club in the first place:
The UK Tory government and Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.

The Labour party set the ball rolling with (Section 58) the Finance Act of 2008,

HMRC were on Rangers back before 2010.

Nationalist fallback position no 1, always blame the UK or the Tories.

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9 hours ago, KeyserSoze said:

You have more reps than posts mate so don't worry about pandering to the majority, you are fitting right in (your off kilter remark). It's a funny old place this at times but everyone is welcome and only some are denied and as long as you are respectful when debating with fellow bears then all will be good, some don't, some folk forget they are speaking to a Rangers supporter - you know I actually think they love politics more than Rangers and if they disagree with your views they end up acting like a taig... 

anyway I look forward to hearing your views on our actual football team, tactics, signings and the like - perhaps then we will have more common ground, you know, the stuff that we should be talking about in the Bears Den....

oh and here - have a pair of these, it's obligatory for the new guys until you actually are fully accepted by the community (I noticed you have been let off lightly)


cheers for the shifty eyes mate. they've got a hint of the torbett about them.

happy to share views on the footy when we start up again. But Rangers is much more than a football club to me and I think we're likely to clash on politics. Nevertheless, you will always find me courteous and objective in my debating!

Thanks for the advice and the welcome.

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On 6 June 2016 at 7:26 AM, Bluepeter9 said:

:lol: yep the governments highest policy is to destroy Rangers. Yep  We have some shite to put up with that has developed this paranoia in our ranks - but we really should desist! We used to laugh at them for their paranoia but not we have joined them! 

You must be a tarrier with a im with nicola poster on your window 

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On 6 June 2016 at 6:12 PM, Inigo said:

I sure can. If it comes to voting for what I think is the best for my family, and what I think is the best for my club, my family wins. And it's quite possible that what's best for each won't necessarily be the same thing. I can well understand how a Rangers fan can vote for the SNP. I just happen not to think the SNP is best for me or my family, and doesn't align to my general political view. There are many reasons to vote any particular way and you don't always like everything the party you vote for does or everything it stands for. 

Put it this way, if you were absolutely convinced that the SNP gave your family the best chance for the best life and it was ideologically closest to what you believe in, but that, for argument's sake, the Tories were the best chance for your football club to be successful and not to be oppressed, how would you vote? I'd vote SNP, with some amount of sorrow that it all didn't align and I couldn't get everything I wanted.

It's just not as simple as some people want to see it.

In other words if Celtic offered you more than Rangers you would be a traitor? 

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19 hours ago, Andy2020 said:

Reckon this is the best post on there. We have ourselves to blame in a lot of ways. And yes, we know the other lot are just as bad.
But there is a large vocal section of our support who come across as anti-Scottish sometimes and there is no point denying it.

And the SNP get pelters here, but look at who caused all the problems for our club in the first place:
The UK Tory government and Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.

All our support for queen and country made NO difference to them. Instead of coming to a reasonable long term agreement with the taxman, our club got hammered.
And don't believe for a second that HMRC is independent. The civil service and the instruments of government work for the government of the day.

We were made an example of - with the club paying a heavy price because of one man taking a gamble.

Absolute bollocks

Hmrc is Scotland is infested with tarriers .From top to bottom 

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2 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

Take a Saltire to a Rangers game then .Do your bit .See where it gets you 

To be fair no one would or should be abused at Ibrox for taking a saltire

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On 6/5/2016 at 9:33 PM, StaunchLondonGer said:

[Apologies for the length of this. If you can indulge me, I'm new to the forum, had a wee drink in the sun today and wanted to say this.]

During the whole independence debacle a couple of years ago, I was quite surprised by the number of Bears favouring a “yes” vote. Whilst it was by far the minority of our support, it appeared to be a more significant minority than I for one had anticipated. And, of course, Glasgow itself voted yes.

Personally, I was brought up by a working class Glaswegian mother (south side) to be proudly Scottish but always in the wider context of being British. Respect for our monarchy was de rigueur and the SNP were – on the rare occasions they were even noticed – dismissed as extremist loonies.

Without dissecting all the socio-political reasons for the huge rise in support for the SNP and the concept of full Scottish independence (which is a behemoth of a topic in itself), what I find interesting is how this rise has gone hand-in-hand with a growing movement (stealth-like, menacing) across large swathes of the Scottish media and local government infrastructure to marginalise and vilify Rangers FC and its fans. Whether it has been loosely co-ordinated by “like-minded” individuals or whether it has grown momentum organically under its own steam hardly matters. The fact is that it has happened, and is still happening.

Worryingly, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this movement has achieved noticeable success in influencing the public consciousness and therefore in determining how Rangers FC is viewed by the Scottish people (or rather, Scots who aren’t Bears or Bearettes).

But let’s rewind for a moment…

As we all know, Rangers FC was once regarded by all as a great institution, an embodiment of much of what was admirable about Scotland. For decades we were seen as a fantastic advertisement to Europe (and beyond) of Scotland’s passion, skill, commitment and sportsmanship. That was the era of greats like Waddell, Caldow, Millar, Wilson, Brand, Shearer, Baxter, Henderson….and into the 70’s with Greig, Jackson, Jardine, Stein et al). We consistently competed at the highest level in Europe and gave exhibitions around the world with tens of thousands of fans in tow at a time when many of today’s “massive” clubs were barely out of their nappies. We were at the heart of a great Establishment. [My mum told me about her dad taking her to Ibrox after the war for the annual Police Sports Day when she was a lassie – and some of the Polis sang Rule Britannia no less.]

[Obviously these days, with the Sky money in the EPL etc, we are at a massive financial disadvantage in comparison to other big clubs, and so our star is much more hard-pressed to shine on the European stage. But let’s forget about that for the moment as it really isn’t the salient point here.]

What I want to address is how, within only maybe three decades, the pendulum has swung so dramatically against us in terms of public perception.

The Establishment that Rangers embodied - the strong, proud values of honest hard work, decency, courage and discipline (as typified by the words of Bill Struth) - has been infiltrated and is no longer the same animal. The new Establishment doesn’t like Rangers much. In fact, it actively dislikes us.

It tries to depict us at every turn as thuggish, arrogant, disrespectful and filled with sectarian prejudice. And not only has it shaped opinion in Scotland; there are plenty of willingly gullible mouthpieces further afield to take up its twisted cause (Stan Collymore springs to mind as do the journalists of certain “left-of-centre” broadsheets and even the FIFA/UEFA officials so receptive to the mass bleatings of the “strangers to soap” every time TBB gets an airing in Europe).

Of course, we’ve come to expect no less. After all, “No one likes us, we don’t care” Right???   Well, whilst I’m happy to subscribe to that battle-cry on match days, I actually think that by adopting that attitude we are helping to marginalise ourselves and play into their hands. We have to be smart.

We are Rangers. RANGERS! The pride o’ the toon. Scotland’s finest. And WE should NOT be the ones feeling confused about our identity. We are not the ones waving another country’s flag and hankering after some vague nostalgic concept of the brave deeds of a terrorist organisation.

We have always KNOWN who we are.

Our forefathers BUILT the modern infrastructure of Scotland: on the docks of the Clyde and in the factories of the Industrial Revolution. They established the values of equality and freedom for all and PROTECTED those values by taking arms against Nazi tyranny. Let us not forget that whilst many a brave Scottish soldier fell in battle against The Third Reich, there were many Scottish residents singing support for the Nazis at a certain football ground in the East End. And the honourable Prime Minister of the country whose flags they so vigorously like to wave was one of the first to sign the book of condolence upon Hitler’s death (at a time when the atrocities of the Holocaust were all over the papers).    

And yet history is being rewritten.

We are the ones who are being vilified as “Scotland’s Shame” or whatever other vile tag they choose to favour. We are under attack from the incessant machinations of the “like-minded” men of this sinister, bitter movement that we all know exists. The movement that walks hand-in-hand with the SNP.

Four years ago the new Establishment did everything in its power to see us exterminated. The SFA, the SNP, most of the media and many with influence beyond….all have shown that they either actively WANT or are happy to turn a blind eye to the destruction of Rangers.

The fact it didn’t happen is down to one thing and one thing only: the Rangers fanbase. We, the people, stood up to be counted and filled Ibrox when the Piggery was half empty. Other than Arsenal and Man Utd (whose grounds are, take it from me, a third full of fair-weather or corporate 'soccer' types) no one in the UK could surpass our attendance.

It’s easy to take the chant “We Are The People” for granted due to its familiarity. But we must never forget: We ARE the people. We are the people who built Scotland. We built a successful democracy, free national healthcare for all. We gladly – through basic decency and Christian values – provided a new home and new hope to many a desperate immigrant (as we still do today).

We are under attack from an enemy who has considerable influence and occupies a position of power where it’s easy to claim the moral high-ground. There is no one to protect us, so we must protect ourselves. We must pull rank and unite behind our core traditional values as Rangers FC. We must REFUSE to allow them to recast us as a prejudiced and thuggish minority. We are not the ones demanding a faith-orientated educational structure that by its very existence creates division.

Our board under Dave King has shown its backbone following the unforgiveable scenes at Hampden the other week. Hopefully it is a sign that the era of Rangers FC apologising for its very existence is dead and buried. We are passionate people. Passionate about football and passionate about our values. We are also good people. We welcome EVERYONE. We need to remind the rest of Scotland what made us great. We need to play to our considerable strengths, stand firm against our detractors and reclaim our rightful position as a great Scottish institution.

I am not political in any way. Yet in my view (and naturally I respect everyone’s right to a different opinion) I honestly cannot see how any true Rangers fan can support the SNP, given that it is an organisation that has now proven itself beyond any doubt to be fundamentally infused with an unspoken yet powerful anti-Rangers doctrine to which the majority of its members and supporters gladly subscribe.

[Incidentally, I reside in the South East corner of England where I am happy to report that, banter aside, there is much warmth and well-wishing towards our club from many quarters.]

Not from HMRC unfortunately.


Septic are the club of myths and the great unwashed use them to curry favour with PC prods ... for example "we started as a charity to help the poor" where as in reality they had so much brewery money backing them that they put hibs out of business because they bought their whole team. Another great myth is "we have always had proddies" when in fact they had very few in the 20 years before stein when they won sod all and bringing in the great unbeliever was very much the last throw of the dice for them (not to mention of course stabbing him in the back when he was of no more use to them)

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1 hour ago, Willis said:







Great photos and one in the eye for those who want people to comedown on one side or the other. Both sides are guilty of that; the tribalists and some unionists.

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56 minutes ago, dougie76 said:

I'm proud to be both Sottish and British and no terrorist loving republican cunts will ever stop that?

I respect you got your views mate but I'm not proud of this rancid Country .Hope you don't mind my views 

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