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Funny things heard on FIFA online.


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Just wondered what kind of things people had come across whilst playing online IE Arguments, rage, people nearly in tears and rowing with their wives etc etc?

One I remember was getting c**tic as the team to play against whilst I was Rangers. The Tim comes on the microphone mouthing all sorts of about how he is gonna win 10-0 etc and his mates are joining in. He's 3-0 down at half time and sounds like he is going to cry and his mates have turned on him giving him all sorts of shit. At 5-0 Timmy shouts a parting shot and quits the game whilst his mate's shout, "You can't quit, ya c**t".:lol:


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Probably when I was doing a drop in game with my pro and there was an American guy and Scottish guy talking to each other in the lobby and the Scottish guy was going on about being an Aberdeen fan to which the yank replied "Don't you guys fuck sheep?"

Still fucking howl thinking about 

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I was playing a tarrier last week, I was using my Rangers team he had a class BPL team. 2-0 up, then 2-2 then 3-3. All throughout the game he was like "all you do is pass ya H** cunt, look at ye yer desperate to score orange bastard", 89th minute, Morelos turns Kompany and Koscielny and rifles it home. The cunt went absolutely stone silent, I tried to message him after the game to get it right round him, blocked me before I had the chance 

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