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Those slating the announcement


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Why ? What exactly were you expecting ?

If anyone got so caught up in the media hype since yesterday that they were expecting an announcement of monumental proportions.............then it's your own fault for allowing your own naievity to get the better of you !

There is nothing but positive news from this announcement, and it's a good piece of PR from the club.

Good news for season ticket holders.

Good news for families (family of 4 could save as much as around £186 next season, a very substantial saving).

Good news for those fantastic away fans that have travelled abroad all season.

Good news for everyone that the redevelopment plans are moving along nicely.

Good news for everyonoe that Walter has been promised a large transfer budget for next season.

I just think some people, unfairly, constantly have the knives out for Murray. Over his 20 year tenure, we've enjoyed outstanding success, seen some fantastic players, built a first class training facility and now have redevelopment plans underway.

We've had one dip in fortune in 20 years (imagine that, eh, anyone got a certain quote from Bill Struth ? :rolleyes:), and even during that period we still enjoyed two outstanding final day title wins and were the first Scottish side to reach the last 16 of the Champions League. I'm sure a few older Bears could tell us about darker days than that.

The constant sniping of Murray gets very tiresome. If people really feel that strongly about it, why don't they go and protest outside Ibrox and make their anti-Murray banners up ? Or do they only do that when we're losing like the last time ? :rolleyes: Pathetic, but if a minority of fans are going to act like that, why not show a shred of integrity and stop jumping back on the bus every time we start winning again.

Anyway, rant over, but some of the anti-Murray stuff is pathetic and embarrassing. Unappreciative and spoiled would sum up a few fans who have had it damn good during Murray's time at the club. They think the sky will always be blue when Murray leaves..........although they can't even suggest who could take over........well we'll see about that. But I highly doubt we'll enjoy the same level of success under our next chairman. And I for one hope it's a long time before we find that out.

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whatever flicks your switch did sir david buy you a easter egg as he seems to have done everything else, he is a spinless coward who would not stand up for our fans in spain, also sits back and lets people attack our club,fans now afraid to sing as they will get banned or jailed. also you have forgotten to mention all he investors who gave moonbeams lots of money and he wasted the whole lot, the quicker he leaves, and a real rangers man comes in then it will be happy days again, oh and i forgot the dublin loyal banner tell me all i want to know about that cretin murray.

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I am cynical about the statement(s) for a couple of reasons. The foremost reasons are selfish ones : It is completely impractical for me to obtain a season ticket as , due to an inflexible employer , I would only see around 1/4 of games if lucky. Therefore price freezes , good as they are for existing ST holders , do me no good. I acknowledge this is self-centred but its the way it strikes me.

The other ins and outs of the various restructuring pretty much is covered by the above. Although I agree that shelling out for the Lisbon briefs was a sound move , it has been mentioned elsewhere on the forum that the premium slapped on home tickets somewhat negates this. But props nonetheless.

The only part of the "announcement" which got my juices going to any degree was the stadium related stuff. From what SDM has said it seems like this is now reasonably concrete and I'm as interested as ever to see what the proposals will be. So my appetite has been whetted on that front...

The fact is , that every bit of the announcement could have been filtered through the usual channels in the normal timely manner , rather than putting an embargo on the news until Sunday morning the following day. This more than anything else baffled me ; the blunt truth is that , IMO , what we were told is not worthy of such a palaver.

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I just think that Murray wanted the information to come directly from the club to the fans first, rather than from the media to the fans first.

I don't see anything wrong with that, I just think it was a way of trying to connect with the fans directly without the media middleman.

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it is good news, but why was this all kept quiet yesterday? there was no need to hold back any of this information.

Yes it's great to help out the travelling fans that have paid a lot of money this season travelling around europe, yes great news for those with kids. nothing concrete on the stadium plans as yet.

Having a big transfer budget doesn't mean an awful lot, we can get maybe 2-3 good players with the money being talked about - but as always there's no guarantee we will be able to get the players we want. Money was available in january but we couldn't locate any players to spend it on - with the money in the EPL this will become an ever increasing frustration.

We wont be signing any big name players we will have to rely on being able to identify talent like cuellar, and such transfers will be hit and miss.

On the one hand they are helping out the fans, whilst on the other hand home tickets for sporting have bumped up to £35 or thereabouts.

It is always great to see positives coming out from the club, but after years and years of positive statements we generally tend to take things with a pinch of salt and look deeper, the most important thing about this is that the club are finally trying to generate positive PR, something our rivals across the city seem to have been taking a monopoly on in recent years

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I just think that Murray wanted the information to come directly from the club to the fans first, rather than from the media to the fans first.

I don't see anything wrong with that, I just think it was a way of trying to connect with the fans directly without the media middleman.

Yet the information first came to light via NOTW online last night I believe , with the MB interview available as of 07:00 this morning.

I appreciate that Rangers cannot account for how early other publication put their material into the open. However surely the purpose of initiating a direct link was defeated by using outside channels atall?

Just a thought.

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I just think that Murray wanted the information to come directly from the club to the fans first, rather than from the media to the fans first.

I don't see anything wrong with that, I just think it was a way of trying to connect with the fans directly without the media middleman.

Yet the information first came to light via NOTW online last night I believe , with the MB interview available as of 07:00 this morning.

I appreciate that Rangers cannot account for how early other publication put their material into the open. However surely the purpose of initiating a direct link was defeated by using outside channels atall?

Just a thought.

Bottom line really is, who cares ? It's not something worth dwelling on.

I can appreciate what the club were trying to do, and a lot of folk probably did get their information direct from the club before they picked up their Sunday papers. I guess the key thing is that the option was there to get the information straight from the horses mouth if we wanted it, rather than second hand from the media.

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I just think that Murray wanted the information to come directly from the club to the fans first, rather than from the media to the fans first.

I don't see anything wrong with that, I just think it was a way of trying to connect with the fans directly without the media middleman.

Yet the information first came to light via NOTW online last night I believe , with the MB interview available as of 07:00 this morning.

I appreciate that Rangers cannot account for how early other publication put their material into the open. However surely the purpose of initiating a direct link was defeated by using outside channels atall?

Just a thought.

Bottom line really is, who cares ? It's not something worth dwelling on.

I can appreciate what the club were trying to do, and a lot of folk probably did get their information direct from the club before they picked up their Sunday papers. I guess the key thing is that the option was there to get the information straight from the horses mouth if we wanted it, rather than second hand from the media.

Fair enough ScotBear , but as much as there is nothing wrong with that , it has still left a lot of people underwhelmed. That is all.

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Excellent news for the travelling fans and a very nice gesture by the club.

Good news for season ticket holders.

Still to be convinced about the stadium plans, do we need the debt.

But £10 million, sorry but that's just pure fucking bollocks. Where is the rest of the money?

Our current squad needs flair and pace added, a quality replacement for Weir and Davis signed, £10 million is fuck all compared to the money the club has made this season.

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One off benefit of a free Lisbon ticket to the loyal regular european away supporters who, by this reward factor, can afford the cost and afford the time off work anyway, while they and the equally loyal regular home fans and season ticket holders who vastly outnumber the traveling support are being charged £9 more for the home tie.

The freeze in the season ticket prices is very welcome but remember for the last 5 years the club have been discounting season tickets from November onwards to try to fill seats. Season ticket holders already pay more per game than one off purchasers and pay it upfront.

The only real concession is the reduction in juvenile prices which although it no longer affects me is very worthwhile and a long term benefit to club and families.

All in all there was no need for the big hype and the 7am unveiling and smacks of cynical showmanship.

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Does anyone have a link to the 10M being quoted?

It mentioned £10 million in the NOTW, I see the story is now on the BBC Rangers page, no mention of £10 million, here is a snippet.

Meanwhile, chairman Sir David Murray has vowed to "invest heavily" in players this summer.

Murray, who also announced a freeze in season ticket costs and a reduction for juvenile season tickets, said: "It is obvious we are going to strengthen.

"There was money available to manager Walter Smith in January - several millions of pounds to spend - and he chose not to.

"We will make resources available to Walter in the summer. We're on the way up as a club.

Maybe I got ahead of myself, but I think realistically at least £20 million net spending is what we need on 5 quality players.

I really didn't want any figure announced, because that will just bump the prices up.

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Why ? What exactly were you expecting ?

If anyone got so caught up in the media hype since yesterday that they were expecting an announcement of monumental proportions.............then it's your own fault for allowing your own naievity to get the better of you !

There is nothing but positive news from this announcement, and it's a good piece of PR from the club.

Good news for season ticket holders.

Good news for families (family of 4 could save as much as around £186 next season, a very substantial saving).

Good news for those fantastic away fans that have travelled abroad all season.

Good news for everyone that the redevelopment plans are moving along nicely.

Good news for everyonoe that Walter has been promised a large transfer budget for next season.

I just think some people, unfairly, constantly have the knives out for Murray. Over his 20 year tenure, we've enjoyed outstanding success, seen some fantastic players, built a first class training facility and now have redevelopment plans underway.

We've had one dip in fortune in 20 years (imagine that, eh, anyone got a certain quote from Bill Struth ? :rolleyes:), and even during that period we still enjoyed two outstanding final day title wins and were the first Scottish side to reach the last 16 of the Champions League. I'm sure a few older Bears could tell us about darker days than that.

The constant sniping of Murray gets very tiresome. If people really feel that strongly about it, why don't they go and protest outside Ibrox and make their anti-Murray banners up ? Or do they only do that when we're losing like the last time ? :rolleyes: Pathetic, but if a minority of fans are going to act like that, why not show a shred of integrity and stop jumping back on the bus every time we start winning again.

Anyway, rant over, but some of the anti-Murray stuff is pathetic and embarrassing. Unappreciative and spoiled would sum up a few fans who have had it damn good during Murray's time at the club. They think the sky will always be blue when Murray leaves..........although they can't even suggest who could take over........well we'll see about that. But I highly doubt we'll enjoy the same level of success under our next chairman. And I for one hope it's a long time before we find that out.

The people who think that Murray can do no wrong are as bad as the people that think he can do no right. Some of the pro-Murray stuff is also embarrassing.

Murray has done a lot of good for the club, but he has also been bad in a number of ways. The fact that he has not stood up for the support in any way. Even today he is quoted as saying "As far as the fans’ behaviour is concerned we’ve still got a bit to go". :mad:

We no longer own the Edmiston Club or the carpark. We ran away and resigned as Chairman when the going got tough and wouldn't even appear at the AGMs.

He is funding the purchase of the away tickets to SL by bumping up the home prices.

I'm sure that you can come up with lots of examples where he has done good for the club (bringing in the Enic and King cash), putting in £60m of his own cash etc (although most of that was to correct his financial mismanagement), but let's be objective about it.

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Why ? What exactly were you expecting ?

If anyone got so caught up in the media hype since yesterday that they were expecting an announcement of monumental proportions.............then it's your own fault for allowing your own naievity to get the better of you !

There is nothing but positive news from this announcement, and it's a good piece of PR from the club.

Good news for season ticket holders.

Good news for families (family of 4 could save as much as around £186 next season, a very substantial saving).

Good news for those fantastic away fans that have travelled abroad all season.

Good news for everyone that the redevelopment plans are moving along nicely.

Good news for everyonoe that Walter has been promised a large transfer budget for next season.

I just think some people, unfairly, constantly have the knives out for Murray. Over his 20 year tenure, we've enjoyed outstanding success, seen some fantastic players, built a first class training facility and now have redevelopment plans underway.

We've had one dip in fortune in 20 years (imagine that, eh, anyone got a certain quote from Bill Struth ? :rolleyes:), and even during that period we still enjoyed two outstanding final day title wins and were the first Scottish side to reach the last 16 of the Champions League. I'm sure a few older Bears could tell us about darker days than that.

The constant sniping of Murray gets very tiresome. If people really feel that strongly about it, why don't they go and protest outside Ibrox and make their anti-Murray banners up ? Or do they only do that when we're losing like the last time ? :rolleyes: Pathetic, but if a minority of fans are going to act like that, why not show a shred of integrity and stop jumping back on the bus every time we start winning again.

Anyway, rant over, but some of the anti-Murray stuff is pathetic and embarrassing. Unappreciative and spoiled would sum up a few fans who have had it damn good during Murray's time at the club. They think the sky will always be blue when Murray leaves..........although they can't even suggest who could take over........well we'll see about that. But I highly doubt we'll enjoy the same level of success under our next chairman. And I for one hope it's a long time before we find that out.

Right, so the point of the thread is to say that if anyone doesn't like minty they are, inter alia 'pathetic and embarrassing'?

What is 'pathetic and embarrassing' is the thread.

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some of the anti-Murray stuff is pathetic and embarrassing.

Some. Some of. Some. Some some of some.

For example.......protests against Murray only made when we're going through a low point on the pitch.

Slating him for suggesting Hampden as a venue for Gretna.

OTT reactions such as 'f*ck off Murray' in response to the announcement.

If people don't like Murray, fair enough, it's a free country. The conduct of some fans can be 'pathetic and embarrassing' though.

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The constant sniping of Murray gets very tiresome.

Anyway, rant over, but some of the anti-Murray stuff is pathetic and embarrassing.

So some of it is therefore justified and should therefore not be described as tiresome.

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