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Tartan sectarian army now officially Scotlands shame


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Guest johngers
"so your scottish and british but want independance im normally quite talkative but youve got me lost for words"

whats so hard about this one.

everyone on hears been banging on about being scottish and british . well I am both.

we have no choice but to be both.

I`d prefer to be just scottish though.

"if you took all the bigots (your words)traditionalists(my words) out of ibrox the ground would be less than half full"

thats what all the bigots believe.

Rangers would have no problems getting supporters in if they got rid of the bigots.

You're a fucking retard. Stop bringing politics in to your justification to label Rangers fans bigots.

You ask me? I reckon you are a dirty kiddy fiddling pervert who glorifies the deaths of innocents.

That's a pretty pathetic reponse.

But yet his estimation is probably right (tu);)

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Well i've read through it, quite a thread.

One issue shines out for me, a bit off topic.

Why do so many bears feel the need to criticise our Club for its signing practices?

Even if it were a 'policy', for which there is no substantial evidence - what is so wrong with a Protestant Club signing Protestant players?

Sporting Institutions throughout the World have had discriminatory signing policies - Athletic Bilbao still only sign Basque born players for example.

Have you really been so indoctrinated that you can't see that this is a non issue?

Placing a geographical restriction on who can play for a club isn't nesacerrilly discriminatory but it can be.

Take Yorkshire County Cricket Club as an example. For years they had a policy of only playing Yorkshiremen, which was fair enough. Where it became discriminatory was when it was used as an excuse to avoid playing people of Asian decent even though they had been born in Yorkshire - on the grounds that real Yorkshiremen (ie white Yorkshiremen) had parents that also came from Yorkshire.

As far as I know Athletic will play any Basque born player regardless of ethnicity or religion, which I don't think is discriminatory.

The fact that we as a club contributed to the poisonous sectarian divide in Scottish society by not signing catholics is a dark chapter in our history.

And before anyone comes on and says that there wasn't such a policy etc etc., why did WVB got such a great reaction when he answered the thread about if you owned Rangers by saying, he would get rid of all the Beads (ie catholics) and this was normal service being resumed?

And I guess you don't think Atletico are adding to the 'poisonous' Spanish-Basque relationship?


They are Athletic. They only time they were called Atletico was when the fascist Franco banned all non-Spanish names for football teams. Now there was someone who poisoned the Basque - Spanish relationship

Given his antics it's hardly surprising that a Basque club has chosen to celebrate it's culture in the way it has done

I suppose having a Scottish national team that only fields Scots is poisonous to the Scottish - English relationship

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Well i've read through it, quite a thread.

One issue shines out for me, a bit off topic.

Why do so many bears feel the need to criticise our Club for its signing practices?

Even if it were a 'policy', for which there is no substantial evidence - what is so wrong with a Protestant Club signing Protestant players?

Sporting Institutions throughout the World have had discriminatory signing policies - Athletic Bilbao still only sign Basque born players for example.

Have you really been so indoctrinated that you can't see that this is a non issue?

Placing a geographical restriction on who can play for a club isn't nesacerrilly discriminatory but it can be.

Take Yorkshire County Cricket Club as an example. For years they had a policy of only playing Yorkshiremen, which was fair enough. Where it became discriminatory was when it was used as an excuse to avoid playing people of Asian decent even though they had been born in Yorkshire - on the grounds that real Yorkshiremen (ie white Yorkshiremen) had parents that also came from Yorkshire.

As far as I know Athletic will play any Basque born player regardless of ethnicity or religion, which I don't think is discriminatory.

The fact that we as a club contributed to the poisonous sectarian divide in Scottish society by not signing catholics is a dark chapter in our history.

And before anyone comes on and says that there wasn't such a policy etc etc., why did WVB got such a great reaction when he answered the thread about if you owned Rangers by saying, he would get rid of all the Beads (ie catholics) and this was normal service being resumed?

Oh dear oh dear.

The lengths some bears go to to attack our Club.

We don't need enemies although we have many.

It would also help if you could work out how the 'quote' thing works.

Your comment about 'a geographical restriction' betrays a complete ignorance of equal opportunities issues.

As for sectarianism, yes it exists and has existed for some time, but our Club's Ethos was Protestant and Unionist for a long time and our signings reflect that fact.

Like septic's ethos was rc and irish republican and their signings reflect that fact.

As for your comment about our so called policy, why not answer the question instead of referring to some stranger in the internet?

What was the policy?

How did it become a 'Policy'?

How was it enforced?

Try dealing with the facts, not the shite you are spoon fed.....

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Guest johngers

Well i've read through it, quite a thread.

One issue shines out for me, a bit off topic.

Why do so many bears feel the need to criticise our Club for its signing practices?

Even if it were a 'policy', for which there is no substantial evidence - what is so wrong with a Protestant Club signing Protestant players?

Sporting Institutions throughout the World have had discriminatory signing policies - Athletic Bilbao still only sign Basque born players for example.

Have you really been so indoctrinated that you can't see that this is a non issue?

Placing a geographical restriction on who can play for a club isn't nesacerrilly discriminatory but it can be.

Take Yorkshire County Cricket Club as an example. For years they had a policy of only playing Yorkshiremen, which was fair enough. Where it became discriminatory was when it was used as an excuse to avoid playing people of Asian decent even though they had been born in Yorkshire - on the grounds that real Yorkshiremen (ie white Yorkshiremen) had parents that also came from Yorkshire.

As far as I know Athletic will play any Basque born player regardless of ethnicity or religion, which I don't think is discriminatory.

The fact that we as a club contributed to the poisonous sectarian divide in Scottish society by not signing catholics is a dark chapter in our history.

And before anyone comes on and says that there wasn't such a policy etc etc., why did WVB got such a great reaction when he answered the thread about if you owned Rangers by saying, he would get rid of all the Beads (ie catholics) and this was normal service being resumed?

And I guess you don't think Atletico are adding to the 'poisonous' Spanish-Basque relationship?


They are Athletic. They only time they were called Atletico was when the fascist Franco banned all non-Spanish names for football teams. Now there was someone who poisoned the Basque - Spanish relationship

Given his antics it's hardly surprising that a Basque club has chosen to celebrate it's culture in the way it has done

I suppose having a Scottish national team that only fields Scots is poisonous to the Scottish - English relationship

I apologise sincerely for getting the wrong name.

But yet when we celebrate our culture it is wrong? Why?

Scotland - England and Basque - Spain are different. So that last sentence is utter shite pal ;)

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They are Athletic. They only time they were called Atletico was when the fascist Franco banned all non-Spanish names for football teams. Now there was someone who poisoned the Basque - Spanish relationship

Given his antics it's hardly surprising that a Basque club has chosen to celebrate it's culture in the way it has done

At least we can agree on something, and not just the name of the Club ;)

I wandered round their Stadium last year.

In fact I saw Rangers beat them in 1969 as a lad.

And yes, why should they not celebrate their Basque/ Euskari culture?

But why should we not celebrate our Scottish Protestant/ Presbyterian Culture?

Or is that bad?


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Dont understand your problem with that Jim - you beleive that Rangers fans cannot have politically different views from the accepted Rangers norm? I hold similar views and I certainly aint no Jungle jim

Which bit of 'I don't doubt for a second that some bears hold reservations about unionism etc.' do you find tricky?

Missed the point totally again I see

The point is that he starts off by saying that and then labels the poster a Tim because of his opinions.

Which is ludicrous - actually, to get it out in the open it is discriminatory

Some folk never get the point.

Accusations of timmery are never just based on people's opinions (well in my case anyway and I suspect Jim's).

There's a lot more to it than that.

But you peddle yer wee lie if it rocks your boat....

They're based on what then if not opinions?

Good question.

But bear in mind I said not just opinions ;)

It is a matter of style as well.

Those of us who dirty our hands by lurking on timmy fora detect a style of posting that is not common on our boards. Poor grammar is one sign.

Names that include '1690', 'FTP' and the like, combined with a low post count and daft anti rc posts is another.

These things together and maybe an 'instinct' do it.

There was one last night or the night before I challenged slightly and he denied being one then 'outed' himself shortly afterwards on another thread.

It's hard to pin down, but if you look through those of us who make these accusations, you would know that it is not just about opinions, a diversity of opinions is to be welcomed.

I strongly disagree with lots of folk on here about a range of issues, but the thought that they are tims hasn't entered my head.

Having been a poster on a few Rangers forums I can honestly say that our fan base is made up of people with different levels of ability when it comes to the English language. There's a few on here and the other forums who murder the language and there are some who have a really advanced grasp of English. Spelling, grammer, tense, everyone has different abilities.

The name game, yeah I can see how that can look like a giveaway but it could also be a daft wee boy trying to look the part in front of a big group of Rangers fans. I've seen that on another forum where the guy turned out to be 13 and thought the way to go about it was to be uber.

I've recently come back to this forum after a year or so elsewhere and have been a bit taken aback by the amount of 'sniff sniffing' going on. The amount of shifty eye smilies tells it's own story to a degree.

It seems to some if you're not an overtly Orangeman/proddy/unionist how the hell can you be a Rangers fan. Well the orange/proddy/unionist may have been they're route to the Rangers but it wasn't mine and I'm sure there will be others for whom the club is a football club, their football club and no more.

That makes me or any others no less a fan and this sniff sniffing by certain 'ubers' is arrogant, condescending and downright bad form treatment of fellow fans.

Rangers support is not made up exclusively of the O/P/U, it never has been and never will be. Yes there's definitely a majority but I think some forget that it's not 100%.

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"so your scottish and british but want independance im normally quite talkative but youve got me lost for words"

whats so hard about this one.

everyone on hears been banging on about being scottish and british . well I am both.

we have no choice but to be both.

I`d prefer to be just scottish though.

"if you took all the bigots (your words)traditionalists(my words) out of ibrox the ground would be less than half full"

thats what all the bigots believe.

Rangers would have no problems getting supporters in if they got rid of the bigots.

You're a fucking retard. Stop bringing politics in to your justification to label Rangers fans bigots.

You ask me? I reckon you are a dirty kiddy fiddling pervert who glorifies the deaths of innocents.

That's a pretty pathetic reponse.

But yet his estimation is probably right (tu);)

Probably? But not 100% sure. So he could well be insulting a fellow Rangers fan but it's worth the gamble. Is that what being a Rangers fan is all about to you?

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I apologise sincerely for getting the wrong name.

But yet when we celebrate our culture it is wrong? Why?

Scotland - England and Basque - Spain are different. So that last sentence is utter shite pal ;)

I wouldn't get too upset about the name but if you find yourself in the Basque Country watch out.

The whole Franco thing is a big deal there, remember they lived under a Dictatorship until the mid 1970s, it's a recent memory.

But I agree with you about our culture.

Personally I am not religious, but I am not taken in by the Protestantism = Bigotry campaign that is deployed against our Club's history.

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Guest johngers
"so your scottish and british but want independance im normally quite talkative but youve got me lost for words"

whats so hard about this one.

everyone on hears been banging on about being scottish and british . well I am both.

we have no choice but to be both.

I`d prefer to be just scottish though.

"if you took all the bigots (your words)traditionalists(my words) out of ibrox the ground would be less than half full"

thats what all the bigots believe.

Rangers would have no problems getting supporters in if they got rid of the bigots.

You're a fucking retard. Stop bringing politics in to your justification to label Rangers fans bigots.

You ask me? I reckon you are a dirty kiddy fiddling pervert who glorifies the deaths of innocents.

That's a pretty pathetic reponse.

But yet his estimation is probably right (tu);)

Probably? But not 100% sure. So he could well be insulting a fellow Rangers fan but it's worth the gamble. Is that what being a Rangers fan is all about to you?

I don't ever recall saying that it was...

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Did these same people boo our Olympians when they received thier medals?

It's the same guys who'll today be walking about with their ROI strips.

Irony is lost on these phuckin d1cks.

These people are scum and I see Purcell of glesga cafflic cooncil announced that they are gonna call one of the east end arenas The Chris Hoy veladrome, wait till they establish Chris is a Bluenose then the clatty tramps will want to change their minds 1 :sherlock:

There's supposedly already been people moaning about this cos he's from Edinburgh (well Porty) :rolleyes:

I ignore everything the rhebel has to say on the anthem issue. They're clearly pandering to all the sheep and tramps that want a return to the days of being invaded.

Well said mate a shower of inbred arseholes ! If ever there was an excuse for ethnic cleansing they are defo it ! :sherlock:

Don't think there's ever an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

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Dont understand your problem with that Jim - you beleive that Rangers fans cannot have politically different views from the accepted Rangers norm? I hold similar views and I certainly aint no Jungle jim

Which bit of 'I don't doubt for a second that some bears hold reservations about unionism etc.' do you find tricky?

Missed the point totally again I see

The point is that he starts off by saying that and then labels the poster a Tim because of his opinions.

Which is ludicrous - actually, to get it out in the open it is discriminatory

Some folk never get the point.

Accusations of timmery are never just based on people's opinions (well in my case anyway and I suspect Jim's).

There's a lot more to it than that.

But you peddle yer wee lie if it rocks your boat....

They're based on what then if not opinions?

Good question.

But bear in mind I said not just opinions ;)

It is a matter of style as well.

Those of us who dirty our hands by lurking on timmy fora detect a style of posting that is not common on our boards. Poor grammar is one sign.

Names that include '1690', 'FTP' and the like, combined with a low post count and daft anti rc posts is another.

These things together and maybe an 'instinct' do it.

There was one last night or the night before I challenged slightly and he denied being one then 'outed' himself shortly afterwards on another thread.

It's hard to pin down, but if you look through those of us who make these accusations, you would know that it is not just about opinions, a diversity of opinions is to be welcomed.

I strongly disagree with lots of folk on here about a range of issues, but the thought that they are tims hasn't entered my head.

Having been a poster on a few Rangers forums I can honestly say that our fan base is made up of people with different levels of ability when it comes to the English language. There's a few on here and the other forums who murder the language and there are some who have a really advanced grasp of English. Spelling, grammer, tense, everyone has different abilities.

The name game, yeah I can see how that can look like a giveaway but it could also be a daft wee boy trying to look the part in front of a big group of Rangers fans. I've seen that on another forum where the guy turned out to be 13 and thought the way to go about it was to be uber.

I've recently come back to this forum after a year or so elsewhere and have been a bit taken aback by the amount of 'sniff sniffing' going on. The amount of shifty eye smilies tells it's own story to a degree.

It seems to some if you're not an overtly Orangeman/proddy/unionist how the hell can you be a Rangers fan. Well the orange/proddy/unionist may have been they're route to the Rangers but it wasn't mine and I'm sure there will be others for whom the club is a football club, their football club and no more.

That makes me or any others no less a fan and this sniff sniffing by certain 'ubers' is arrogant, condescending and downright bad form treatment of fellow fans.

Rangers support is not made up exclusively of the O/P/U, it never has been and never will be. Yes there's definitely a majority but I think some forget that it's not 100%.

It's 'grammar' :mutley:

Sniif, sniff :D

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They are Athletic. They only time they were called Atletico was when the fascist Franco banned all non-Spanish names for football teams. Now there was someone who poisoned the Basque - Spanish relationship

Given his antics it's hardly surprising that a Basque club has chosen to celebrate it's culture in the way it has done

At least we can agree on something, and not just the name of the Club ;)

I wandered round their Stadium last year.

In fact I saw Rangers beat them in 1969 as a lad.

And yes, why should they not celebrate their Basque/ Euskari culture?

But why should we not celebrate our Scottish Protestant/ Presbyterian Culture?

Or is that bad?


Depends how you celebrate. If it's by putting other cultures and religions down then that's not really celebrating, is it?

I don't really understand this 'the lengths some bears will go to attack our club' angle. Is it a form of denial? Are we saying we have a blameless history while at the same time the tims say the same thing? Where has all the poison come from over the years then?

The rest of Scottish football don't believe celtc to be innocents. They also don't believe Rangers to be innocents either and you have to agree that when a wide spread of clubs from all over the land agree on something it's representative of something.

We have tidied up our act and deserve recognition for that and when other fans get up to no good they should be pulled up for it. That hasn't happened in any of the press I've read about the anthem carry on and I'm fukin shattered and getting less coherent by the minute!

Have to carry this on tomorrow. Hopefully after thrashing the sheep. :bouncy:

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Dont understand your problem with that Jim - you beleive that Rangers fans cannot have politically different views from the accepted Rangers norm? I hold similar views and I certainly aint no Jungle jim

Which bit of 'I don't doubt for a second that some bears hold reservations about unionism etc.' do you find tricky?

Missed the point totally again I see

The point is that he starts off by saying that and then labels the poster a Tim because of his opinions.

Which is ludicrous - actually, to get it out in the open it is discriminatory

Some folk never get the point.

Accusations of timmery are never just based on people's opinions (well in my case anyway and I suspect Jim's).

There's a lot more to it than that.

But you peddle yer wee lie if it rocks your boat....

They're based on what then if not opinions?

Good question.

But bear in mind I said not just opinions ;)

It is a matter of style as well.

Those of us who dirty our hands by lurking on timmy fora detect a style of posting that is not common on our boards. Poor grammar is one sign.

Names that include '1690', 'FTP' and the like, combined with a low post count and daft anti rc posts is another.

These things together and maybe an 'instinct' do it.

There was one last night or the night before I challenged slightly and he denied being one then 'outed' himself shortly afterwards on another thread.

It's hard to pin down, but if you look through those of us who make these accusations, you would know that it is not just about opinions, a diversity of opinions is to be welcomed.

I strongly disagree with lots of folk on here about a range of issues, but the thought that they are tims hasn't entered my head.

Having been a poster on a few Rangers forums I can honestly say that our fan base is made up of people with different levels of ability when it comes to the English language. There's a few on here and the other forums who murder the language and there are some who have a really advanced grasp of English. Spelling, grammer, tense, everyone has different abilities.

The name game, yeah I can see how that can look like a giveaway but it could also be a daft wee boy trying to look the part in front of a big group of Rangers fans. I've seen that on another forum where the guy turned out to be 13 and thought the way to go about it was to be uber.

I've recently come back to this forum after a year or so elsewhere and have been a bit taken aback by the amount of 'sniff sniffing' going on. The amount of shifty eye smilies tells it's own story to a degree.

It seems to some if you're not an overtly Orangeman/proddy/unionist how the hell can you be a Rangers fan. Well the orange/proddy/unionist may have been they're route to the Rangers but it wasn't mine and I'm sure there will be others for whom the club is a football club, their football club and no more.

That makes me or any others no less a fan and this sniff sniffing by certain 'ubers' is arrogant, condescending and downright bad form treatment of fellow fans.

Rangers support is not made up exclusively of the O/P/U, it never has been and never will be. Yes there's definitely a majority but I think some forget that it's not 100%.

It's 'grammar' :mutley:

Sniif, sniff :D

Jog on decloid! :rolleyes:

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Guest johngers
I apologise sincerely for getting the wrong name.

But yet when we celebrate our culture it is wrong? Why?

Scotland - England and Basque - Spain are different. So that last sentence is utter shite pal ;)

I wouldn't get too upset about the name but if you find yourself in the Basque Country watch out.

The whole Franco thing is a big deal there, remember they lived under a Dictatorship until the mid 1970s, it's a recent memory.

But I agree with you about our culture.

Personally I am not religious, but I am not taken in by the Protestantism = Bigotry campaign that is deployed against our Club's history.

(tu) I'll try to remember next time I visit there

The anti Protestantism from some of our fans, let alone the media, is absolute bile. When you remember what Rangers stand for, and then see Rangers fans ignoring that culture, its a sad day indeed.

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Did these same people boo our Olympians when they received thier medals?

It's the same guys who'll today be walking about with their ROI strips.

Irony is lost on these phuckin d1cks.

These people are scum and I see Purcell of glesga cafflic cooncil announced that they are gonna call one of the east end arenas The Chris Hoy veladrome, wait till they establish Chris is a Bluenose then the clatty tramps will want to change their minds 1 :sherlock:

There's supposedly already been people moaning about this cos he's from Edinburgh (well Porty) :rolleyes:

I ignore everything the rhebel has to say on the anthem issue. They're clearly pandering to all the sheep and tramps that want a return to the days of being invaded.

Well said mate a shower of inbred arseholes ! If ever there was an excuse for ethnic cleansing they are defo it ! :sherlock:

Don't think there's ever an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

God your right JTB, don't know what ever possessed me to say it, anyway you gaun tae pittodrie or ye jist watchin the geme oan telly ? :sherlock:

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Well i've read through it, quite a thread.

One issue shines out for me, a bit off topic.

Why do so many bears feel the need to criticise our Club for its signing practices?

Even if it were a 'policy', for which there is no substantial evidence - what is so wrong with a Protestant Club signing Protestant players?

Sporting Institutions throughout the World have had discriminatory signing policies - Athletic Bilbao still only sign Basque born players for example.

Have you really been so indoctrinated that you can't see that this is a non issue?

Placing a geographical restriction on who can play for a club isn't nesacerrilly discriminatory but it can be.

Take Yorkshire County Cricket Club as an example. For years they had a policy of only playing Yorkshiremen, which was fair enough. Where it became discriminatory was when it was used as an excuse to avoid playing people of Asian decent even though they had been born in Yorkshire - on the grounds that real Yorkshiremen (ie white Yorkshiremen) had parents that also came from Yorkshire.

As far as I know Athletic will play any Basque born player regardless of ethnicity or religion, which I don't think is discriminatory.

The fact that we as a club contributed to the poisonous sectarian divide in Scottish society by not signing catholics is a dark chapter in our history.

And before anyone comes on and says that there wasn't such a policy etc etc., why did WVB got such a great reaction when he answered the thread about if you owned Rangers by saying, he would get rid of all the Beads (ie catholics) and this was normal service being resumed?

Oh dear oh dear.

The lengths some bears go to to attack our Club.

We don't need enemies although we have many.

It would also help if you could work out how the 'quote' thing works.

Your comment about 'a geographical restriction' betrays a complete ignorance of equal opportunities issues.

As for sectarianism, yes it exists and has existed for some time, but our Club's Ethos was Protestant and Unionist for a long time and our signings reflect that fact.

Like septic's ethos was rc and irish republican and their signings reflect that fact.

As for your comment about our so called policy, why not answer the question instead of referring to some stranger in the internet?

What was the policy?

How did it become a 'Policy'?

How was it enforced?

Try dealing with the facts, not the shite you are spoon fed.....

How so?

Inside the UK we have geographical restrictions on certain entitlements, students from England pay top up fees if they go to a Scottish University while those from Scotland don't and non EU students pay even higher fees, but I haven't seen this challenged on the basis of equal opportunities.

As for the policy, any one who has followed Rangers for more than 20 years knows it existed. If it didn't why the fuss about Mo Jo? Why did we use to sing: "One team all prodies" and "It's magic you know, Rangers and Catholics don't go"?

The book Fear and loathing in world football has quotes from Rangers Board members in the 60s and 70s defending the policy. So if there wasn't a policy why were they defending it?

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They are Athletic. They only time they were called Atletico was when the fascist Franco banned all non-Spanish names for football teams. Now there was someone who poisoned the Basque - Spanish relationship

Given his antics it's hardly surprising that a Basque club has chosen to celebrate it's culture in the way it has done

At least we can agree on something, and not just the name of the Club ;)

I wandered round their Stadium last year.

In fact I saw Rangers beat them in 1969 as a lad.

And yes, why should they not celebrate their Basque/ Euskari culture?

But why should we not celebrate our Scottish Protestant/ Presbyterian Culture?

Or is that bad?


Glad that we can agree on something. Also we should never let the "everything about Ireland is wonderful and progressive mob" forget that Ireland was one of the few countries to send volunteers to fight on the side of Franco. The priests even blessed them before they left

I don't have a problem with us celebrating our Scottish Presbyterian culture but far to often that is used as an excuse for anti-Catholic, anti-Irish bigotry. Often it is also seen as being interchangeable with a loyalist/Unionist culture, which isn't the case.

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Did these same people boo our Olympians when they received thier medals?

It's the same guys who'll today be walking about with their ROI strips.

Irony is lost on these phuckin d1cks.

These people are scum and I see Purcell of glesga cafflic cooncil announced that they are gonna call one of the east end arenas The Chris Hoy veladrome, wait till they establish Chris is a Bluenose then the clatty tramps will want to change their minds 1 :sherlock:

There's supposedly already been people moaning about this cos he's from Edinburgh (well Porty) :rolleyes:

I ignore everything the rhebel has to say on the anthem issue. They're clearly pandering to all the sheep and tramps that want a return to the days of being invaded.

Well said mate a shower of inbred arseholes ! If ever there was an excuse for ethnic cleansing they are defo it ! :sherlock:

Don't think there's ever an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

God your right JTB, don't know what ever possessed me to say it, anyway you gaun tae pittodrie or ye jist watchin the geme oan telly ? :sherlock:

No problem mate, actually chauffering the weans to various hobbies (early kick-offs on a Saturday are a real downer for me in that regard) so I'll be listening to the car radio and hoping that I don't get so carried away that I endanger my no claims bonus!

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"so your scottish and british but want independance im normally quite talkative but youve got me lost for words"

whats so hard about this one.

everyone on hears been banging on about being scottish and british . well I am both.

we have no choice but to be both.

I`d prefer to be just scottish though.

"if you took all the bigots (your words)traditionalists(my words) out of ibrox the ground would be less than half full"

thats what all the bigots believe.

Rangers would have no problems getting supporters in if they got rid of the bigots.

what makes the majority of rangers fans (who every time you use the word bigots offends them)bigots please enlighten me cause i might be 1 as well according to your take on what makes a bigot

who said majority of rangers fans are bigots. I didn`t because I don`t believe they are.

there is a minority who are , thats the ones rangers want rid off.

all teams have bigots in there support not only us.

but that doesn`t make it right and tackling the problem is right.

but on here the real bigots tell you you are

quote "You ask me? I reckon you are a dirty kiddy fiddling pervert who glorifies the deaths of innocents.""

if you dare question them.pathetic

do you really think rangers fc want them !

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Did these same people boo our Olympians when they received thier medals?

It's the same guys who'll today be walking about with their ROI strips.

Irony is lost on these phuckin d1cks.

These people are scum and I see Purcell of glesga cafflic cooncil announced that they are gonna call one of the east end arenas The Chris Hoy veladrome, wait till they establish Chris is a Bluenose then the clatty tramps will want to change their minds 1 :sherlock:

There's supposedly already been people moaning about this cos he's from Edinburgh (well Porty) :rolleyes:

I ignore everything the rhebel has to say on the anthem issue. They're clearly pandering to all the sheep and tramps that want a return to the days of being invaded.

Well said mate a shower of inbred arseholes ! If ever there was an excuse for ethnic cleansing they are defo it ! :sherlock:

Don't think there's ever an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

God your right JTB, don't know what ever possessed me to say it, anyway you gaun tae pittodrie or ye jist watchin the geme oan telly ? :sherlock:

No problem mate, actually chauffering the weans to various hobbies (early kick-offs on a Saturday are a real downer for me in that regard) so I'll be listening to the car radio and hoping that I don't get so carried away that I endanger my no claims bonus!

Is it BB teams or boys guilds ? :sherlock:

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Did these same people boo our Olympians when they received thier medals?

It's the same guys who'll today be walking about with their ROI strips.

Irony is lost on these phuckin d1cks.

These people are scum and I see Purcell of glesga cafflic cooncil announced that they are gonna call one of the east end arenas The Chris Hoy veladrome, wait till they establish Chris is a Bluenose then the clatty tramps will want to change their minds 1 :sherlock:

There's supposedly already been people moaning about this cos he's from Edinburgh (well Porty) :rolleyes:

I ignore everything the rhebel has to say on the anthem issue. They're clearly pandering to all the sheep and tramps that want a return to the days of being invaded.

Well said mate a shower of inbred arseholes ! If ever there was an excuse for ethnic cleansing they are defo it ! :sherlock:

Don't think there's ever an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

God your right JTB, don't know what ever possessed me to say it, anyway you gaun tae pittodrie or ye jist watchin the geme oan telly ? :sherlock:

No problem mate, actually chauffering the weans to various hobbies (early kick-offs on a Saturday are a real downer for me in that regard) so I'll be listening to the car radio and hoping that I don't get so carried away that I endanger my no claims bonus!

Is it BB teams or boys guilds ? :sherlock:

neither, tap dancing and tennis lessons!!

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Did these same people boo our Olympians when they received thier medals?

It's the same guys who'll today be walking about with their ROI strips.

Irony is lost on these phuckin d1cks.

These people are scum and I see Purcell of glesga cafflic cooncil announced that they are gonna call one of the east end arenas The Chris Hoy veladrome, wait till they establish Chris is a Bluenose then the clatty tramps will want to change their minds 1 :sherlock:

There's supposedly already been people moaning about this cos he's from Edinburgh (well Porty) :rolleyes:

I ignore everything the rhebel has to say on the anthem issue. They're clearly pandering to all the sheep and tramps that want a return to the days of being invaded.

Well said mate a shower of inbred arseholes ! If ever there was an excuse for ethnic cleansing they are defo it ! :sherlock:

Don't think there's ever an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

God your right JTB, don't know what ever possessed me to say it, anyway you gaun tae pittodrie or ye jist watchin the geme oan telly ? :sherlock:

No problem mate, actually chauffering the weans to various hobbies (early kick-offs on a Saturday are a real downer for me in that regard) so I'll be listening to the car radio and hoping that I don't get so carried away that I endanger my no claims bonus!

Is it BB teams or boys guilds ? :sherlock:

neither, tap dancing and tennis lessons!!

Excellent that'll broaden their outlook, am some tennis player by the way ! ;)(tu):sherlock:

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Some showing today from the bears... telling the dilute Tartan Trannies exactly what we thought of them.


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Some showing today from the bears... telling the dilute Tartan Trannies exactly what we thought of them.


Have they tartan army tossers screwed up badly or wot, they are deid in the waater ! :sherlock:

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Did these same people boo our Olympians when they received thier medals?

It's the same guys who'll today be walking about with their ROI strips.

Irony is lost on these phuckin d1cks.

These people are scum and I see Purcell of glesga cafflic cooncil announced that they are gonna call one of the east end arenas The Chris Hoy veladrome, wait till they establish Chris is a Bluenose then the clatty tramps will want to change their minds 1 :sherlock:

There's supposedly already been people moaning about this cos he's from Edinburgh (well Porty) :rolleyes:

I ignore everything the rhebel has to say on the anthem issue. They're clearly pandering to all the sheep and tramps that want a return to the days of being invaded.

Well said mate a shower of inbred arseholes ! If ever there was an excuse for ethnic cleansing they are defo it ! :sherlock:

Don't think there's ever an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

God your right JTB, don't know what ever possessed me to say it, anyway you gaun tae pittodrie or ye jist watchin the geme oan telly ? :sherlock:

No problem mate, actually chauffering the weans to various hobbies (early kick-offs on a Saturday are a real downer for me in that regard) so I'll be listening to the car radio and hoping that I don't get so carried away that I endanger my no claims bonus!

Is it BB teams or boys guilds ? :sherlock:

neither, tap dancing and tennis lessons!!

Excellent that'll broaden their outlook, am some tennis player by the way ! ;)(tu):sherlock:

How's your tap dancing?

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