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GTA 4 good quality gameplay video


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Some more features:

*You're able to turn your headlights on and off at free will ingame.

*Peds will carry certain things, ie shopping bags, brooms, sledgehammers, etc, but you are unable to pick them up or use them as weapons. There was some speculation over this in another thread. This clears it up.

*Cops will call orders to their men. While watching a video, Niko had a fully automatic weapon, and a deputy ordered his men to fall back. And they do listen.

*The new fighting system:

As in old GTA games, you're able to freely hit the person. However, when you actually target them, you have a bit more control as to what exactly you hit on their body. This has already been confirmed.

*When driving, if you slam on gas, your tires will spin and you will stall. Just like in real life.

*You enter and exit buildings in real time. You simply push open the door, and all textures from inside the building and outside remain. You remain in third person as you enter and leave. I sort of clarified that for myself when they said "No load times when entering or leaving". I was wondering if you would in fact encounter a black screen for a split second, but no. All real-time.

If Niko or a ped is shot near a vehicle or building, blood splatters will appear on the vehicle or whatever and remain during the entire duration you're with it. So if you're driving around the entire time with blood on the car, it will stay there. Unlike in previous GTAs where blood would only be shown when someone was killed, and would only stay on the ground, and for a short period of time.

*Hotwiring a car is automatic (no button combinations as rumored), and takes about 3 seconds.

*Man, Rockstar wasn't kidding about having a "living" world. While Niko was seen walking, he swam on shore to a dock, and ran through someone's backyard. Peds were sitting on a bench in the back yard. And as people would in real life, the peds were upset, and tried to fight Niko for stepping onto their property uninvited.

*Your game is saved by sleeping in your bed. I don't know if this has been mentioned on any other sites.

*While Niko was in Burgershot, peds were seen sitting in the restaurant, at tables, eating their meals while talking. No, their voices didn't sound like their mouth was full. Normal speech. However, might be a variant, so don't quote me on this.

*Remember how in San Andreas when Carl would enter a restaurant, he was presented with multiple options for food? While I only saw Niko in Burgershot, there was only one option to order a single burger. However, you are able to order multiple burgers if you wish.

*While in Burgershot, Niko provokes a fight with a single biker enjoying his food. Niko pushes him while he was in his chair. The biker stands up (Which, when he stood up, Niko was blocking the chair, so he stood on the table as he rose...glitch?), and fought back. Niko is seen running out of Burgershot, while multiple bikers are chasing Niko, trying to attack him. Certain sects seem to help eachother, like bikers will help other bikers.

*One of the vehicles seen fully resembles a Chopper motorcycle (long wheel frame, poking out the front, etc)


This bike is actually extremely similar to the chopper in GTA IV. However, the one I saw was red.

*This is pretty cool. Niko is seen driving, and slams into the side of a sort of bridge. The car starts seeping a dark black smoke from the engine, and cuts off. Niko tries to start the car while yelling, "START YOU PIECE OF SHIT!". Again, Niko tries to start the car again, with no avail, and yells "START, BITCH!". This is when Niko steps out of the, now useless, car. Again, he enters the car and tries to start it, but it's pointless, the car is wrecked. This means that once cars reach a certain damage amount, they will cease to work. Which, makes sense. In real life, if BLACK smoke is pouring out from under your hood, it most likely won't work.

*When geting on certain motorcycles, Niko will put on a helmet. Pretty cool.

*I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but. In one part, Niko is seen using an ATM machine. He withdraws money from it after entering a PIN, and walks away. I don't know if it has been confirmed officially, but I believe there is a sort of banking system.

*Again, on the fighting system. Niko is seen fighting. However, half-way through the fight (That the ped actually provoked himself), the ped desides he's had enough asskicking. Mind you, during the fight, Niko is kicking the guy's leg a lot, and punching him in the stomach. After getting his ass kicked, the ped grabs his stomach and begins limping away.

The bold parts look awesome :craphead:

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early review by someone who has played it.

The PS3 has a more relaxed color pallet, but this gives everything a more realistic look. If you don't like the realistic look, and you have a HDMI connection, you can fiddle with your PS3 display settings and get it looking much more saturated. The textures are just as sharp as the 360 version, and there's little to no pop-in or screen tearing. The PS3 takes longer to load than the 360, but I took several different head counts in game at different locations, and I always found the PS3 to be more populated than the 360. This could be attributed to the dynamic nature of the world, but it's hard to tell. Either way, the difference was never more than five to seven pedestrians or three to four cars—it's not really much of an advantage.

The 360 is bright. Boy is it bright. Based on discussion history, this one will be claimed to look better, but it'll really be preference. The texture quality is the same on both systems, but the 360 has a more cartoon-like look. This isn't a bad thing. It just depends on preference. I'd compare the difference to that of Oblivion on each system. The 360 also suffers from some frame rate drops that are almost non-existent on the PS3. Installing the 360 version on your system's hard drive, however, will bring performance almost up to par with the PS3.

I know, you want details, but all I can confirm is split-screen on PS3 only. I was alone, so I didn't actually get to have any matches, but I could tell that the split-screen worked really well. There was a significant decrease in the amount of traffic and pedestrians, but it didn't ruin anything. This is understandable. Rendering two instances of Liberty City is a chore for any machine. I can't conclude one way or the other why the split-screen mode was not available on 360, but I assume by the drop in on-screen objects on the PS3 that the 360 just couldn't handle it. If you own a 360, don't worry. You have Xbox Live…so you're set

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'review' ?

It seems he either got a cracked version or a preview copy.

I don't think you can judge the game yet, especially not the split-screen.

About the graphics: I've seen gameplay movies from the 360 that didn't look bright at all, guess it can easily be adjusted then (I for one am fed up with all these bright games, pretending to look realistic. If life was really this bright we'd all be blind).

Don't see why they would make 360 more cartoony and PS3 more realistic :P

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the guy who put up this review stated he had played it till the end.

Think he has been to their offices and had a preview copy he got flamed by 360 users though for that article.

Looks like ps3 owners who preorded did the right thing as it's selling out quick, Asda says it's selling 3 to 1 on the PS3 and other retailers say the PS3 version is selling faster.

Still hearing rumours about certain Supermarkets going to sell it tomorrow, if one does go ahead and do this all of them will.

Also the Australia version is cut.

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the guy who put up this review stated he had played it till the end.

Think he has been to their offices and had a preview copy he got flamed by 360 users though for that article.

Looks like ps3 owners who preorded did the right thing as it's selling out quick, Asda says it's selling 3 to 1 on the PS3 and other retailers say the PS3 version is selling faster.

Still hearing rumours about certain Supermarkets going to sell it tomorrow, if one does go ahead and do this all of them will.

Also the Australia version is cut.

Over here it's completely the other way around, 360 version selling out everywhere (PS3 as well, but slower).

And the German version is also cut.

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the guy who put up this review stated he had played it till the end.

Think he has been to their offices and had a preview copy he got flamed by 360 users though for that article.

Looks like ps3 owners who preorded did the right thing as it's selling out quick, Asda says it's selling 3 to 1 on the PS3 and other retailers say the PS3 version is selling faster.

Still hearing rumours about certain Supermarkets going to sell it tomorrow, if one does go ahead and do this all of them will.

Also the Australia version is cut.

That kinda blows if it means I won't get to see as much blood or the stripeprs doing their thing :P

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