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Everything posted by simplythebestest

  1. After we (justifiably) told the BBC they weren't getting any interviews from our staff, I've struggled to find Allys post match interviews. Are there any radio/tv stations whose website archives them?
  2. Might be a Fox related deal if they start showing the games stateside. Fort Fox?
  3. Absolutely spot on, you've hit the nail with that comment. We also have the added pressure of the tax case hanging over us. The league is miles from over. As someone mentioned previously, if we maintain the current gap (9pts, assuming the scum win the game in hand) then we beat them in December, I'll start being confident.
  4. The article appears to be a Photoshop job. The culprit is, as mentioned earlier, Cartuja on kerryfail. What makes it clearly a fake is the paper (printed out of a £40 Canon inkjet) and the use of incorrect fonts. He has used his shite camera phone to make it appear more authentic. He has a Twitter account here http://twitter.com/#!/cartujakds and makes some pretty offensive Photoshopped graphics including one mocking the Ibrox disaster. He is a reprehensible human being with a vile penchant for bigotry and religious hatred. He is to be pitied more than made infamous.
  5. "Financial fair play is a key plank of Michel Platini’s UEFA administration" AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
  6. But you are saying that the public would happily cut it's nose off to spite it's face in pursuit of a vague sense of justice. Let's say BP's actions were considered bad enough to shut them down (which they were), very few British citizens would be happy with that because the damage to the economy would be horrendous. The level of wrongdoing Rangers are accused of isn't even remotely comparable to these environment destroying mega-corps with blood on their hands, so for Rangers to be exempt from insolvency on political grounds if far from infeasible. The government are always striking deals with companies for the good of the public purse, especially in the current economic climate. So for a positive company like Rangers to escape with a wrap on the knuckles would be par for the course. However, this can only come about if the case becomes a political matter.
  7. As the tax case drags on, I've noticed that the political implications haven't really been discussed. It has remained the sole concern of hacks and football fans. I think at this stage we could really benefit from creating a structured argument against HMRCs pursuit of £50m on political grounds. For example, politicians/government bodies have to realise that we would hold them responsible and vote accordingly. We also have to come up with realistic figures that communicate the economic damage that could be done by forcing Rangers into administration or insolvency. Surely our great club is a massive boost to the economy and a source of national pride? Other arguments might extend to job losses, recession, increased depression/violence/civil unrest etc. This should all become part of the fabric of the discourse and shift focus from arbitrary anti-Rangers agendas and instead start to involve the economy-conscious middle classes and political power brokers. All of this is especially pertinent given the fact that, no matter what, HMRC will spend a fortune in legal fees and still stand little chance of gaining any money from the case to add to the public purse. I'm not sure how such a movement would be organised or managed and I am certainly not the guy to do it, but if we were to flesh out 5 - 10 compelling arguments we could arrange letters to the media, MP's, Twitter trending topics etc to get our opinions heard. Any input from the regular experts would be appreciated, especially where specific figures can be used to formulate arguments.
  8. That's a virus mate. Get your credit card details off there.
  9. To be honest it just makes me sad that an organisation like the BBC can become so corrupted. Since the 80's we've seen a slow decline in the quality of our braodcasting media across the board as self-interest took precendence over impartiality. But I've never heard of motivations other than money or prestige which makes this religious based bias from BBC Scotland all the more bizarre and saddening. They have to wake up and realise that the people they are fighting against are largely aethetist and don't wish to pose any threat to their chosen way of life.
  10. He was mocking those who actually said that. Chick Young for example.
  11. It's a two game ban. Any other decision would be massively biggoted.
  12. You're completely right. There will be plenty more games like this and some won't go our way, so whenever we do win them I'm extra chuffed.
  13. That'll be a two match ban for Stack then. The SPL chiefs won't even have to discuss it, seeing how Naismiths was exactly the same. I'll await the verdict in the next few days.
  14. Been pleased with Wallace's impact on the game. It'll be good to have him back.
  15. You're right, he's had an absolute corker and kept them in the game.
  16. "Lafferty opens those long legs of his"?! Someone has a crush on Lafferty me thinks.
  17. Today he's not been anything like the man we saw last season. Even his ball control is sub-par.
  18. Hmmm - got my suspicions - was that offside? EDIT: What's with the lack of camera angles?!
  19. He's showed a lot of quality. The first game I can rememer he's been better than Goian.
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