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BJK - does it matter?


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I am against this campaign of chanting. I think (know) that Celtic will twist it to make us the bad guys.

Already the media are in a feeding frenzy telling everyone that singing sectarian songs is a bigger crime

than child abuse.

On another thread tonight someone quoted Lawell as threatening that Celtic would take action if the chants continued. ACTION AGAINST WHO? He can,t sue Rangers FC. No one at Rangers has made any official comment

in any way about Stein. Is he threatening to take action against 20,000 Rangers supporters who are chanting?

Is he really prepared to give this matter the huge international profile it will get to try and nail a few Rangers

supporters? Isn,t that just doing what we would like him to do?

Galloway said on his media programme,in reply to a Celtic supporter, that BJK DID KNOW. Will Lawell take action

against Galloway?Ther,s a fight I would give my eye teeth to see.

In a previous post I listed a series of unsavoury incidents and compared Celtics response to Rangers actions.

If Lawell ever did take action against someone,then we can match him blow for blow. Bigotry for bigotry.

No one will will in that case but Celtic would never ever be able to claim the moral high ground again.We can hurt him as much and more as he can hurt us.

It would be interesting to know how this threat from Lawell came to be discussed on an internet forum when it was supposedly made at the Celtic board meeting.A shot across somebodies bows,perchance?

In which case,is the campaign getting to them??

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On another thread tonight someone quoted Lawell as threatening that Celtic would take action if the chants continued. ACTION AGAINST WHO? He can,t sue Rangers FC. No one at Rangers has made any official comment

in any way about Stein. Is he threatening to take action against 20,000 Rangers supporters who are chanting?

Could be claimed that the club should be stopping the fans singing these songs. Might be the club that gets sued.

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On another thread tonight someone quoted Lawell as threatening that Celtic would take action if the chants continued. ACTION AGAINST WHO? He can,t sue Rangers FC. No one at Rangers has made any official comment

in any way about Stein. Is he threatening to take action against 20,000 Rangers supporters who are chanting?

Could be claimed that the club should be stopping the fans singing these songs. Might be the club that gets sued.

This is really moving into the realms of fantasy.

For what on earth could who sue RFC?

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On another thread tonight someone quoted Lawell as threatening that Celtic would take action if the chants continued. ACTION AGAINST WHO? He can,t sue Rangers FC. No one at Rangers has made any official comment

in any way about Stein. Is he threatening to take action against 20,000 Rangers supporters who are chanting?

Could be claimed that the club should be stopping the fans singing these songs. Might be the club that gets sued.

To sue (anyone, not the club)) they'd have to prove that the allegation wasn't true, that should be fun.

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Lawwell seems to have made a comment about what Rangers are doing about the chant. He indicated that he had been talking to Rangers about it and Rangers were dealing with it in a low-key way (which squares with reports of action being taken against fans over it). The indication was that everyone was content for it to be handled in that way at the moment but it was possible that Rangers would take stronger action about it in the future (Lawwell would approach Rangers again if necessary).

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On another thread tonight someone quoted Lawell as threatening that Celtic would take action if the chants continued. ACTION AGAINST WHO? He can,t sue Rangers FC. No one at Rangers has made any official comment

in any way about Stein. Is he threatening to take action against 20,000 Rangers supporters who are chanting?

Could be claimed that the club should be stopping the fans singing these songs. Might be the club that gets sued.

This is really moving into the realms of fantasy.

For what on earth could who sue RFC?

Apparently the Ken Burt told me that when a mass was being conducted one day someone spayed it all over the doors and i thought thats truly sickening to think that someone would do that. Everywhere i go i see BJK sparyed and sometimes giggle and shouldn't really but when i think what it means its terrible.

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To the people arguing that this brings to light an issue that embarrasses Celtic - I don't really see it that way at all. I see it as something which embarrasses us. There's no doubt that to the neutral onlooker, it embarrasses us far more than Celtic, since even if the allegation is 100% true, it's our fans who are out there gleefully basking in the issue right now in 2008.

The issue of whether BJK is impossible for us to know now, and think about it for a minute - to the neutral who hears this chant, or sees the t-shirts, what is he going to think?

Is he going to think - 'here's a group of people who have each individually looked at the evidence and come to a conclusion based on the facts'? I doubt it; if someone was stringent enough in their research to investigate the facts and come to a conclusion, I doubt they'd then be foolish enough to turn up at a football ground and engage in ridiculous taunting.

And here's something I think we can all agree on - 99% of people who chant along don't know the first thing about the situation, or at least don't know the first thing about it from independent research. In other words, most people who chant BJK learned everything they know about it from the other punters making the same noise.

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It really makes me feel slightly nauseous when I hear the chant start up.

What the hell does it have to do with a cup final against Utd?

It really annoys me.

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BJK will only get us into trouble. We should leave it alone. JS is dead and cannot defend himself. This is NOT good.

Well said. Personally I couldn't give a toss about JS's reputation but gleefully point scoring over our rivals using something like child abuse can only damage Rangers F.C. That kind of behaviour should be to others.

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BJK will only get us into trouble. We should leave it alone. JS is dead and cannot defend himself. This is NOT good.

Well said. Personally I couldn't give a toss about JS's reputation but gleefully point scoring over our rivals using something like child abuse can only damage Rangers F.C. That kind of behaviour should be to others.


It's not about child abuse it is about the cover up.

There is a song about the abuse though, personally I wouldn't sing that....

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BJK will only get us into trouble. We should leave it alone. JS is dead and cannot defend himself. This is NOT good.

Well said. Personally I couldn't give a toss about JS's reputation but gleefully point scoring over our rivals using something like child abuse can only damage Rangers F.C. That kind of behaviour should be to others.


It's not about child abuse it is about the cover up.

There is a song about the abuse though, personally I wouldn't sing that....

For once, I agree with Maticore. We might be better off to leave Jock Stein out of it, since he's dead and not getting that unique posthumous knighthood that they wanted. A change to Celtic knew might be more cutting to them and less harmful to us.

Personally, I can't believe that we're missing out on the opportunity to get them for having a war criminal as chairman.

When it comes to Iraqi WMD...


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BJK will only get us into trouble. We should leave it alone. JS is dead and cannot defend himself. This is NOT good.

Well said. Personally I couldn't give a toss about JS's reputation but gleefully point scoring over our rivals using something like child abuse can only damage Rangers F.C. That kind of behaviour should be to others.


It's not about child abuse it is about the cover up.

How many people who hear it are going to look at it that way?

Thankfully it seems to be dying away to a fair extent. It's not some kind of moral crusade (what's it supposed to achieve?). It's a nasty taunt on an incredibly sensitive subject.

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Hate it or Love it

BJK is fast becoming the new Rangers Anthem.

On the contrary, it's been around quite a while and I would suggest it's fading away (thank goodness) though I expect we'll hear it on Saturday. And, call me old-fashioned if you like, but the Rangers anthem should be about Rangers and certainly not about an ancient child abuse scandal across the city.

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How many people who hear it are going to look at it that way? Like you, I have no way of knowing.

It's not some kind of moral crusade (what's it supposed to achieve?). Has somebody claimed that it is?

It's a nasty taunt on an incredibly sensitive subject. Yes covering up child abuse is not only immoral but it is criminal. No wonder they want it ignored (as it seems do you).

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How many people who hear it are going to look at it that way? Like you, I have no way of knowing.

Do you have an opinion?

It's not some kind of moral crusade (what's it supposed to achieve?). Has somebody claimed that it is?

Yes. I've quite often seen people trying to claim that sort of thing. Plainly you don't share their view or you would have said so.

It's a nasty taunt on an incredibly sensitive subject. Yes covering up child abuse is not only immoral but it is criminal. No wonder they want it ignored (as it seems do you).

A distortion of what I've been saying which is that it's not fit material for a taunt at a football match. If anyone really wants to do something about it, they should try more legitimate avenues. What are the chanters trying to achieve? Torbett was jailed, Stein is dead....

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How many people who hear it are going to look at it that way? Like you, I have no way of knowing.

Do you have an opinion?

It's not some kind of moral crusade (what's it supposed to achieve?). Has somebody claimed that it is?

Yes. I've quite often seen people trying to claim that sort of thing. Plainly you don't share their view or you would have said so.

It's a nasty taunt on an incredibly sensitive subject. Yes covering up child abuse is not only immoral but it is criminal. No wonder they want it ignored (as it seems do you).

A distortion of what I've been saying which is that it's not fit material for a taunt at a football match. If anyone really wants to do something about it, they should try more legitimate avenues. What are the chanters trying to achieve? Torbett was jailed, Stein is dead....

Who appointed you our moral guardian?

Where do I find these rules about what is or is not 'fit material' for a football match?

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How many people who hear it are going to look at it that way? Like you, I have no way of knowing.

Do you have an opinion?

It's not some kind of moral crusade (what's it supposed to achieve?). Has somebody claimed that it is?

Yes. I've quite often seen people trying to claim that sort of thing. Plainly you don't share their view or you would have said so.

It's a nasty taunt on an incredibly sensitive subject. Yes covering up child abuse is not only immoral but it is criminal. No wonder they want it ignored (as it seems do you).

A distortion of what I've been saying which is that it's not fit material for a taunt at a football match. If anyone really wants to do something about it, they should try more legitimate avenues. What are the chanters trying to achieve? Torbett was jailed, Stein is dead....

Who appointed you our moral guardian?

Where do I find these rules about what is or is not 'fit material' for a football match?

It's all about opinions mate.

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