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Posts posted by Seraph

  1. 11 hours ago, JCDBigBear said:

    I honestly don't see anything positive about Lammers.   I posted elsewhere that I tried not to criticise him last night but he offered nothing in attack, midfield or defensively.   He was simply a woeful passenger last night.  Totally ineffective.   

    And thats absolutely fine, I hear what you're saying. His role is the dictionary definition of thankless task. Nobody leaves school wanting to be a road sweep but if we didn't have someone doing it the place would be boufin. 

    He's not a nippy winger who skins the arse off wingbacks. He's not the raging hardon of defence clearing every cross and he's not the big man or little man up front. He's 100% not the midfield general. He's a metronome. He has one task and one task alone. 

    I get the frustration, he took me a while to figure out but I can see it now that I've managed to attend a few games this season. 

    As for all the personal stuff I've seen here and elsewhere, I rarely get involved in tit for tats, I attended nearly every domestic game during our march from the lower leagues to title 55. And the way some of our fans treat our lads leaves me embarrassed. So I'm not one for throwing insults at our team.  

    On a lighter note, I've seen Nicky Law's name mentioned and it gave me a laugh. I remember a time Nicky was getting utter venom spat at him by a small group of fans in the stand. From what I could tell between the bouts of slabbering pish coming from their mouths towards him is that they actually expected him to run about like Messi and skin everyone. So he goes over for a throw in and gives a little back. Said group proceed to look at each other with their jaws on the floor then react like a group of offended hair dressers. 

    Funny but tragic at the same time. 

    I haven't seen anyone make out that Lammers is the best thing going, he's not. But he's got a job and he's doing whats asked of him. If folk never come to understand the point in Lammers for the remainder of his time at Ibrox that's fine, because I've been watching the game a long time now and I still haven't figured out what the point is with the majority of players in the SPL. 


    Enjoy yer weekend mate. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, beararse said:

    I think it’s more what he doesn’t do rather than what he does (cue incoming comments about being good at doing fuck all (which is patently untrue))

    If you watch him closely throughout a game (not just when he’s on or challenging for the ball) he pops up practically everywhere: he might not be making defence splitting spaces, strong goals or winning crunching but he creates a lot of space for others to take advantage of.

    I think that’s why Clement likes him in that role.  It’s about the o/all team performance, not an individual,

    Much to folks irritation, If he can up his tangible contribution I reckon he’ll be a stalwart of Clement’s team.


    Refreshing to see someone who is actually paying attention. I'm getting flash backs to the time people just didn't understand Maurice Edu, to the point they actually thought they knew better than Mr Smith. Lammers is clearly appreciated by his team mates and manager. Not a world beater but then that's not his game. 

    Decent player who does a job. Don't know what the guy has done to deserve being dragged through the dirt. 

  3. We have far too many players picking up silly money whilst on the treatment table. There is usually one of those in a squad who just doesn't fancy it. Our treatment room makes for a decent 5 a side team in the fragile X league. 

  4. Good to see such a thread on here asking questions unlike the one over on fanny fanny. Where Mark says any arsehole questions will be deleted, arsehole questions basically meaning any question that threatens their media access. 

  5. 1 minute ago, MacBoyd said:

    Nearly broke my TV when we got a throw in in injury time and that wee prick was looking about. Fucking take it.

    It's millionaires making excuses mate. I've ran out of patience with the modern day footballer. They're all at it in one form or another. My old man never misses a chance to slaughter a player who doesn't know how to take a throw in, and he has a point. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Bronzy said:

    The only Rick I know on that forum is RickDagless, was it him by any chance?

    Last part doesn't sound right. He didn't like the fact a fair few of us were getting bored with every single thread turning into a Stevie-G discussion despite it being months since his departure, so naturally FF logic dictates that it should be a banning offence. 

    It was Rick something. Absolute hand wringing clipe. Admins are that useless they banned me then unbanned me then banned me again in the space of 5 minutes. 

    Weird culty vibes over there. 

  7. Some wet wipe called rick/ricky something on FF grassed me up to the admin for fuck knows what. Didn't have a spat with anyone or say anything untoward. Far too many gimps wanting a chomp on Ding's Dong. 

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