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SDM says to stick together, emphaises going with youth again/trimming down


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To be honest i think he is specifically attacking the more over the top elements on follow follow but would never namecheck them.......

I doubt he is attacking anyone with reasonable and well thought out critques of his chairmanship

Well he should make it clear who he is attacking then :rolleyes:

I think it is......

I'm sure you do.....

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Maybe I should start a thread named 'Will SamNewton' ever answer a question aimed at him / her. You are everything that you accuse SDM of. You constantly move arguments to suit your own agenda.

I am no fan of SDM and yes I want a lot better but just to keep beating the same old drum really inspires no one.

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No one is happy with 2nd place, I don’t think people need to RST to point that out. My point is he has painted the RST in a certain light to the support at large and that is what they will think of you now. One could wonder why he has never done this in the past, I wonder if it is linked to the slurs and attacks on him and the new direction of the RST

Are you seriously claiming the chairman has never defended club……maybe you need some background knowledge to help you along……

Yes, I am 'seriously' saying that Murray has not defended the club. I sense that you are introducing the word 'never' which will allow an isolated token example to be cited with which you will aim to prove your point.

Murray knows that the attacks on Rangers FC and its support over the past decade (and intensifying in nature in the last 5 years) are politically-driven. He has placed his own interests above those of the club.

Many of us were Rangers fans before Murray had even clapped eyes on Ibrox.

Sir David Murray attacked 'websites' as long as 5 years ago.

Strange that even the hand-picked Jim Templeton of the RSA was scathing of the club's dealings with supporters when he resigned a few months ago.

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Maybe I should start a thread named 'Will SamNewton' ever answer a question aimed at him / her. You are everything that you accuse SDM of. You constantly move arguments to suit your own agenda.

I am no fan of SDM and yes I want a lot better but just to keep beating the same old drum really inspires no one.

Can you be a bit more specific about which arguments I have 'moved'?

Saying that I am 'everything that I accuse SDM of' is also pretty vague and cannot really be addressed without more detail.

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No one is happy with 2nd place, I don’t think people need to RST to point that out. My point is he has painted the RST in a certain light to the support at large and that is what they will think of you now. One could wonder why he has never done this in the past, I wonder if it is linked to the slurs and attacks on him and the new direction of the RST

Are you seriously claiming the chairman has never defended club……maybe you need some background knowledge to help you along……

Yes, I am 'seriously' saying that Murray has not defended the club. I sense that you are introducing the word 'never' which will allow an isolated token example to be cited with which you will aim to prove your point.

Murray knows that the attacks on Rangers FC and its support over the past decade (and intensifying in nature in the last 5 years) are politically-driven. He has placed his own interests above those of the club.

Many of us were Rangers fans before Murray had even clapped eyes on Ibrox.

Sir David Murray attacked 'websites' as long as 5 years ago.

Strange that even the hand-picked Jim Templeton of the RSA was scathing of the club's dealings with supporters when he resigned a few months ago.

I could give you a high profile situation where he defended the club and fans to uefa, so much so he partially won and it took UEFA appealing there own decision with us having no right of reply, there are of course other instances we could go through.

Maybe you shouldn't be so scathing towards people who dare to read a tabliod when your own knowledge of the club seems sketchy at best.

I was going to Ibrox before the current chairman, what is your point here ?

I would imagine there were baseless slurs against him on follow follow as long as 5 years ago, shame your orginisation chose to repeat them on national radio and TV (why do you never discuss this just out of interest ? is it because it negates your moral high ground that he has dared answer you back ?)

Not that strange at all, I think you are mistaking me for someone who thinks all is well at Ibrox, I don’t. The current board are under performing and I hope we get new owners who clean ibrox out form top to bottom soon. We need fresh ideas and fresh money to revive our club. What I can’t abide is people who lie, like you have on this post, about the chairman to make a bad situation even worse to suit your own ends, and to do it under the banner of a supporters trust is shameful.

Supporters trusts should be for working with the club to get a bigger voice for supporters within the club they should not be for these pointless, petty and personal attacks on the current regime.

As I have said before if you can’t and won’t deal with the current chairman get a pressure group started and attack him form that don’t use a supporters trust for your games as it’s a waste of a good orginisation

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No one is happy with 2nd place, I don’t think people need to RST to point that out. My point is he has painted the RST in a certain light to the support at large and that is what they will think of you now. One could wonder why he has never done this in the past, I wonder if it is linked to the slurs and attacks on him and the new direction of the RST

Are you seriously claiming the chairman has never defended club……maybe you need some background knowledge to help you along……

Yes, I am 'seriously' saying that Murray has not defended the club. I sense that you are introducing the word 'never' which will allow an isolated token example to be cited with which you will aim to prove your point.

Murray knows that the attacks on Rangers FC and its support over the past decade (and intensifying in nature in the last 5 years) are politically-driven. He has placed his own interests above those of the club.

Many of us were Rangers fans before Murray had even clapped eyes on Ibrox.

Sir David Murray attacked 'websites' as long as 5 years ago.

Strange that even the hand-picked Jim Templeton of the RSA was scathing of the club's dealings with supporters when he resigned a few months ago.

I could give you a high profile situation where he defended the club and fans to uefa, so much so he partially won and it took UEFA appealing there own decision with us having no right of reply, there are of course other instances we could go through.

Maybe you shouldn't be so scathing towards people who dare to read a tabliod when your own knowledge of the club seems sketchy at best.

I was going to Ibrox before the current chairman, what is your point here ?

I would imagine there were baseless slurs against him on follow follow as long as 5 years ago, shame your orginisation chose to repeat them on national radio and TV (why do you never discuss this just out of interest ? is it because it negates your moral high ground that he has dared answer you back ?)

Not that strange at all, I think you are mistaking me for someone who thinks all is well at Ibrox, I don’t. The current board are under performing and I hope we get new owners who clean ibrox out form top to bottom soon. We need fresh ideas and fresh money to revive our club. What I can’t abide is people who lie, like you have on this post, about the chairman to make a bad situation even worse to suit your own ends, and to do it under the banner of a supporters trust is shameful.

Supporters trusts should be for working with the club to get a bigger voice for supporters within the club they should not be for these pointless, petty and personal attacks on the current regime.

As I have said before if you can’t and won’t deal with the current chairman get a pressure group started and attack him form that don’t use a supporters trust for your games as it’s a waste of a good orginisation

At one point in your reply you effectively admit that you basically share the same point of view as me - the club should be doing a lot better. Why then get so upset when a supporters group simply says this in public?

In the aftermath of UEFA's decision, the club caved in to its critics in Scotland and refused to draw a line in the sand. To me, it is effectively accepting blame for an entire problem which it is not chiefly responsible for. Its refusal to appeal UEFA's decision or to release a strongly-worded statement was an indication of its policy of acquiescence (all complaints against Rangers and the prime movers of the UEFA charge were Scottish).

Supporters Trusts have aims and objectives in addition to simply 'getting a seat on the board'.

You're going to have to point out where my knowledge of the club is 'sketchy'.

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Guest therabbitt

Have I woken up two weeks ago?

Some people only seem to surface on here to push their own agenda whenever there is an easy means to do so in the media.

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Have I woken up two weeks ago?

Some people only seem to surface on here to push their own agenda whenever there is an easy means to do so in the media.

Was thinking that myself.

samNewton appears to be a prime example.

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murray wants the fans to unite, well davy boy stop telling fans to grass each other, also you have got fans scared to sing songs or wave banners because you will get them thrown out.

stop attacking loyal fans that love the club which is one way on your behalf.

also stop using your pals in the media and press to attack our fans when they give you a bit of criticism.

please stick up for our fans for once in your life instead of allowing any tom dick or harry say what the like about our club.

stop letting that old fool smith waste money on players that dont even get a game, was just thinking how many of his signings played last night.

why did you give burke a new contract which was more money wasted, and the same with dailley.

why go and waste money after we got knocked out of europe by a pub team, when the money should have been spent before we played them.

murray just do us all a favour and find a buyer and go, you make me sick when i read all your pish and spin, and take all your puppets with you including the manager and his sidekicks.

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Can't remember the chairman saying lets stick together when the Dublin Loyal had their banner removed?

It's hypocrisy like that that results in derision when he does speak nowadays.

If SDM wants supporter/club unity, then he must do a hell of a lot more to alleviate tension and improve communication between both groups. That takes leadership and innovation. Time to show that instead of being drawn into pointless public arguments.

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Can't remember the chairman saying lets stick together when the Dublin Loyal had their banner removed?

It's hypocrisy like that that results in derision when he does speak nowadays.

If SDM wants supporter/club unity, then he must do a hell of a lot more to alleviate tension and improve communication between both groups. That takes leadership and innovation. Time to show that instead of being drawn into pointless public arguments.

spot on frankie, about the dublin loyal banner plus other banners that have been removed. then you have the rock stead looking in to the fans faces for 90 min looking for a excuse to throw them out.

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Guest Andypendek

It is all a bit 'going around in circles,' isn't it? There's no value in SDM keeping on at the same people, he's made his point and constant repitition just seems like petty point scoring, while the RST seem pathologically averse to him. This is the only way forward:

That takes leadership and innovation.

Should be the motto on SDM's desk every morning.

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Guest Andypendek
He's a Captain of Industry don'tcha know

He's more like the captain of the Titanic atm, in all honesty. And I speak as a Murray supporter, but I don't see any leadership whatsoever; nothing that we haven't been promised before and that failed to materialise.

I wonder if that's just inevitable, when you've been in situ for 20 years?

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No one is happy with 2nd place, I don’t think people need to RST to point that out. My point is he has painted the RST in a certain light to the support at large and that is what they will think of you now. One could wonder why he has never done this in the past, I wonder if it is linked to the slurs and attacks on him and the new direction of the RST

Maybe he is more aware of the RST being in bed with a certain owner of a website that has given him reason to paint them in the way he does.

But besides that, his statement is clever and will appear to the masses, but doesn't cut it with me. It still shows lack of ambition, lack of direction. He can't blame current issues on the current financial climate as they were there beforehand.

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Strike another couple of points off the "I can't believe it's not better" campaign.

Thing is, this came out last year as the piece shows yet Mr edgar still chose to include mention of lack of any plan for the club. The lack of youth. How bad Murray park and it's coaches must be. Does he pay attention?

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