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If Rangers had the choice between Fergie or Wenger who would you want?


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If we had the choice between Fergie or Wenger who would you want?

I have been thinking about this post for about 4 days now because i could not answer it myself but have decided it would be Arsene Wenger.


Because the football he has his teams playing is some of the best i have ever seen (i am only a kid at 33) Plus he has an eye for talent like no other gaffer on earth i feel. How many players has he bought and you have thought...."who is he?" yet the player turns out to be a amazing footballer. And he has not bought many that have flopped. Fergie has. Veron springs to mind instantly. Plus AW has never realy had the money that Fergie has had so he has use his eye for tallent, naturaly his scouting team earn there money aswell. Arsenal have dipped a wee bit these last few games but this time of year this happens.

Onto Fergie.

I am not taking anything away from the guy, i can't. But he should have done better in Europe than he has done and i personaly think he totaly fucked up with VERON. At the time he was one of the best, if not the best footballer in the world and when Man U signed him i was realy excited about watching him, but he/Fergie let us down.

With a player like Veron you give him a free role, he does'nt need a position because a talent like that reads a game aswell as he plays it (just like Dennis Berkamp) but Fergie had him in a midfield holding role a lot of the time and the guy never looked comfortable with that role in my eyes.

But Fergie is brilliant at bringing through young players and has built three or four teams in his time.

Even now i am changing my mind but will stick with AW.

Over to you gents

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Difficult one...

I'd have to say Wenger. Fergie would bring instant succes, but if you got a guy like Wenger you just know he's gonna build something fantastic. What I wouldn't give to see the style of play that Arsenal bring to the fore at Ibrox...

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wenger, he also knows when to cash in - just look at Henry.

The only thing is with his younger players they have taken time to mature and develop whilst also playing in the first team. If we had the likes of Fabregas and Adebayor in their early days at Arsenal we would have hounded them out for being shite. But then again perhaps we would respect Wenger's choice a bit more than we do other managers thanks to his reputation.

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People keep going on about Arsenal's young squad but I think United squad only averages at 1 year older than Arsenal and people keep going on about the beautiful football the play too....has any of you watched a manchester united match recently?

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People keep going on about Arsenal's young squad but I think United squad only averages at 1 year older than Arsenal and people keep going on about the beautiful football the play too....has any of you watched a manchester united match recently?

Can't disagree with your comparison of both squads. Although I would take Wenger before SAF.

SAF can handle the younger players, but none of the players he sign are ever anywhere near as unkown as Wenger and are therefore invariably a lot more expensive. You just have to look at the cost of the current squads for evidence of that.

Wenger usually spends £10m max on a single player, although there are some exceptions. Where as SAF regularly spends £20m+ on a player.

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I'd say Wenger because of his ability to develop youth and the style of football he plays however I would be a bit reluctant for him to take the reins of Rangers as I'm a fan of Scotland as well and I believe having only foreign players in the team as would inevitably happen with Wenger would make the Scottish national side suffer.

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People keep going on about Arsenal's young squad but I think United squad only averages at 1 year older than Arsenal and people keep going on about the beautiful football the play too....has any of you watched a manchester united match recently?

Can't disagree with your comparison of both squads. Although I would take Wenger before SAF.

SAF can handle the younger players, but none of the players he sign are ever anywhere near as unkown as Wenger and are therefore invariably a lot more expensive. You just have to look at the cost of the current squads for evidence of that.

Wenger usually spends £10m max on a single player, although there are some exceptions. Where as SAF regularly spends £20m+ on a player.

The only 20m+ players that Man Utd have bought are Ferdinand and Rooney and you know that english players always get an inflated price tag ( 18m for darren bent pfft ).

I see what you are saying though and I had a look through to see what Rangers could afford in the Arsenal squad:

Diarra - 2m

Toure - 150k

R.V.P - 3m

Adebayor - 3m

Eboue - 1.5 m

Clichy - 250k

I know they were bought during different years but scouting those types of player for those prices :rangers:

I think we should have a good look at the ANC this year.

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I suppose SAF is a little long in the tooth although TBH the French have never been a big success in Scotish football. You also have to question if Wenger would find it as easy to convince all the up and coming talent to come here as he does to get them to go to London

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People keep going on about Arsenal's young squad but I think United squad only averages at 1 year older than Arsenal and people keep going on about the beautiful football the play too....has any of you watched a manchester united match recently?

Can't disagree with your comparison of both squads. Although I would take Wenger before SAF.

SAF can handle the younger players, but none of the players he sign are ever anywhere near as unkown as Wenger and are therefore invariably a lot more expensive. You just have to look at the cost of the current squads for evidence of that.

Wenger usually spends £10m max on a single player, although there are some exceptions. Where as SAF regularly spends £20m+ on a player.

The only 20m+ players that Man Utd have bought are Ferdinand and Rooney and you know that english players always get an inflated price tag ( 18m for darren bent pfft ).

I see what you are saying though and I had a look through to see what Rangers could afford in the Arsenal squad:

Diarra - 2m

Toure - 150k

R.V.P - 3m

Adebayor - 3m

Eboue - 1.5 m

Clichy - 250k

I know they were bought during different years but scouting those types of player for those prices :rangers:

I think we should have a good look at the ANC this year.

SAF also bought the likes of Ruud and Veron for £20m region.

Tevez will cost £30m after his loan deal is up, Anderson and Nani deal totalled over £20m+ granted for 2 players but I think it was a lot closer to £30m.

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If we had the choice between Fergie or Wenger who would you want?

I have been thinking about this post for about 4 days now because i could not answer it myself but have decided it would be Arsene Wenger.


Because the football he has his teams playing is some of the best i have ever seen (i am only a kid at 33) Plus he has an eye for talent like no other gaffer on earth i feel. How many players has he bought and you have thought...."who is he?" yet the player turns out to be a amazing footballer. And he has not bought many that have flopped. Fergie has. Veron springs to mind instantly. Plus AW has never realy had the money that Fergie has had so he has use his eye for tallent, naturaly his scouting team earn there money aswell. Arsenal have dipped a wee bit these last few games but this time of year this happens.

Onto Fergie.

I am not taking anything away from the guy, i can't. But he should have done better in Europe than he has done and i personaly think he totaly fucked up with VERON. At the time he was one of the best, if not the best footballer in the world and when Man U signed him i was realy excited about watching him, but he/Fergie let us down.

With a player like Veron you give him a free role, he does'nt need a position because a talent like that reads a game aswell as he plays it (just like Dennis Berkamp) but Fergie had him in a midfield holding role a lot of the time and the guy never looked comfortable with that role in my eyes.

But Fergie is brilliant at bringing through young players and has built three or four teams in his time.

Even now i am changing my mind but will stick with AW.

Over to you gents

Neither because,

FERGIE ; Arrogant prick who had the chance but knocked us back.

WENGER ; Arroant prick.

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SAF also bought the likes of Ruud and Veron for £20m region.

Tevez will cost £30m after his loan deal is up, Anderson and Nani deal totalled over £20m+ granted for 2 players but I think it was a lot closer to £30m.

I was talking about the current squads, either that we would have nothing but this: What would you buy? Wiltord and Jeffers for a combined 21m or Ruud for 19m.

The fee's rumoured for Anderson and Nani are unlikely to come to that, just like Arsenal are unlikely to pay the 18.5m that they potentially could for Eduardo.

I read somewhere that Nani had a release fee of around 12m, I dont know how true that is though.

Tevez will never cost 30m after the loan. It's something like a possible 25m for the entire deal:

2m to WHU

5m to Kia joobachibasomething

And last week there was a deal agree'd to make tevez a permanent player although they is no quotes on the fee agreed.

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