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Speirs thinks we are pathetic !


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You have to hand it to Sir David Murray - seriously - because his performance of the past week deserves an alpha-plus in terms of self-defence and sticking up for his rights at Rangers. Having been at football war with Murray for years, in various columns and broadcasting outlets, I found myself totally admiring the Ibrox chairman in recent days as the unseemly rabble gathered around him.

Outside Ibrox on Saturday afternoon a hopeless and pathetic-looking troop of protesters gathered to try to usher the Rangers chairman towards the exit door. Almost as if at a funeral, they stood there, around 200 of them, looking as dumbstruck as sheep, wondering what to think or say.

If Murray wanted to hang in at Ibrox a while longer, it must have warmed his heart looking at this bedraggled lot.

Murray, who owns 90 per cent of Rangers and needs to get around £50 million back on his investment, is to be trusted – yes, trusted – when he says he will “not be hard to deal with over money” when it comes to selling up. That day will come soon enough. Indeed, yesterday, in an interview in Scotland on Sunday, Murray revealed that he came within hours of selling Rangers to a consortium last year, but pulled back at the last minute because he felt it “wasn’t the right deal for Rangers”.

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Murray is quite right to resist such deals. Those who are clamoring to have Rangers sold need to think carefully about this: to whom and to what end? Will the new owner be good for the club? Will he (or she) reinvest in the team? Will they understand the place of Rangers as a unique Scottish institution? None of these questions can be treated lightly and those who think Murray should simply be frog-marched out of Ibrox at the point of a bayonet clearly have no sense of the bigger picture.

For sure, Murray has had his media toadies and has manipulated a group such as the Rangers Supporters Trust, and his club’s supporters are increasingly aware of this. But none of that should obscure the fact that what Murray wants is absolutely the best for Rangers in the future. The trouble those protesting Rangers fans have is that not one of them, to the best of our knowledge, has come up with an answer to the question about their club’s future.

Where is the sugar daddy – either in Britain or perhaps in the wider Scottish diaspora who has made his millions in north America – who can take over Rangers? One thing is for sure: the answer to Rangers’ future is not some gaggle of businessmen, with not a lot of money between them, who quite fancy taking over the steering of the club. That would be good for their pining egos but it wouldn’t serve Rangers well in the medium term.

The past week offered a fascinating portrait of a club whose principal figures have refused to be swayed by some of the loud-mouths gathering around them. For instance, there was something utterly refreshing about manager Walter Smith’s almost insouciant attitude towards what one sports reporter – and a good friend of mine – referred to as “the clamour in the streets” over Rangers’ recent problems.

I have to hand it to Smith. Sometimes there is something to be said for being oblivious to the so-called “fever” and “uproar” of fans – especially, in Rangers’ case, among the half-literate frenzies of the internet brigade – when it comes to the job.

We had a marvellous sit-down as usual with the Rangers manager last Friday, at which Smith merely raised one of his eyebrows and reacted wryly to suggestions that some among his club’s fans were foaming at the mouth over recent Rangers setbacks.

“Really?” Smith said. “A ‘clamour in the streets’, eh? Any time I’m out in the streets all I seem to be asked for is my autograph. I don’t see any ‘clamour’ .”

In an age when “the client” is supposed to come first – in football, in commerce, wherever – it is amusing to come upon a man quite unperturbed in this way. Moreover, football fans often complain that they don’t get the same access to clubs as reporters, and claim that, if they did, then they would ask the truly hard questions. But at a recent gathering of Rangers fans at Ibrox, alas, this proved not quite to be the case.

When suddenly confronted by Smith, Murray and Martin Bain – the three Rangers bigwigs – in an open Q and A session last week, it transpired that one or two of the supporters’ representatives found their knees starting to knock while trying to come up with the “hard questions”.

Smith, indeed, referred to the chap from the Rangers Trust as “silly” when he solemnly intoned: “Walter . . . were you disappointed by the Kaunas result?” So this is where sports journalism has gone wrong in this country! If only the rest of us could conjure up such fearlessness.

I’m no David Murray fan, but I admire him for having the guts to stick to his guns. He has ignored, and will continue to ignore, the more intemperate Rangers supporter until the moment is right to hand the club over. Because Murray knows that, unless he makes the call correctly, Rangers could tumble into years of decline.

He is now using the great pretender Murray to get to us now, Im not fooled for one minute by Murrays latest line he will only sell to someone if it benefits RFC

He hasnt cared about the club for several years now so why should he be concerned when he has left, he was never a Rangers fan and never will be !!

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Guest therabbitt

This is a second article in a short term that I have found myself agreeing with some of the sentiments of Brittney. Was has happened to the world recently?

EDIT: He is still a mischevious, arrogant, crap spouting annoyance. Wonder has SDM had a word.

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He's a cock rash.

What is all this about protestors outside? I was walking past and stopped to see what was going on. It was clear everyone was waiting for a player to arrive - as the police were keeping everyone off the road. I thought it was going to be Davis but it turned out to be Edu.

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Guest therabbitt
Some decent points there in my opinion.

Murray has always said he will only sell to someone who has Rangers best interests at heart. I respect him for that.

Now shoot me down :unsure:

Good man Coops - least we can try defend ourselves together, I thought they would all be coming for me

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Some decent points there in my opinion.

Murray has always said he will only sell to someone who has Rangers best interests at heart. I respect him for that.

Now shoot me down :unsure:

Murray has always said he will only sell to someone who has Rangers best interests at heart. I respect him for that.

Thats him buying time in order to get money back just another porkie pie from him

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Murray, who owns 90 per cent of Rangers and needs to get around £50 million back on his investment, is to be trusted – yes, trusted – when he says he will "not be hard to deal with over money" when it comes to selling up.

I don't doubt that. The reason being that he can't afford to be 'hard to deal with over money' because it is going to be hard enough for him to get rid of us (which is what he wants) without making us expensive. We will probably be sold for a relative song, assuming he can find a buyer, and our lack of attractiveness is partly down to his tenure.

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speirs is a wanker.

Morning matey, I agree, which makes it so much worse when he writes something like the above and it makes sense.

It really does strike me that, We want Murray out, Murray wants out, but, there isnt a big queue of buyers lineing up to have us, and, the last thing we want is the likes of Romanov?

Plus, NOBODY has come up with even 1 suggestion as to who to replace him with. Its not quite as easy as a manager.

Very difficult situation

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speirs is a wanker.

Morning matey, I agree, which makes it so much worse when he writes something like the above and it makes sense.

It really does strike me that, We want Murray out, Murray wants out, but, there isnt a big queue of buyers lineing up to have us, and, the last thing we want is the likes of Romanov?

Plus, NOBODY has come up with even 1 suggestion as to who to replace him with. Its not quite as easy as a manager.

Very difficult situation

Spot on outlaw I think (tu)

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Ah Minty was obviously ruffled by us miscreants last week.

If only he would unleash his PR when the fans are under attack.

Yip, will only defend himself when the shite flys, has the interests of the club at heat does he ??

We ae the fucking club and he should open his lying mouth to defend us

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speirs is a wanker.

Morning matey, I agree, which makes it so much worse when he writes something like the above and it makes sense.

It really does strike me that, We want Murray out, Murray wants out, but, there isnt a big queue of buyers lineing up to have us, and, the last thing we want is the likes of Romanov?

Plus, NOBODY has come up with even 1 suggestion as to who to replace him with. Its not quite as easy as a manager.

Very difficult situation

There is a couple of obvious suggestions, those fellows from Ulster and Tom Hunter but he is not interested

Now if those fellows from Ulster are interested but Murray may have knocked them back due to a low price then he doest really give a fuck about the club in the future because I think it would be in good hands with those fellows, maybe they are too proddy for that cunt Murray

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speirs is a wanker.

Morning matey, I agree, which makes it so much worse when he writes something like the above and it makes sense.

It really does strike me that, We want Murray out, Murray wants out, but, there isnt a big queue of buyers lineing up to have us, and, the last thing we want is the likes of Romanov?

Plus, NOBODY has come up with even 1 suggestion as to who to replace him with. Its not quite as easy as a manager.

Very difficult situation

There is a couple of obvious suggestions, those fellows from Ulster and Tom Hunter but he is not interested

Now if those fellows from Ulster are interested but Murray may have knocked them back due to a low price then he doest really give a fuck about the club in the future because I think it would be in good hands with those fellows, maybe they are too proddy for that cunt Murray

Aye, Hunter ruled himself out totally, I dont know the details of the Ulster fellows, or was that the one with the politician? I remember at the time (if its the same ones) that the general feeling was he was using it as a help to get elected, but, who knows.

Thats the issue mate, you managed a couple names, but, at least 1 isnt bothered.

Justified as it may be, the way we piss and moan about murray, in the public arena (and media), makes us a less attractive purchase. Much as I love the club, if i could afford it, it would make me think twice as to whether I wanted to deal with that.

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Ah Minty was obviously ruffled by us miscreants last week.

If only he would unleash his PR when the fans are under attack.

I agree mate, however, given we are very VERY vocal about how much we detest the man and almost everything about him, we cant really be surprised that he doesnt defend us can we? And, do we deserve it?

You cant spend years slating someone and expect them to defend you. Switch it round eh? Would you? (not just you of course, that was a royal you haha)

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Ah Minty was obviously ruffled by us miscreants last week.

If only he would unleash his PR when the fans are under attack.

I agree mate, however, given we are very VERY vocal about how much we detest the man and almost everything about him, we cant really be surprised that he doesnt defend us can we? And, do we deserve it?

You cant spend years slating someone and expect them to defend you. Switch it round eh? Would you? (not just you of course, that was a royal you haha)

I don't expect him to defend me personally, but Rangers fans as a group.

Are you saying that a large majority of us detest minty?

And yes If I was in charge of Rangers defending our fans would be a high priority, I know they are the lifeblood of the Club and pay for the whole thing.....

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Ah Minty was obviously ruffled by us miscreants last week.

If only he would unleash his PR when the fans are under attack.

I agree mate, however, given we are very VERY vocal about how much we detest the man and almost everything about him, we cant really be surprised that he doesnt defend us can we? And, do we deserve it?

You cant spend years slating someone and expect them to defend you. Switch it round eh? Would you? (not just you of course, that was a royal you haha)

I dont want the cunt to defend me becuase we have nothing in common and Im not talking financial wise

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Ah Minty was obviously ruffled by us miscreants last week.

If only he would unleash his PR when the fans are under attack.

I agree mate, however, given we are very VERY vocal about how much we detest the man and almost everything about him, we cant really be surprised that he doesnt defend us can we? And, do we deserve it?

You cant spend years slating someone and expect them to defend you. Switch it round eh? Would you? (not just you of course, that was a royal you haha)

I don't expect him to defend me personally, but Rangers fans as a group.

Are you saying that a large majority of us detest minty?

And yes If I was in charge of Rangers defending our fans would be a high priority, I know they are the lifeblood of the Club and pay for the whole thing.....

hmmm? :P It does appear that way, then again, the majority are generalised by the most vocal group, negative or positive.

Thats how it should be, but, at the same time, must be hard to defend a group that never has a positive thing to say about you,after a bit you would think, "whats the point". I think thats where he is at now.

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Ah Minty was obviously ruffled by us miscreants last week.

If only he would unleash his PR when the fans are under attack.

I agree mate, however, given we are very VERY vocal about how much we detest the man and almost everything about him, we cant really be surprised that he doesnt defend us can we? And, do we deserve it?

You cant spend years slating someone and expect them to defend you. Switch it round eh? Would you? (not just you of course, that was a royal you haha)

I dont want the cunt to defend me becuase we have nothing in common and Im not talking financial wise

You did however say

"Yip, will only defend himself when the shite flys, has the interests of the club at heat does he ??

We ae the fucking club and he should open his lying mouth to defend us"

As I said above, I didnt mean that he should defend individuals,

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hmmm? :P It does appear that way, then again, the majority are generalised by the most vocal group, negative or positive.

Thats how it should be, but, at the same time, must be hard to defend a group that never has a positive thing to say about you,after a bit you would think, "whats the point". I think thats where he is at now.

He seems to me to have been in this place for quite some time.

You think he won't defend us because we criticise him.

Truth is we criticise him because he won't defend us ;)

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