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Celtic Fans Open to Ridicule Over Rangers “Old Firm” Claims – by Rob Atkinson
Posted on 30/01/2015 |


At Leeds United, we’re no strangers to the unwelcome feeling and experience of your club in crisis. We’ve seen our beloved Whites pushed to the brink of actual expiry and ejection from the league; we’ve seen administration and League sanctions. Spectacular collapse and the plummet from the heights of the game to the depths of despair was a process raised almost to a perverse art form by United – to the point that it became known as “doing a Leeds”. So we know what crisis, despair and poverty are all about – the only thing that can really surprise a Whites fan these days is to see a club in straits even more dire.
Which brings me on to Glasgow Rangers FC. There is no need for me to re-hash here exactly what has happened to them over the past few years. In short, it was a precipitous fall, and an unprecedented reduction in status. From being permanent members of a top two cartel, Rangers were sent spinning into the gloom and obscurity of Scotland’s lowest major league. The journey back is well under way, but problems beset them still. On Sunday, for the first time since their fall from grace, Rangers face Celtic in the Scottish League Cup semi-final at Hampden Park. The Old Firm rivalry is back, right? Well, not according to the hardly unbiased fans of Celtic FC. Take a moment to look at the rationale espoused by a group of their fans in an advert placed recently.

Celtic fans – are they kidding?

Now, surely – these Celtic fans cannot be serious? It’s a wind-up, right? Are they quite barking mad, these loose-lipped Bhoys? What are they worried or insecure about, that they should resort to this? The whole “argument” stated above smacks of trying too hard, a mean-spirited attempt to cast back down a club trying to recover from an almost terminal decline. Whatever the rights and wrongs of Rangers’ fall – and without declaring any particular affiliation on either side of the Old Firm divide – this blog has to state in the strongest possible terms that what we have here is a bunch of partisan yet clueless fans talking fluent rubbish.
Whatever arguments you might summon, whatever contortions you might go through, leaning over backwards to show that black is white – surely the one thing any set of football fans must agree on is the major factor in any football club’s identity. It is the fans, it has to be. The fans embody the tradition and continuity of any club. Football shirts might change colour, as with Cardiff. Ground moves are commonplace these days and have never been unknown. Players, directors, managers and staff come and go, without necessarily having any real connection to the clubs they serve for a time.
So what is the one thread that runs right through a club’s very soul and being? It is the fans, the loyal supporters who follow, follow, through thick and thin, passing on the supporting tradition down the generations, wedded to their club in good times and bad. And it is those Rangers fans, the ones who have stuck by the Rangers FC as they sank to the depths and rose again – they embody Glasgow Rangers and in so doing, they give unquestionable continuity to the institution that is Glasgow Rangers FC. They also make a total mockery of this laughable stance from a set of fans who feel just as passionately about their club – and who have thus allowed themselves to go out on a limb, in trying to kick a club when it’s down, succeeding only in making arrant fools of themselves.
I wouldn’t particularly care, normally, who wins on Sunday at Hampden. I miss the Old Firm games for their passion and spectacle, it’s for those reasons that I always tune in to watch and would one day like to attend one of these occasions. The tradition of atmospheric support from both sets of fans, with tempers frequently running high on the park and referees praying for the final whistle to come with as little as possible actual violence – that’s so much of what football should be about. These are factors which are gradually being marginalised in the modern game as a whole, with increasing gentrification everywhere and a diminution of the raucous passion we of a certain age remember. But all of that is still present at certain fixtures – Leeds against Man U is one, Newcastle versus Sunderland bears a mention – there is el Clásico, of course. But the grand-daddy of them all is the Old Firm game – even if a lot of the cause and reason behind this fact isn’t of a particularly savoury or relevant nature.
So where do these Celtic fans get off, trying to defuse, deflate, diminish all of this? Don’t they realise how much the game north of the border needs its return, and in full rude health at that? For goodness’ sake, Celtic need it. Surely, these pompous, paragraph-quoting fools are kidding. If they’re not, then they deserve the ridicule that should be coming their way. And, for the record, against my normal neutral Old Firm stance – I would say to them “If you really do mean this – then you’re idiots; and I hope you get stuffed out of sight on Sunday”.
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The fucking irony in the comments, it's like a well organised operation of them all conversing on any Rangers article to say how they just no better.

Same club I'm afraid, the same club you have been and always will be runner up to you trampy, obsessed cunts.

Honestly hope we fucking do them on Sunday, hate they bastards and would love to see their meltdown.

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Jesus f-ck to we need Leeds fans to talk on our behalf and back us up over the scums idiotcc pathetic opinions who gives a f-ck

Who said we need it?

It's nice that fans of a club who have been through similar troubles can recognise when others are going through hardship and reach out, even if it's a small gesture such as a blog post.

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Who said we need it?

It's nice that fans of a club who have been through similar troubles can recognise when others are going through hardship and reach out, even if it's a small gesture such as a blog post.

We can stand up for ourselves particularly when it comes down tot he scum or are have we officially gone all soft give me a break mate

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We can stand up for ourselves particularly when it comes down tot he scum or are have we officially gone all soft give me a break mate

Again, who said we can't stand up for ourselves?

Is it not a good thing that others share our views?

This guy wrote this blog post of his own accord, it wasn't asked of him by Rangers fans, and it is not going soft to appreciate it.

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Again, who said we can't stand up for ourselves?

Is it not a good thing that others share our views?

This guy wrote this blog post of his own accord, it wasn't asked of him by Rangers fans, and it is not going soft to appreciate it.

Im out mate I think you are looking for an argument with your own kind

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Excellent piece, enjoyed reading that.

Although the comments on that blog are fucking tragic :lol:

Although the blogger more than held his own responding to them. Think one Rangers fan replying to a taig said Greece went bankrupt, still the same country. :lol:

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Excellent piece, enjoyed reading that.

Although the comments on that blog are fucking tragic :lol:

your comment had me clicking on the link and reading the comments section.

Now, I wouldn't cross the road to piss on a tim if he was on fire, let alone go out of my way to read what goings on in their dhim heads on the internet but I am glad I had a look, i had forgotten how bitter and obsessed that lot are with The Rangers.

what a tragic bunch they are

anyhow its tea time: gotta go i'm well famished!

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If the shoe was on the other foot, we would have let this go ages ago, maybe a bit of stick in the beginning but 3 years on and still at it, sad bastards. Just shows you what hatred and filling your mind full of someone else's shit can do.

No doubt they will have banners on Sunday, and show themselves even more for an absolute scum of a support they are.

As long as we beat they bastards on Sunday, don't care how it's done, as long it is.

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TBH, they used to be born to hate us, now they are born to hate anyone who are not likewise minded in their reason for living as witnessed in their behaviour proved in the recent referendum campaign. A great insight to their hate filled mindset. Hijacked the campaign to the detriment of others, for their own politcal gain and their very unique brand of taig republicanism.

Our law making and law enforcement institutions have neglected in their obligations in controlling them and failed to protect the public at large, in alllowing them to promulgate their unique brand of hatred and bigotry and in their constant playing of the victim card.

The appeasement of them is widespread and that sadly includes some from our very own support. You appease a bully and you will create a monster and that is exactly what this particular breed of haters have become.

They make up around one in five in our population, yet they dominate the daily agenda to the detriment of all others. They have polluted every corner of our society, infaltrated every institution, eroded our way of life and infringed upon our God given civil liberties. The authorities will do nothing to keep them in check in fear of losing votes or indeed being very publicly humilated for only trying to apply the rule of law and democracy, so they deflect and blame all others in their appeasement and in particuar, to us, being the easy target, so wevare constantly scapegoated, as an excuse for their hatred and behaviour.

In the end it will be left to us, both individually and collectively to bring a halt to the spread of their poison and no better way to do so than on the field of play and at the ballot box. Attack all from which they derive their power and energy to do us down.

Never again should we stand in dignified silence nor indulge in the appeasement of a breed who's sole reason for living is to impose their bigoted values on the rest of society, to stymy our liberty, our values and our heritage.

Maximise the little freedoms we have left and remove this cancer from our society and consign it to the garbage from whenst it came.

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your comment had me clicking on the link and reading the comments section.Now, I wouldn't cross the road to piss on a tim if he was on fire, let alone go out of my way to read what goings on in their dhim heads on the internet but I am glad I had a look, i had forgotten how bitter and obsessed that lot are with The Rangers.what a tragic bunch they areanyhow its tea time: gotta go i'm well famished!

I will correct that for you..

.....what a tragic and DANGEROUS bunch they are anyhow.

Hope you don't mind.

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The comments show a complete lack of intelligence and failure to grasp basic law and accounting principles. It's actually quite embarrassing. It was always going to be the case celtic fans would cling on to this new club thing because it's something they know would annoy some of our fan base, and it helps them deal with the fact they're not scotlands most successful club.

It is childish in the extreme posting an advert in the paper as the time and money involved goes beyond banter or winding up. Part of the problem also stems from football pundits both on radio, and commenting in newspapers trying to grasp the subject. Football pundits are generally ex-players and frankly became professional footballers for a reason - not too smart upstairs. So their assessment of the situation certainly should never have been taken seriously.

Then we have grasping at straws, trying to pick up on things that aren't actually there. Misrepresenting stated opinion in the press, contorting it into something it is not in order to serve their argument. Take the no comment to cnn regarding us being a new club or not, celtic fans automatically take this as being the governing body clearly thinks we are. What? Surely they can't be this stupid? Perhaps the governing body can't be bothered replying to something so petty?

They are a strange bunch and all they're doing by posting this kind of uninformed stuff is displaying their lack of intelligence and how childish they are. It doesn't reflect well on their support, and I would advise all of our support to try and distance themselves from it.

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TBH, they used to be born to hate us, now they are born to hate anyone who are not likewise minded in their reason for living as witnessed in their behaviour proved in the recent referendum campaign. A great insight to their hate filled mindset. Hijacked the campaign to the detriment of others, for their own politcal gain and their very unique brand of taig republicanism.

Our law making and law enforcement institutions have neglected in their obligations in controlling them and failed to protect the public at large, in alllowing them to promulgate their unique brand of hatred and bigotry and in their constant playing of the victim card.

The appeasement of them is widespread and that sadly includes some from our very own support. You appease a bully and you will create a monster and that is exactly what this particular breed of haters have become.

They make up around one in five in our population, yet they dominate the daily agenda to the detriment of all others. They have polluted every corner of our society, infaltrated every institution, eroded our way of life and infringed upon our God given civil liberties. The authorities will do nothing to keep them in check in fear of losing votes or indeed being very publicly humilated for only trying to apply the rule of law and democracy, so they deflect and blame all others in their appeasement and in particuar, to us, being the easy target, so wevare constantly scapegoated, as an excuse for their hatred and behaviour.

In the end it will be left to us, both individually and collectively to bring a halt to the spread of their poison and no better way to do so than on the field of play and at the ballot box. Attack all from which they derive their power and energy to do us down.

Never again should we stand in dignified silence nor indulge in the appeasement of a breed who's sole reason for living is to impose their bigoted values on the rest of society, to stymy our liberty, our values and our heritage.

Maximise the little freedoms we have left and remove this cancer from our society and consign it to the garbage from whenst it came.

Excellent post my man
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TBH, they used to be born to hate us, now they are born to hate anyone who are not likewise minded in their reason for living as witnessed in their behaviour proved in the recent referendum campaign. A great insight to their hate filled mindset. Hijacked the campaign to the detriment of others, for their own politcal gain and their very unique brand of taig republicanism.

Our law making and law enforcement institutions have neglected in their obligations in controlling them and failed to protect the public at large, in alllowing them to promulgate their unique brand of hatred and bigotry and in their constant playing of the victim card.

The appeasement of them is widespread and that sadly includes some from our very own support. You appease a bully and you will create a monster and that is exactly what this particular breed of haters have become.

They make up around one in five in our population, yet they dominate the daily agenda to the detriment of all others. They have polluted every corner of our society, infaltrated every institution, eroded our way of life and infringed upon our God given civil liberties. The authorities will do nothing to keep them in check in fear of losing votes or indeed being very publicly humilated for only trying to apply the rule of law and democracy, so they deflect and blame all others in their appeasement and in particuar, to us, being the easy target, so wevare constantly scapegoated, as an excuse for their hatred and behaviour.

In the end it will be left to us, both individually and collectively to bring a halt to the spread of their poison and no better way to do so than on the field of play and at the ballot box. Attack all from which they derive their power and energy to do us down.

Never again should we stand in dignified silence nor indulge in the appeasement of a breed who's sole reason for living is to impose their bigoted values on the rest of society, to stymy our liberty, our values and our heritage.

Maximise the little freedoms we have left and remove this cancer from our society and consign it to the garbage from whenst it came.

This. 100% mate.

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