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Broadfoot- Harshly criticised.

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I'm not claiming that the guy is world class, but he's clearly not the useless cabbage some people would have you believe.

He's a big strong guy, who'll run all day and won't ever give in, even when the idiotic boo-boys target him. I remember the UEFA semi where he had a dreadful first 20 mins, but stuck to it and had a decent run up to half time. In the second half, he was one of the better contributors.

What is the objective of these boo-boys who have targetted Ross, Hutton, Adam and now Broadfoot? I may have shared in the frustration they have caused us, but anyone thinking that verbal abuse will up their game is clearly not qualified to even watch football on TV, let alone attend a match and pass comment.

Encouragement works better than abuse, especially with young players, but our simplistic west of Scotland, alcohol and violence related bravado makes some think they sound really hard by anonymously telling a young player that he is sh*t and should GTF. I'm sure

Ally won't agree with such characters and I'm certain he will be backing big Kirk, who may be the perfect partner for Cuellar.

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Broadfoot has his uses , there is no doubting that. I think it is unfair that his qualities are not being put to best use by sticking him in at right back - an unfamiliar role to him by all accounts. Sadly this is a position where his failings are sharply exposed ; Kirk is a centre half , full stop.

Even at this , he shouldn't be a first pick as I believe that a better player than he must partner Cuellar as a first choice next season. That isn't to say that Kirk can't play a part in certain games and I'm sure that , in the correct position , he will let nobody down.

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squad player at very best!!! just cos he trys hard doesn't mean he should get a game, its such a poor argument at the level rangers are playing at. If you look at the championship teams they are full of guys with no real talent just fit and full of effort. broadfoot is at times a steady player but is far off from being a first team player. a squad player for rangers or a move to the championship is his best level.

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He's a back up player.

Totally agree. For the club to move forward we need a player that can do what Broadfoot can do...but only in situations where it is needed. To put a run on winning the league, or succeeding in Europe, we need someone a little bit better as far as I am concerned.

When you look at Rangers, you want to see someone back there that can shut down the likes of the mediocre idiot from septic.

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The guy had some major big boots to fill after Hutton left

He is a centre back and an average one at that

He is useful against lesser opposition

To give him credit he played well in the Uefa Cup run in but needs replacing with quality

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Sitting in Manchester, the great view that it was, and seeing Kirk back off the winger and let Davis deal with him will haunt me for a long time. He backed off that much he was 5 yards inside the Penalty Area.

At least jockey the man, Kirk.

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Personally i think he should not be wearing a Rangers jersey.

The UEFA cup final said it all for me,his shocking positional sense,his failure to defend and to pass and then Walter leaves him on and takes Papac off....that nearly had me heading for the exit that one.

Broadfoot will be in the side next season and we'll struggle again.

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I'm not claiming that the guy is world class, but he's clearly not the useless cabbage some people would have you believe.

He's a big strong guy, who'll run all day and won't ever give in, even when the idiotic boo-boys target him. I remember the UEFA semi where he had a dreadful first 20 mins, but stuck to it and had a decent run up to half time. In the second half, he was one of the better contributors.

What is the objective of these boo-boys who have targetted Ross, Hutton, Adam and now Broadfoot? I may have shared in the frustration they have caused us, but anyone thinking that verbal abuse will up their game is clearly not qualified to even watch football on TV, let alone attend a match and pass comment.

Encouragement works better than abuse, especially with young players, but our simplistic west of Scotland, alcohol and violence related bravado makes some think they sound really hard by anonymously telling a young player that he is sh*t and should GTF. I'm sure

Ally won't agree with such characters and I'm certain he will be backing big Kirk, who may be the perfect partner for Cuellar.

I usually agree with you Oleg, however on this one I cant. Broadfoot is the worst player at the club, just ahead of Dailly, and should not be wearing a Rangers jersey. I hate booing players as well, but I feel some show of discontent needs to be shown so the manager knows how the fans feel. I know Kirk gives 100%, but sometimes that just ain't good enough.

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I'm not claiming that the guy is world class, but he's clearly not the useless cabbage some people would have you believe.

He's a big strong guy, who'll run all day and won't ever give in, even when the idiotic boo-boys target him. I remember the UEFA semi where he had a dreadful first 20 mins, but stuck to it and had a decent run up to half time. In the second half, he was one of the better contributors.

What is the objective of these boo-boys who have targetted Ross, Hutton, Adam and now Broadfoot? I may have shared in the frustration they have caused us, but anyone thinking that verbal abuse will up their game is clearly not qualified to even watch football on TV, let alone attend a match and pass comment.

Encouragement works better than abuse, especially with young players, but our simplistic west of Scotland, alcohol and violence related bravado makes some think they sound really hard by anonymously telling a young player that he is sh*t and should GTF. I'm sure

Ally won't agree with such characters and I'm certain he will be backing big Kirk, who may be the perfect partner for Cuellar.

I usually agree with you Oleg, however on this one I cant. Broadfoot is the worst player at the club, just ahead of Dailly, and should not be wearing a Rangers jersey. I hate booing players as well, but I feel some show of discontent needs to be shown so the manager knows how the fans feel. I know Kirk gives 100%, but sometimes that just ain't good enough.

totally agree kirk broadfoot simply shouldnt be near ibrox ,hes clumsy ,he cant pass, he runs like hes playing the wi ,and walter still gives him a game , this guy will keep on making mistakes ,he has to go and can take hemdani, adam ,cousin and darchville

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I'm not claiming that the guy is world class, but he's clearly not the useless cabbage some people would have you believe.

He's a big strong guy, who'll run all day and won't ever give in, even when the idiotic boo-boys target him. I remember the UEFA semi where he had a dreadful first 20 mins, but stuck to it and had a decent run up to half time. In the second half, he was one of the better contributors.

What is the objective of these boo-boys who have targetted Ross, Hutton, Adam and now Broadfoot? I may have shared in the frustration they have caused us, but anyone thinking that verbal abuse will up their game is clearly not qualified to even watch football on TV, let alone attend a match and pass comment.

Encouragement works better than abuse, especially with young players, but our simplistic west of Scotland, alcohol and violence related bravado makes some think they sound really hard by anonymously telling a young player that he is sh*t and should GTF. I'm sure

Ally won't agree with such characters and I'm certain he will be backing big Kirk, who may be the perfect partner for Cuellar.

In his first 5 games at right back everyone was praising him, and rightly so, his crosses were quality, his running was brilliant and he put his foot in!! He makes a mistake and the boo boys are out, and he has become another Charlie Adam afraid, lack of confidence and a kick stand for when things dont go right, so he doesnt try anything, he doesnt want to get on the ball, the best bit about him I thought was his longfield crossing from far out wide, this stops as soon as the boos started!!

I'll be honest I rate both Charlie and Kirk and with Ibrox behind em they could turn out to be quality players, but its not going to happen, like so many others Burke, Adam, Broadfoot, Hemdani, Dailly, McCulloch dare I say Boyd, Barry Ferguson there all kick stands that infact need a bit of encouragement from us!!

Since the end of the season everyone has something to say about the playing staff, accept the untouchables McShagger, King Carlos, Thomson and quite surprisingly Papac (look at posts at the begining of the seaosn) I think its wrong, its time to get behind the team and im glad you spoke up mate!!

With all this negativity we are ruining players at this club, I just hope future stars like naisy, fleck furman get their chance - but im guessing they'll have a few boos an all!

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I'm not claiming that the guy is world class, but he's clearly not the useless cabbage some people would have you believe.

He's a big strong guy, who'll run all day and won't ever give in, even when the idiotic boo-boys target him. I remember the UEFA semi where he had a dreadful first 20 mins, but stuck to it and had a decent run up to half time. In the second half, he was one of the better contributors.

What is the objective of these boo-boys who have targetted Ross, Hutton, Adam and now Broadfoot? I may have shared in the frustration they have caused us, but anyone thinking that verbal abuse will up their game is clearly not qualified to even watch football on TV, let alone attend a match and pass comment.

Encouragement works better than abuse, especially with young players, but our simplistic west of Scotland, alcohol and violence related bravado makes some think they sound really hard by anonymously telling a young player that he is sh*t and should GTF. I'm sure

Ally won't agree with such characters and I'm certain he will be backing big Kirk, who may be the perfect partner for Cuellar.

In his first 5 games at right back everyone was praising him, and rightly so, his crosses were quality, his running was brilliant and he put his foot in!! He makes a mistake and the boo boys are out, and he has become another Charlie Adam afraid, lack of confidence and a kick stand for when things dont go right, so he doesnt try anything, he doesnt want to get on the ball, the best bit about him I thought was his longfield crossing from far out wide, this stops as soon as the boos started!!

I'll be honest I rate both Charlie and Kirk and with Ibrox behind em they could turn out to be quality players, but its not going to happen, like so many others Burke, Adam, Broadfoot, Hemdani, Dailly, McCulloch dare I say Boyd, Barry Ferguson there all kick stands that infact need a bit of encouragement from us!!

Since the end of the season everyone has something to say about the playing staff, accept the untouchables McShagger, King Carlos, Thomson and quite surprisingly Papac (look at posts at the begining of the seaosn) I think its wrong, its time to get behind the team and im glad you spoke up mate!!

With all this negativity we are ruining players at this club, I just hope future stars like naisy, fleck furman get their chance - but im guessing they'll have a few boos an all!


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I think that we are all behind the team.

We just don't have many great performers, or at the very least, performances, to reflect on in a positive manner.

Congrats on passing your 60k post barrier. (tu)

Thanks Oleg, I didn't even realized.

60k since December 2005...that is quite a lot.

As for my earlier statement, I feel bad about writing it to be honest. Between players not seeing a lot of action and our 4-5-1 play, its easier to try and pick out the boring and negative for discussion instead of trying to be generically positive.

If next season starts and players begin to do the thigns that get people jumping... scoring goals, great ball movement etc, I believe that the overall tone towards the players...like Broadfoot...will improve.

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Thanks Oleg, I didn't even realized.

60k since December 2005...that is quite a lot.

As for my earlier statement, I feel bad about writing it to be honest. Between players not seeing a lot of action and our 4-5-1 play, its easier to try and pick out the boring and negative for discussion instead of trying to be generically positive.

If next season starts and players begin to do the thigns that get people jumping... scoring goals, great ball movement etc, I believe that the overall tone towards the players...like Broadfoot...will improve.

Think I'm only 80 places behind you. :D

The season ended on a downer, regarding Manchester and the SPL.

But I feel the hangover is lasting too long. In the broader perspective, we deserved to win the league despite SPL fixturing and poor refereeing, and got to our first Euro final in 36 years. So I get quite frustrated when Walter and the players get stick for taking us from where LeGuen left us.

Time to get that chin up and be a positive support behind the team and coaching staff. Half the board are running us down more than the tims.

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Thanks Oleg, I didn't even realized.

60k since December 2005...that is quite a lot.

As for my earlier statement, I feel bad about writing it to be honest. Between players not seeing a lot of action and our 4-5-1 play, its easier to try and pick out the boring and negative for discussion instead of trying to be generically positive.

If next season starts and players begin to do the thigns that get people jumping... scoring goals, great ball movement etc, I believe that the overall tone towards the players...like Broadfoot...will improve.

Think I'm only 80 places behind you. :D

The season ended on a downer, regarding Manchester and the SPL.

But I feel the hangover is lasting too long. In the broader perspective, we deserved to win the league despite SPL fixturing and poor refereeing, and got to our first Euro final in 36 years. So I get quite frustrated when Walter and the players get stick for taking us from where LeGuen left us.

Time to get that chin up and be a positive support behind the team and coaching staff. Half the board are running us down more than the tims.

I can't disagree with any of your points here guys. (tu)

On Broadfoot, I do feel sorry for the big man. He's not the most gifted of footballers and never will be, his defending at times is quite shocking, and he occasionally has the look of a startled Bambi-on-ice about him. Yet on occasions he's been a useful contributor going forward and has passed the ball better than his more illustrious teammates at times. No-one can doubt his commitment or his willingness to run himself into the ground for the cause either.

When all's said and done, he's a raw CH-in-the-making thrown in at the deepend as RB. Can we really expect much more from him at the moment?

I hope that, within a season or 2, he emerges as a suitable replacement for our more experienced CBs. Not sure if he's got it in him tho. :unsure:

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Not good enuff-by far.I really thought the days of utter dumplings in a Gers shirt was over.I would run & fight all day & so would most of you all for £8-10000 Grand a week, unfortunately WE like Kirk ARE NOT UP to playing football for one of the worlds most famous clubs.

Should never wear a Gers shirt again-embarrasing really.He widny get a game for a League 2 side in England.


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ahh dear old broadfoot. He's a real tryer i'll give him that and he gives his all in every game.. but lets be honest.. it's not really good enough. Sure he's been played out of his preferred position and he can place a decent long pass and tackle every now and then but he is prone to a few clangers and then his foul throws are a tad embarassing to say the least. Yes, he could be used as a back up but he certainly shouldn't be in the first team 11.

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Im all for giving players chances, Broadfoot though, angers me.

how he got to start most of our games is beyond me, the guys had chance after chance and he hasnt impressed me, he is not good enough and should only be played from the bench if we insist on keeping him, who knows, MAYBE he will improve.

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