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Everything posted by GlenH79

  1. I think Germany would be the best bet as the team to beat Spain, They have quality from back to front, are disciplined yet capable of stunning football, have match winners (Oezil, Schweinsteiger etc) With a young team that are very technical and fit, they have good variation of quality players, so they can be versatile with regards to tactics. The Germany team at the moment looks almost as populated with quality as Spain, so im hoping to see great things from them.
  2. Would take Hooper as back-up for Lafferty. but thats honestly it.
  3. the more offensive to the tarriers the better.
  4. Whats the Lyrics to the Swing low song? I wasn't around at the time of Gazza, playing for us.
  5. I found that quite shite they quoted the people who seem to have a strange hatred of Liverpool It reflects badly on the support as a whole enough people already hate us without making more still - no one likes us, we don't fucking care.
  6. I think I shall go also, I quite like Liverpool and I couldn't make the Chelsea game, with no Europe, its the only side outside Scotland we are gonna face this season.
  7. I hope hearts smash them, it can definately be done, especially at tynecastle, the sellick defence is rubbish, if Hearts can exploit their woeful centrehalves, then I can see a Hearts win, I love how Hearts hate them almost as much as we do ;D
  8. Rangers man Sir Alex Ferguson is the master of media manipulation and referee outbursts Both men would do anything to get their team an advantage
  9. Give him time, no need to disrupt a winning team, we can bring him on if we go a few up.
  10. Exactly the team I would have picked, hoping for a good few goals.
  11. Surprised its only 5 pages so far, though I guess alls been said which needs said, same team as last game, win. OH RANGERS WE LOVE YOU!
  12. What a shot Adam cannoned off that bar! Would have been some goal!
  13. I type this a tad inebriated, but I couldn't resist my urge to write down my musings. I was thinking about the ridiculousness of anti-sectarianism in scotland when the catholic church itself encourages and aids it (sectarianism, through the segregated schools) basicly anti-catholicism. I am most definitely sectarian as I am anti-catholic and also anti-all religion. When people talk about Rangers supporters hating Celtic supporters because they are Catholic's, I don't feel thats right. its a tribal thing not a religious thing, the mentality is a football version of - us and them its a artificial mini society where if you are a Rangers supporter other supporters like you, even if your a catholic, muslim, jew or atheist supporters but anything celtic is bad you dont really care what religion they are you just want to wind up and offend them wind up hence singing derogatory songs but these mini societies rarely ever expands to the real world after a weekend of football people go back to being normal people no matter what religion, or team you support I talk to celtic fans on a daily basis even though at the game ill call them any name or insult going and they do the same back. The important point being, it never expands to real life and I think the sectarian bill is trying to blur the line between the two societies. Suppressing peoples rights and free speech. To clarify it all - sectarianism is not a pressing problem in Scotland, never have I ever let a persons religion impact on my feelings towards them, indeed, I would say that the SNP would be better of having a look at the more pressing and dangerous problems within Scotland, such as alcoholism, jobs, drug abuse, knife crimes etc These problems impact upon peoples daily lives, and the SNP, in its misguided attempt to tackle sectarianism in scotland, is diverting resources away from these more vital areas, to tackle problems which are far more real, than a sectarianism problem which seems almost transparent compared to the others. Or to sum it all up - FTP.
  14. Would like to add one more thought before heading to bed - Well done GOAT, excellent bait
  15. Typical Winger, consistently inconsistent, can win the game in one inspired moment (be that a cross or finishing off a move with pure pace) and yet be having a shit game, as well as that, he is a youngster, he is going to learn the game, you cant expect him to come out of the youth ranks a complete and finished player, with excellent decision making, and consistent performances. His crossing can be woeful, yes, but equally, he can produce that blistering cross that results in a goal, if Jelavic had been in better form, and Lafferty a bit more composed, Wylde would probably have even better assist rates. He doesn't need every cross to come off, he just needs to put in as many as he can, panic and stretch the opposition, and one of those many crosses could be the magic one, which will result in a goal, and sometimes, like against Motherwell, you only need that one moment from all those other moments, to win a game.
  16. Thanks for clarifying that, its a disgrace the way the police have handled this, I hope that you have sustained no further damage - I know how frustrating having a leg break/injury can be, and if you have been put further back by this, you should go after the bastards.
  17. I too was wondering this, not doubting the facts of your story, as it has been seen and validated by many, but it seems a tad curious as to how and why, when you appear to need your crutches to move properly, how you could move up the stairs, and exit the stadium, whilst forgetting your crutches.
  18. Would Naismith even want to leave? When he signed his 5 year contract extension last year, he stated that Rangers was the only club for him, and that when he was offered the extension, he told his agent not to even bother telling him of interest from other teams. Aside from that, 10M minimum, Champions League, International and domestic goalscorer, is only getting better and better.
  19. Think I'm going to be late as well, fucking buses
  20. to me, the two terms are associated with each other
  21. Gary Neville wanted us for his testimonial mate, and he's made nice comments about Rangers + the fans in the past.
  22. That Boca header is just pure perfection - class delivery, wonderful header to direct it like a scud missile into the onion bag.
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