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Boruc Reported


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According to Clyde this morning Boruc has been reported to the SPL by the match supervisor, even though the incident was not commented upon in the match officials report.

It seems something WILL be done about the sad individual using his religion to bait others.

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It was done while on the field of play, i don't want the police interfering in football matches (ala Duncan Ferguson)

In an ideal world that is correct. However, precedents have been set and when a player deliberately sets out to antagonise opposition fans (Ferguson didn't), then it's a matter for the SPL and the Police.

Not to mention Celtic FC.

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I seem to remember Gascoine getting 'done' for 'simulated' flute playing and was charged (I think) with bringing the game into disrepute. I cant remember his punishment. Surely this is in the same catagory. Now while I thought gascoine was just a wind up as so was Borats, you would think that the 'autgorities' would treat the situation in the same manner.

I also think its time for Celtic Club to have a word - it must be embarrasing for them as well.

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I also think its time for Celtic Club to have a word - it must be embarrasing for them as well.

Obviously not.

They could have had a word with this clown long before now. The fact they haven't means they are actively encouraging his pathetic and childish behaviour.

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Just my opinion and if you dont agree dont shoot me but, i wasnt offended by the T shirt in the slightest after all they have the right to follow whichever religion they want as we all have.

What really struck me was the fact that he stood in front of the tunnel cheshire cat grin and new he was at the wind up, i hope they do nothing about it, that then sets a precedent which can and probably will come back and haunt him.

Celtic however have a moral obligation to ensure that there players do not cause Saturday Fight Night, after all we have some less than friendly followers who will carry this on and someone will pay for it. That is where the powers that be should focus, Celtic this year as a club have seriously tarnished the reputation of fair play and even come to it taken the name of football in Scotland to a new low. I dont go in for the religous side of things i come from a split family and would never insult my family by singing the songs etc. but allowing a player to parade around the stadium with a t shirt on that shows a lack of respect for his faith really does show that bigotry and hatred for Rangers is alive and well at the BIGOT DOME.

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Just out of interest for the Ref failing to report this inciden involving Boruc is there any censure taken against the Ref?

Good point, I mean he can't use the excuse that he wasn't there to see it, as the referee has to wait for every player to leave the field (paddy field in this instance) before he can go up the tunnel.

Mind you the officials somehow missed seeing a lot of things that day.


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I seem to remember Gascoine getting 'done' for 'simulated' flute playing and was charged (I think) with bringing the game into disrepute. I cant remember his punishment. Surely this is in the same catagory. Now while I thought gascoine was just a wind up as so was Borats, you would think that the 'autgorities' would treat the situation in the same manner.

I also think its time for Celtic Club to have a word - it must be embarrasing for them as well.

I seem to remember Gazza getting fined 2 weeks wages, but that was due to Rangers punishing him, rather than it being forced upon them.

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