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6 January 2007


ALL CHANGE AT IBROX... Mate reveals Le Guen couldn't get his head round players drinking

By Craig Swan

PAUL LE GUEN quit Rangers because of the bevvy culture at Ibrox, according to his old Lyon boss Bernard Lacombe.

The French coach left Ibrox on Thursday in sensational fashion after just eight months in the job after a showdown meeting with chairman David Murray.

It is understood Murray opted to replace his manager because he was given the impression Le Guen was not fully committed to the cause.

However, it has been suggested the Frenchman could not get his head around the drinking culture he believes still exists in the Scottish game.

And Lyon general manager Lacombe has added fuel to the speculation after revealing his thoughts on why Le Guen could not handle the lifestyle at Rangers.

Lacombe said: "Knowing Paul, it was difficult for him to accept some things. For example, when some players arrived for training in the morning in states not considered correct with the job of a footballer. I think when you cross the line, some excesses are not acceptable, especially when you know the problems some players had in the past with alcohol."

Lacombe's outburst will shock Murray and the Ranger s supporters as Le Guen gets set for a new life at former club Paris St Germain.

Chairman Alain Cayzac is under huge pressure to replace current boss Guy Lacombe and the fans in Paris want their former skipper Le Guen to take charge.

Bernard Lacombe insists Rangers' loss will be French football's gain and said: "It would be good if Paul came back to the French league. At least we'd have a great French coach in the league.

"He won't be long without a job and I think he'll find something before the end of the season."

Guy Lacombe reckons the former Rangers boss is a leading candidate to take his job at the French giants.

Lacombe's position looks increasingly precarious following Le Guen's resignation.

Despite his flawed Rangers reign, Le Guen's name has been on the top of a PSG shortlist since early November after a string of bad results saw them plummet down the division.

Now, without a win in seven games, they are in 16th place, just two points off the relegation zone and set to call time on Lacombe's 13-month reign.

He said: "You never know what is going to happen in this job. Who is sure? Look at Paul Le Guen. The other day we thought his club had made the choice. Now, apparently it's the opposite of that choice.

"You know he could still, potentially, become the manager of PSG and I know there is a mutual respect between the two of us." Ironically, Lacombe is only in his post because Le Guen rebuffed his old club's approaches in December 2005.

Six months into his year-long sabbatical from football Le Guen was offered the job at the club he led to European Cup-Winners' Cup success as a player.

But at the time his stock was at an all-time high, having just left Lyon on the back of three straight title wins, and he wanted to land a prime job out with France.

And despite that snub and his desperately poor eight-month reign at Rangers, Le Guen's reputation is still intact in his homeland.

The chance to take over at PSG could now appeal to Le Guen who would see this as a quick return to top-level management in a country that believes in his talents.

PSG are still regarded as one of the three biggest clubs in France with the potential to challenge Lyon's domestic stranglehold with the right coach and funding. And while Le Guen is acutely aware the Paris side are renowned for their constant managerial changes it would still hold strong appeal to him.

But while he waits in the wings, Lacombe is adamant he is the right man to take PSG forward - having received the dreaded vote of confidence from club president Alain Cayzac last week.

Grilled by the Parisien media as he unveiled his new signing Marcello Gallardo, Lacombe added: "Ask this one question.

Why hasn't Paul become the manager of PSG before now?

"How much confidence are you going to give to Alain Cayzac in all of this? He sees a manager who is working very hard to get to the bottom of all the problems.

"He can well see I'm doing everything I can with what I've got to work with here.

"My big hope is in the future all of my work will begin to count for something. I've always said with hard work and talent we'll succeed.

But if the bad luck continues...

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First of all, I'd say that PLG is coming across as a desperate man who was looking for a scapegoat (Barry) to try and hide his own failings.

However, facts and rumours:

FACT: Chris Burke has been a smoker in the past, may well still be. During the 'virus' season I saw him out on many occassions drinking and smoking in clubs (despite what the papers were telling us about how delicate his situation was)

FACT: Zurab and Michael Ball were also smokers

FACT: Mo Ross, as an example of a young player at the club, was a complete drunken disgrace on pretty much every night out I ever saw him.

RUMOUR: Kris Boyd doesn't have the best off field lifestyle, and I've heard that he still has mates, in the Ayrshire area, that he meets up with regularly for excessive drinking sessions

I think some players could certainly improve their lifestyle off the field, they are professionals and should be doing everything they can to keep themselves in the best possible condition.

However, I also do believe that the 'team who drinks together, wins together' is vaild to a point. It can't be allowed to be taken too far, but if foreign players are struggling to integrate into the squad with the scots boys, there can be no doubt that social bonding can play a big part in having a happy dressing room.

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RUMOUR: Kris Boyd doesn't have the best off field lifestyle, and I've heard that he still has mates, in the Ayrshire area, that he meets up with regularly for excessive drinking sessions

Sorry but it might see a little short sited, but as long as he?s performing on the park for us it?s his life and his career

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If that article is true then a new manager wont help.

A team that drinks together wins together is complete nonesence, these are professional athletes, drinking should not be on the agenda.

They can enjoy themselfs without geting paraletic.

Look at the top players,

Ronaldo, Drogba, Kaka,Lampard, Gerrard- how many benders a week do you think these guys go on- I guess its less than 1- maybe that is why they are top players.

Dont get me wrong they dont need to be saints but a drinking culture wont help Rangers

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Guest orangpendek

it does read a bit like casual continental disdain for the uncultured northerners.

i had hoped le guen would lead a wenger style revolution as regards athletes behaving as athletes, but it didn't work. either he wasn't strong enough or the players are borderline alcoholics. i go for (a), and i'm desperately disappointed that our young professionals even now can't get their heads around the simple fact that their bodies will not tolerate alcohol and allow them to be the best player they could be. how many more examples do they need?

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I've seen Kris Boyd many times out and about in pubs/clubs.

So have I, we were downing Zambooka together and drinking cocktails, great night (tu) <RMTIME> partay

Anyway, back to the discussion, players that drink to excess are a bloody disgrace in my opinion................... ;)

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One of the worlds best athletes in the football world is Roberto Carlos,agreed (tu)

Drinks like a fish and it has never affected his performances!

Gerrard used to live in Southport and the players from Liverpool would often socialise there,Owen,Carragher etc and you'd be lucky to see any of them sober at weekends!

I could go on but you get my point (tu)

I just wish people would stop blaming it on the Scottish culture <nooo> Load of bollocks!

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Cant this fall under the same umbrella as "Scottish culture"?

The 9IAR team used to go getting bevied together quite a lot

but drinking together and winning together is/was only effective in scotland because other teams wer5e dpoing the same. If all the teams have the same culture then the better players win

come up against european opposition and the result was something different

so, if we want to big fish in a small pool the drinking thing is no problem, however, if we want to lift this club forward, as PLG did, it has to change

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Cant this fall under the same umbrella as "Scottish culture"?

The 9IAR team used to go getting bevied together quite a lot

but drinking together and winning together is/was only effective in scotland because other teams wer5e dpoing the same. If all the teams have the same culture then the better players win

come up against european opposition and the result was something different

so, if we want to big fish in a small pool the drinking thing is no problem, however, if we want to lift this club forward, as PLG did, it has to change

We failed during 9iar in Europe & we have been beaten by such dignified teams as Ziskov.We always seem a lot slower & not as agile, is that because the players are hammered regularly.I dont care what anyone says its not good for an athlete, its ok every now & then, but not all the time.And anyone who says its their lives-Im sorry they are highly paid people who are held in great esteem by Gers fans all over the world & who constantly let us down on the big stage.It wouldnt be tolerated anywhere else & shouldnt be here.Germany has a culture similiar to ours, but I bet Bayern & Dortmund players arent out getting blitzed & turning up for training with eyes hanging out their heads nursing hangovers.The people in question are a disgrace to the club & SDM needs to clamp down on it with regular drink & drug tests as there have been well founded rumours of not just Gers players but others too out their tits on Coke & downers.1 weeks wages for failing an alchohol test, 2 for another one & booted out for gross misconduct for a third, along with any drugs in theyre systems.

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The amount these Rangers players are getting paid they shouldn't be touching beer in the slightest.

Even the lower paid players make more than doctors do. Some of the younger players arrive in brand new BMW's. They shouldn't be drinking at all, buncha bampots.

No wonder PLG left.

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The amount these Rangers players are getting paid they shouldn't be touching beer in the slightest.

Even the lower paid players make more than doctors do. Some of the younger players arrive in brand new BMW's. They shouldn't be drinking at all, buncha bampots.

No wonder PLG left.

SDM has to do something about it & he should start by reading my last post.That would get the drunkards & Junkies into line.F*ckin scandalous.Gazza when he was here by his own admission got into Hash,Grass,Coke & jellies & Valium along with drink-No wonder he,s a shambling wreck now.

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The amount these Rangers players are getting paid they shouldn't be touching beer in the slightest.

Even the lower paid players make more than doctors do. Some of the younger players arrive in brand new BMW's. They shouldn't be drinking at all, buncha bampots.

No wonder PLG left.

SDM has to do something about it & he should start by reading my last post.That would get the drunkards & Junkies into line.F*ckin scandalous.Gazza when he was here by his own admission got into Hash,Grass,Coke & jellies & Valium along with drink-No wonder he,s a shambling wreck now.

(willy) pipehorse partay Lucky Bastard! partay partay partay <yupf> (beer) (doob) (doob) <yupf> (beer) (doob) pipehorse <sesm> Oh aye and.......... <rockon> (doob) and partay (beer)

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Tell these Frenchies that on Sept 6, 2006 it was


So you think its ok I take it.We were outplayed & fought great, but one swallow does'nt make a summer.


I seriously doubt we could have even competed on that level if our players were bevvied recently.

Of course we were outplayed. But WE won. And we fought harder than them.

But they are supposed to be the 'true athletes' right? You are underselling us. And putting everyone under the same umbrella. Not the case.

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PLG was practically sacked. Any stories coming out now are to try and save a reputation that he harmed

If he doesnt want his players drinking, Id rather we had a manager who would have the discipline to stop it

As for smoking, lots of the top players do it

PLG is not showing himself to be very dignified which is a shame

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PLG was practically sacked. Any stories coming out now are to try and save a reputation that he harmed

If he doesnt want his players drinking, Id rather we had a manager who would have the discipline to stop it

As for smoking, lots of the top players do it

PLG is not showing himself to be very dignified which is a shame

He confided in a pal, who blew the story-He will be under a gagging order from SDM so wouldnt think it was meant to come out.

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PLG was practically sacked. Any stories coming out now are to try and save a reputation that he harmed

If he doesnt want his players drinking, Id rather we had a manager who would have the discipline to stop it

As for smoking, lots of the top players do it

PLG is not showing himself to be very dignified which is a shame

He confided in a pal, who blew the story-He will be under a gagging order from SDM so wouldnt think it was meant to come out.

<sesm> Depends how sneaky he is

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If it's the case that players at the club are drinking too much and turning up for training with a hangover, somebody needs to point out to them that the career as a footballer is a very short one with massive financial rewards. Once they've finished they can drink themselves to death if they like.

Their short careers will be even shorter if they don't look after their health. It's not the same as walking into the office on a Monday with a bit of a sore head.

They've also got to realise the players famous for enjoying a drink in the past like Best, Gascoigne etc, had 100x their talent. That's why they could get away with it, to a point. How old was Best when he retired?

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If it's the case that players at the club are drinking too much and turning up for training with a hangover, somebody needs to point out to them that the career as a footballer is a very short one with massive financial rewards. Once they've finished they can drink themselves to death if they like.

Their short careers will be even shorter if they don't look after their health. It's not the same as walking into the office on a Monday with a bit of a sore head.

They've also got to realise the players famous for enjoying a drink in the past like Best, Gascoigne etc, had 100x their talent. That's why they could get away with it, to a point. How old was Best when he retired?

Both Gazza & Bestie were well past their best before 30.

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Thread cleaned up. If you chaps wish to discuss war or anything else completely non-related to Rangers, use the debate chamber (tu)

Fair point. Sorry Danny.

(tu) No borra bud (beer1)

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