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Bad Songs -- Can we all agree on the following


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As usual, when this subject rears it head we get varying voices, with varying solutions and wanting varying modes of operations for future events. Part of this divergence is that some react to the actuality whilst others focus on the motivation behind such charges and on and on we go. So before we sit down, collectively as a fanbase, and come up with solutions, personally I think there are several, can we at least agree on the following:



The origination of this whole process started at the east end of Glasgow, their supporters both within the media, UEFA and racism pressure groups.

UEFA wanted nothing to do with it, threw it out only for our own country via ROi placeman to seek an appeal which eventually led to our first punishment.

The main tool used by the east end is the vehicle FARE. Fare is run by a rabid celtic fan. He is married to a BBC stooge who openly lied that Bearsden Academy was a hot bed for National Front supporters to gather at the gates and hurl invective at people of a swarthy disposition and then went on to tie RFC in with those people and her support, of the filth, because of that.


Does anyone not agree with the origins, as described?



Level Play Field

Every major club, who play in European competitions sing songs that will fall foul of these 'rules' should someone have a reason to pursue them.


Does anyone not agree with this?



Fenians et al

The last time we were 'found guilty' and sanctioned was for 'fought the IRA'


Does anyone not agree with this?



It's important that we get agreement as to the basic motivation and wide-ranging appetite to screw s before we go on to the next two subjects:

How do we proceed, in a compliant manner.

How do we ensure every club in British football has to adhere to the same standards as ourselves and how do we ensure they also receive the same punishment.



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As long as we have this weak as fuck, bend over and take it board we will never win this fight, they will be telling us we can’t wear the black/red socks next as some cunt thinks it means up to our knees.

These cunts aren’t willing to fight our corner, we need strong leadership at the top.

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There comes a time when you have to stand and fight there is more to this than just a couple of songs its been ongoing for years we all seen how the went after us over the EBT's, the lies the hysteria surrounding us caused us to be demoted into the bottom tier we lost a team of international class players worth millions, we lost European football worth millions, we lost all prize money won worth millions, it gave the clatties a free rein which has seen them chalk up numerous trophies while we were trying to claw our way back up.  They have had the running of the place for years, anyone who thinks this is going to stop if we chuck a some songs are deluded today through UEFA its some songs tomorrow it will be something else we as a club and support need to realise they ain't gonna stop anytime soon.............if we don't stand and fight we won't be around much longer at this moment in time we have a weak board they won't always be there, the Rangers board are playing a very dangerous game with the Rangers support they either stand and fight for us or lose us. We all need to start pulling in the same direction and take on our haters head the in-fighting needs to stop this only fuels their hatred and spurs them on if we don't stand as one and take them on then we would be as well calling it a day.............its down to us where we go from here. 


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37 minutes ago, bear822 said:

As long as we have this weak as fuck, bend over and take it board we will never win this fight, they will be telling us we can’t wear the black/red socks next as some cunt thinks it means up to our knees.

These cunts aren’t willing to fight our corner, we need strong leadership at the top.

Here we go again...........your never going to win "the fight". It's UEFA's party. They decide the rules and on who comes to the party. If you don't play by the rules' you'll be forced out and told to find another party that finds your behaviour acceptable. But there isn't one. A fucking grown man, working himself into a lather, just because he wants to shout a few contentious words at a football match but is being told he can't. Honestly.........

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59 minutes ago, thehost said:

As usual, when this subject rears it head we get varying voices, with varying solutions and wanting varying modes of operations for future events. Part of this divergence is that some react to the actuality whilst others focus on the motivation behind such charges and on and on we go. So before we sit down, collectively as a fanbase, and come up with solutions, personally I think there are several, can we at least agree on the following:



The origination of this whole process started at the east end of Glasgow, their supporters both within the media, UEFA and racism pressure groups.

UEFA wanted nothing to do with it, threw it out only for our own country via ROi placeman to seek an appeal which eventually led to our first punishment.

The main tool used by the east end is the vehicle FARE. Fare is run by a rabid celtic fan. He is married to a BBC stooge who openly lied that Bearsden Academy was a hot bed for National Front supporters to gather at the gates and hurl invective at people of a swarthy disposition and then went on to tie RFC in with those people and her support, of the filth, because of that.


Does anyone not agree with the origins, as described?



Level Play Field

Every major club, who play in European competitions sing songs that will fall foul of these 'rules' should someone have a reason to pursue them.


Does anyone not agree with this?



Fenians et al

The last time we were 'found guilty' and sanctioned was for 'fought the IRA'


Does anyone not agree with this?



It's important that we get agreement as to the basic motivation and wide-ranging appetite to screw s before we go on to the next two subjects:

How do we proceed, in a compliant manner.

How do we ensure every club in British football has to adhere to the same standards as ourselves and how do we ensure they also receive the same punishment.



Host do you have the actual charge for the BMG sanction?


I was in Eindhoven that night and TBB was sang.

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1 hour ago, Rfc52 said:

Host do you have the actual charge for the BMG sanction?


I was in Eindhoven that night and TBB was sang.

I don't have it mate..... I am a reader and move on im not one of these folk who keep info


Im posting from memory …… other folk will have the details, what I am actually trying to do is separate the here and now …. what songs can we sing type posts..... from the underlying cause.  In the vain hope we can get enough people to separate the issues and deal with them as two distinct areas. The reason I am trying to do this is until we recognise that we are being pursued by bodies against our very existence then we will never be in a position to adopt a proper defence, and attack, position at a corporate level. This tirade of lets not sing this, say that etc will never be finished.


BMG was referenced the last time we were done, prior to admin.

England was sanction for fuck the IRA.

There are guys on VB etc with the full documentation, some of which @Virtuoso posted yesterday.


In my opinion, the only way we can move forward is to recognise what we are up against and to then craft a policy to ensure parity of esteem, across UK football. We will never do that with the board and fans all trying to self-police and jump through whatever hoops (no pun intended) rabid anti-Brit fanatics reference. We ain't going to change the boards methodology unless we can actually get the fan base to agree some basics and those basics has to me more than agreeing to stop singing things every time someone complains.

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