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Everything posted by simplythebestest

  2. It's better to win away simply because it's harder.
  3. "I think that showed that Healy and Jelavic can play together" HOW DID IT?!
  4. Aye, he was talking about the Liverpool racism row and used it in a completely non-offensive way. It seems like people are punished for how strong the response is rather than how bad the offence is these days.
  5. It's black Hanson got suspended from MOTD for using coloured recently.
  6. If Jelavic is playing in order to prove his value he isn't doing a great job of it. Still time though. Hattie for Jela!
  7. He got 7 minutes and missed 2 chances. Sure it's bad, but you're just flying off the handle and reducing his career to those 7 minutes. Chill out - he might still score 3 today.
  8. January is another transfer window and another chance for Whyte to prove he is willing to pay up. It's also another chance for Ally to make some changes and get the formula right. There are a lot of games to play and two OF games left. The spirit you talk about will come. These are largely a new bunch of players and this defeat should actually boost their spirit for the next half of the season. I'll admit you were right if you actually turn out to be right.
  9. I say he deserves a full season. He might still win two trophies. Give him January and if the ins/outs improve us then our fortunes might improve. If there is no improvement however, I'll start agreeing with you when the time is right.
  10. Well said that man. If we do win the title, tonight will have just made it all the sweeter!
  11. 2 months ago we were sure it was all over. The scum closed the gap, why can't we? The January window is looming and we can strengthen. The smelly bastards could lose their next game and we could go top again.
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