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Everything posted by simplythebestest

  1. Very true. But I don't think we will. Ally's indicated in post-match interviews he knows better.
  2. Pooooor Jelavic - wouldn't have expected that of him.
  3. YEEEEEEES!!!! I'm often an optimist but I'll admit I didn't see a goal coming. Keep it tight Rangers - no mistakes here!
  4. Couldn't agree more - on Ortiz's favourite side and fresh legs.
  5. Is anyone else picking up on a lot of sexual tension in that studio?
  6. Whittaker doesn't have the nerve for penalties. I could have told you that last week.
  7. Unicef is selling 16.7million colours for £1 each and letting you name them. All the money goes to charity of course. I noticed a few bears already in on the action: http://www.ownacolour.com/#2e5eef My personal favourite is Teddy Bear Blue. Buy up a few colours to help charity and show we are the best fans in the world. (Also, if you're feeling in the mood for a wind up go buy a few sellik greens and give them funny names).
  8. Naisys elbow was shocking. I'm really dissapointed he threw it like that. Hopefully the powers that be don't hand out a ban.
  9. How can you be so miserable? I'm sure fans of 99% of worldwide teams think they deserve better but the bottom line is that the vast, vast, vast majority of teams out there will never see a jot of the success we do. In our long history we have been lavished with a treasure trove of silverwear. Those same teams would be utterly ecstatic to win even a single domestic title. We've spent much of our history bravely punching above our weight and produced some phenomenal players and managers along the way. We enjoy the most bitterly fought domestic rivalry in all the world. YOU are guilty of short termism by forgetting all that.
  10. Is it really his brother? Sounds older.
  11. I agree completely. The very last thing we should be doing is resting on our laurels. I just hope the set backs we had early on provide one positive in that they keep our feet firmly on the ground.
  12. I love the wee man but you lot are too easily pleased
  13. Some of the scenarios you go through in your head before these games are amazing - deflection off a beach ball and Laff on 90 minutes followed by the sash are stand outs. One day it'll happen
  14. I hope he impresses. Would be nice to welcome a new player and have a bit of good news amongst all the doom.
  15. This is astonoshingly well done. Thank you to whoever pulled it off. You've aided the fightback and deserve a lot of praise for the hard work.
  16. Why do we continue to intellectualise the nonsense we hear about frozen accounts, debt collectors, fire-sales etc? It's very, very simple people - these stories have been cooked up by a handful of organised, dedicated enemies of Rangers FC, Great Britain, The Queen and Protestantism. Just...do...not...believe...it. If we continue to come on here and furiously debate these stories they will continue to materialise. Winning our freedom from persecution must be a passive battle where we do not succumb to sensationalism or engage them in tit-for-tat battles. We have to work on the very real, very small issues we face daily, and simply respond to accusations where necessary with carefully considered official statements containing the facts and nothing else. If we focus on re-shaping our club into an incredibly well managed company for the modern age, we can let their pre-occupations and lack of intelligence/dignity ensure their own demise.
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