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Has the club crushed bigotry?


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Can I phone a friend?

Friend? :lol:

Ok......Donald Findlay :sherlock:

That bigot bassa? :rolleyes:

It actually angers me that this great man has been portrayed as such

Nothing angers me on RM anymore, some of the replies are staggering but its the usual suspects.

Three cheers for the red white and blue :bouncy:

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The singing that gets us into trouble has certainly died down, but bigotry (which could also be called EXTREME rivalry or 90 minute bigotry) is (IMO) alive and well. In addition the song Big Jock Knew while not bigoted is sung, to our detriment. (and in complete contrast to the well wishes towards Tommy Burns shown on this forum). Also the bigoted songs such as BB can be heard on the tube, in the crowd to and from Ibrox. I also here to many UVF stuff, especially with away support. We are learning as a fan base but the battle aint won yet.

As much as I'm in disfavour with BJK, don't bring in to a sectarian debate!

For reasons you have already stated it serves no purpose to the debate, so don't bring it up.

Again, why associate Rangers with what people sing on a choo choo train, you're just looking for excuses, stop being a self apologist and get a life

UVF is fine in my book, where does it say otherwise?

Who appointed you as censor of what I can can cant bring into a debate!! Dont like it - report me!

If you think Rangers are only associated with fans who are IN Ibrox you are in denial.

UVF songs - get real - it may NOT be banned but it still glories a cause that has NO PLACE and in NO WAY should be associated with Rangers.

Nobody, that's why I'm dismissing your pish on a one to one basis

You get fucking real, you are always on here bitching about this behaviour or the other,

As for in denial, we've sang songs about the UVF continuously this year without question, what's your major gripe?

Again, please point out where the UVF's contribution to Britain has no place in todays society

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Nothing angers me on RM anymore, some of the replies are staggering but its the usual suspects.

Three cheers for the red white and blue :bouncy:

The Army and the Navy & the UVF (36th division)

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Nothing angers me on RM anymore, some of the replies are staggering but its the usual suspects.

Three cheers for the red white and blue :bouncy:

The Army and the Navy & the UVF (36th division)


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The singing that gets us into trouble has certainly died down, but bigotry (which could also be called EXTREME rivalry or 90 minute bigotry) is (IMO) alive and well. In addition the song Big Jock Knew while not bigoted is sung, to our detriment. (and in complete contrast to the well wishes towards Tommy Burns shown on this forum). Also the bigoted songs such as BB can be heard on the tube, in the crowd to and from Ibrox. I also here to many UVF stuff, especially with away support. We are learning as a fan base but the battle aint won yet.

As much as I'm in disfavour with BJK, don't bring in to a sectarian debate!

For reasons you have already stated it serves no purpose to the debate, so don't bring it up.

Again, why associate Rangers with what people sing on a choo choo train, you're just looking for excuses, stop being a self apologist and get a life

UVF is fine in my book, where does it say otherwise?

Who appointed you as censor of what I can can cant bring into a debate!! Dont like it - report me!

If you think Rangers are only associated with fans who are IN Ibrox you are in denial.

UVF songs - get real - it may NOT be banned but it still glories a cause that has NO PLACE and in NO WAY should be associated with Rangers.

Nobody, that's why I'm dismissing your pish on a one to one basis

You get fucking real, you are always on here bitching about this behaviour or the other,

As for in denial, we've sang songs about the UVF continuously this year without question, what's your major gripe?

Again, please point out where the UVF's contribution to Britain has no place in todays society

Yep, your a nobody - agreed!

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The singing that gets us into trouble has certainly died down, but bigotry (which could also be called EXTREME rivalry or 90 minute bigotry) is (IMO) alive and well. In addition the song Big Jock Knew while not bigoted is sung, to our detriment. (and in complete contrast to the well wishes towards Tommy Burns shown on this forum). Also the bigoted songs such as BB can be heard on the tube, in the crowd to and from Ibrox. I also here to many UVF stuff, especially with away support. We are learning as a fan base but the battle aint won yet.

As much as I'm in disfavour with BJK, don't bring in to a sectarian debate!

For reasons you have already stated it serves no purpose to the debate, so don't bring it up.

Again, why associate Rangers with what people sing on a choo choo train, you're just looking for excuses, stop being a self apologist and get a life

UVF is fine in my book, where does it say otherwise?

Who appointed you as censor of what I can can cant bring into a debate!! Dont like it - report me!

If you think Rangers are only associated with fans who are IN Ibrox you are in denial.

UVF songs - get real - it may NOT be banned but it still glories a cause that has NO PLACE and in NO WAY should be associated with Rangers.

Nobody, that's why I'm dismissing your pish on a one to one basis

You get fucking real, you are always on here bitching about this behaviour or the other,

As for in denial, we've sang songs about the UVF continuously this year without question, what's your major gripe?

Again, please point out where the UVF's contribution to Britain has no place in todays society

Yep, your a nobody - agreed!

Come come, we're ment to argue with the mhanks not eachother! :rangers:

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The Ulster Volunteer Force (more commonly referred to as the UVF) is a Loyalist group in Northern Ireland. The current incarnation was formed in May 1966 as a paramilitary group and named after the Ulster Volunteers of 1912, although there is no direct connection between the two.

The group is a proscribed organisation and classified as a terrorist group in Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States.


UVF, IRA just the same, no diference to me and no way do I want the UVF or its supporters associated with Rangers. Get the politics out of football!

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The Ulster Volunteer Force (more commonly referred to as the UVF) is a Loyalist group in Northern Ireland. The current incarnation was formed in May 1966 as a paramilitary group and named after the Ulster Volunteers of 1912, although there is no direct connection between the two.

The group is a proscribed organisation and classified as a terrorist group in Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States.


UVF, IRA just the same, no diference to me and no way do I want the UVF or its supporters associated with Rangers. Get the politics out of football!

So what are we singing about?

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The singing that gets us into trouble has certainly died down, but bigotry (which could also be called EXTREME rivalry or 90 minute bigotry) is (IMO) alive and well. In addition the song Big Jock Knew while not bigoted is sung, to our detriment. (and in complete contrast to the well wishes towards Tommy Burns shown on this forum). Also the bigoted songs such as BB can be heard on the tube, in the crowd to and from Ibrox. I also here to many UVF stuff, especially with away support. We are learning as a fan base but the battle aint won yet.

As much as I'm in disfavour with BJK, don't bring in to a sectarian debate!

For reasons you have already stated it serves no purpose to the debate, so don't bring it up.

Again, why associate Rangers with what people sing on a choo choo train, you're just looking for excuses, stop being a self apologist and get a life

UVF is fine in my book, where does it say otherwise?

Who appointed you as censor of what I can can cant bring into a debate!! Dont like it - report me!

If you think Rangers are only associated with fans who are IN Ibrox you are in denial.

UVF songs - get real - it may NOT be banned but it still glories a cause that has NO PLACE and in NO WAY should be associated with Rangers.

i went to ibrox last thursday, my first time for a while and after reading on here that it was a minority that sang the old songs protestant and other songs, and i was told on here to move with the times and stop living in the past. well surprise surprise as the songs are still going strong as that was all i could hear from the fans coming of the subway and supporters buses. and that was from the majority and proved to me that our protestant support is just as strong as ever, the sash derrys walls and it brought a lump to my throat to here our fantastic support singing away, and we really are the people and always will be.

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Guest Andypendek

donald findlay is not a great man. defending that fellow tobin who murdered so many and caused so much grief may have been a requirement of the legal system but his behaviour during that trial left me well shocked. and it's hardly a one-off, he consistently defends those who are found guilty of murder, whatever his reasons are for taking these cases i do not know but it certainly precludes his being labelled 'great.' maybe a great rangers fan, but not a great man to me.

danny- crushed, no. taken out of the everyday for those to whom it is/was a convenient stick to wind up the tims, yeah probably. to me, who considers religion a bit old hat and one religion (quite vocal round here, moral crusaders etc) in particular to be laughable, i shall quite happily carry on being bigoted. i don't think, in 2007, to see fanatical religious types as an irrelevance, to be mocked, is anything to be ashamed of. however i'm content to do my mocking in more appropriate places than the football, i can see that isn't REALLY the best place for it, and perhaps that's the biggest achievement of the 'drive' against sectarianism.

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i went to ibrox last thursday, my first time for a while and after reading on here that it was a minority that sang the old songs protestant and other songs, and i was told on here to move with the times and stop living in the past. well surprise surprise as the songs are still going strong as that was all i could hear from the fans coming of the subway and supporters buses. and that was from the majority and proved to me that our protestant support is just as strong as ever, the sash derrys walls and it brought a lump to my throat to here our fantastic support singing away, and we really are the people and always will be.

Here here mate

We shall not be moved!

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donald findlay is not a great man. defending that fellow tobin who murdered so many and caused so much grief may have been a requirement of the legal system but his behaviour during that trial left me well shocked. and it's hardly a one-off, he consistently defends those who are found guilty of murder, whatever his reasons are for taking these cases i do not know but it certainly precludes his being labelled 'great.' maybe a great rangers fan, but not a great man to me.

danny- crushed, no. taken out of the everyday for those to whom it is/was a convenient stick to wind up the tims, yeah probably. to me, who considers religion a bit old hat and one religion (quite vocal round here, moral crusaders etc) in particular to be laughable, i shall quite happily carry on being bigoted. i don't think, in 2007, to see fanatical religious types as an irrelevance, to be mocked, is anything to be ashamed of. however i'm content to do my mocking in more appropriate places than the football, i can see that isn't REALLY the best place for it, and perhaps that's the biggest achievement of the 'drive' against sectarianism.

He's appointed to defend those cases, but if you'd like a justice system where defendants don't get a fair hearing then that's your prerogative

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What is it with certain parts of the Rangers fanbase? The club and support has recieved widespread praise for the sucessful efforts to remove chants and add-ons deemed bigotted. Yet even some of our own refuse to give credit for these efforts and even want to go further and remove more songs from songbook. You couldn't make it up.

It seems that the next target is songs in praise of the UVF. Now even the mhedia haven't gone that far yet. Here was me thinking that this club was proud of it's British heritage and support for our armed forces. When we sing of the UVF we do not sing of the bunch of criminal scumbags of the present day who go by the same famous and gloried name, we sing of the brave young men from Ulster who went to fight for Britain's cause in WW1. These young men who's 36th Division were the only force who completed their objectives during the Battle of the Somme.

And before the usual line of "what does this have to do with Rangers" is churned out, the biggest concentration of Rangers fans outside Glasgow is in Ulster. So we sing songs in praise of every part of Britian including Northern Ireland to how our appreciation of their support and contrubution to ths nation over the decades of both peace and war.

Rangers is more than a football club, it is a British institution, one of the very few left who are not afraid to remember our glorious history and praise those who made it so.

For those of you among our support who go and see Rangers simply for the football then fair enough, you are more than welcome to that oppinion. But then don't belittle those who see Rangers as something more.

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What is it with certain parts of the Rangers fanbase? The club and support has recieved widespread praise for the sucessful efforts to remove chants and add-ons deemed bigotted. Yet even some of our own refuse to give credit for these efforts and even want to go further and remove more songs from songbook. You couldn't make it up.

It seems that the next target is songs in praise of the UVF. Now even the mhedia haven't gone that far yet. Here was me thinking that this club was proud of it's British heritage and support for our armed forces. When we sing of the UVF we do not sing of the bunch of criminal scumbags of the present day who go by the same famous and gloried name, we sing of the brave young men from Ulster who went to fight for Britain's cause in WW1. These young men who's 36th Division were the only force who completed their objectives during the Battle of the Somme.

And before the usual line of "what does this have to do with Rangers" is churned out, the biggest concentration of Rangers fans outside Glasgow is in Ulster. So we sing songs in praise of every part of Britian including Northern Ireland to how our appreciation of their support and contrubution to ths nation over the decades of both peace and war.

Rangers is more than a football club, it is a British institution, one of the very few left who are not afraid to remember our glorious history and praise those who made it so.

For those of you among our support who go and see Rangers simply for the football then fair enough, you are more than welcome to that oppinion. But then don't belittle those who see Rangers as something more.

good reply. (tu)

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It's funny how people are so desperate to sing about the UVF and our Britishness but too afraid to acknowledge that the majority of our founders were or went on to be Scottish International football players. Our heritage and our roots are as THE Scottish Club.

The majority of the 'Ulster' celebration is knee jerk reaction to the manks roots. Funny thing is it plays into their hands because they will always be delighted to see us singing about the UVF, Fing the Pope and going on about gallows. Why, because it brings us down to their depths and they're suddenly on an even footing with their pro IRA republican pish. To them, it's a feckin wet dream come true. They get the moral high ground because of their roots, we get tarred as reactionary bigots.

Want to see the tims squirm.

Old Firm game. Ibrox a sea of saltires and lion rampants, the club celebrating it's Scottish founders, celebrating the McNeil brothers, Peter Campbell and Tom Vallance et al. We would look and be simply the best. They would look like the toe-rag's they are, and always have been. Sadly, some amongst us are too ashamed to acknowledge our actual founders and our actual history and heritage, and prefer to feed of the good name of the club.

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What is it with certain parts of the Rangers fanbase? The club and support has recieved widespread praise for the sucessful efforts to remove chants and add-ons deemed bigotted. Yet even some of our own refuse to give credit for these efforts and even want to go further and remove more songs from songbook. You couldn't make it up.

It seems that the next target is songs in praise of the UVF. Now even the mhedia haven't gone that far yet. Here was me thinking that this club was proud of it's British heritage and support for our armed forces. When we sing of the UVF we do not sing of the bunch of criminal scumbags of the present day who go by the same famous and gloried name, we sing of the brave young men from Ulster who went to fight for Britain's cause in WW1. These young men who's 36th Division were the only force who completed their objectives during the Battle of the Somme.

And before the usual line of "what does this have to do with Rangers" is churned out, the biggest concentration of Rangers fans outside Glasgow is in Ulster. So we sing songs in praise of every part of Britian including Northern Ireland to how our appreciation of their support and contrubution to ths nation over the decades of both peace and war.

Rangers is more than a football club, it is a British institution, one of the very few left who are not afraid to remember our glorious history and praise those who made it so.

For those of you among our support who go and see Rangers simply for the football then fair enough, you are more than welcome to that oppinion. But then don't belittle those who see Rangers as something more.

Fantastic post (tu)

Also the dictionary definition of a Bigot is this:

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own.

Something bluepeter seems to be doing quite alot in this thread and others concerning the subject.

So who is the Bigot?

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Will bigotry ever be stopped by Rangers/be in its support or is it now more than Rangers' problem?

Bigotry isn't the great problem the mhedia would have you believe.

But still, whatever turns the publics attention away from real issues eh

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It's funny how people are so desperate to sing about the UVF and our Britishness but too afraid to acknowledge that the majority of our founders were or went on to be Scottish International football players. Our heritage and our roots are as THE Scottish Club.

The majority of the 'Ulster' celebration is knee jerk reaction to the manks roots. Funny thing is it plays into their hands because they will always be delighted to see us singing about the UVF, Fing the Pope and going on about gallows. Why, because it brings us down to their depths and they're suddenly on an even footing with their pro IRA republican pish. To them, it's a feckin wet dream come true. They get the moral high ground because of their roots, we get tarred as reactionary bigots.

Want to see the tims squirm.

Old Firm game. Ibrox a sea of saltires and lion rampants, the club celebrating it's Scottish founders, celebrating the McNeil brothers, Peter Campbell and Tom Vallance et al. We would look and be simply the best. They would look like the toe-rag's they are, and always have been. Sadly, some amongst us are too ashamed to acknowledge our actual founders and our actual history and heritage, and prefer to feed of the good name of the club.

There are plenty of Saltires at Ibrox and some of the displays have involved them, we are proud to be both Scottish and British.

Nothing wring with that.

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It's funny how people are so desperate to sing about the UVF and our Britishness but too afraid to acknowledge that the majority of our founders were or went on to be Scottish International football players. Our heritage and our roots are as THE Scottish Club.

The majority of the 'Ulster' celebration is knee jerk reaction to the manks roots. Funny thing is it plays into their hands because they will always be delighted to see us singing about the UVF, Fing the Pope and going on about gallows. Why, because it brings us down to their depths and they're suddenly on an even footing with their pro IRA republican pish. To them, it's a feckin wet dream come true. They get the moral high ground because of their roots, we get tarred as reactionary bigots.

Want to see the tims squirm.

Old Firm game. Ibrox a sea of saltires and lion rampants, the club celebrating it's Scottish founders, celebrating the McNeil brothers, Peter Campbell and Tom Vallance et al. We would look and be simply the best. They would look like the toe-rag's they are, and always have been. Sadly, some amongst us are too ashamed to acknowledge our actual founders and our actual history and heritage, and prefer to feed of the good name of the club.

Holy shit, stay away from my library

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F*ck the rest

we are more than just a football club

we have got one of the biggest fanbases in the world, people with many different views. We shouldnt be slagging each other of because of our different views, people can see what they want in a football club.

We are the People

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