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All This Moaning About Robson's Elbow/Forearm


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Robson nailed Dailly in the first ten seconds with a forearm smash and got away with it.


Would we not have loved it if it was the other way around?

After all, I seem to remember John Greig nailing that wee lad at the Nou Camp in 72 in the first ten seconds.

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Robson nailed Dailly in the first ten seconds with a forearm smash and got away with it.


Would we not have loved it if it was the other way around?

After all, I seem to remember John Greig nailing that wee lad at the Nou Camp in 72 in the first ten seconds.

Odd post. Very odd.

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Have a look at the 70's and 80's when men played the game ...there were more skilful players back tthen but they could handle themselves...

What Robson done was nothing compared to back then and if it had been Greig ,big Greigy would have waited till the second half and then put him up in the air....Dailly did that as he and Weir remember those days.

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Robson nailed Dailly in the first ten seconds with a forearm smash and got away with it.


Would we not have loved it if it was the other way around?

After all, I seem to remember John Greig nailing that wee lad at the Nou Camp in 72 in the first ten seconds.

can you imagine if it happened to McGeady ...he would have run off the pitch with tears streaming down his face

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Robson nailed Dailly in the first ten seconds with a forearm smash and got away with it.


Would we not have loved it if it was the other way around?

After all, I seem to remember John Greig nailing that wee lad at the Nou Camp in 72 in the first ten seconds.

Odd post. Very odd.

Whats about saying that Old Firm games should have that bit of edge about them... the dirty tackles, the heckling.... its what makes them

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who cares, the games finished bring on sunday

btw i agree with big marv. good post mate.

far to many people want to keep things going and whinge ALL the time. more concerned about celtic than they are about there own team,

and to sum it up, if it was the other way around we`d all be cheering especialy if it was on mcgeadys chin.

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