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Everything posted by BasileBoliSoup

  1. Had a hunt for a picture of the Spirit of Ibrox but nothing yet. Supposed to be an epic book that every fan would dream of owning. There's hardly any info on it on the web at all which just shows how rare it is.
  2. Just looked for Spirit of Ibrox , obviously a good seller , couldn't source any Not many were made and I've only ever seen one up for auction. Not available through any online retailers. I'm pretty sure it's a big red book.
  3. Will get all these badges up soon. Anybody got any more stuff?
  4. Who needs one of these when you have RangersPedia? http://www.rangerspedia.org/index.php/Main_Page What about the Spirit of Ibrox book? That has lots of exclusive content similar to these and it goes for a fortune as well.
  5. Had a wee shot today and liking it so far. Multiplayer is fucked the now on PS3 but they are working on a patch.
  6. Romulus and Remus and the wolf that raised them.
  7. That didn't go very well the last time it happened What happened? Missed that one.
  8. Oi Judas, get out of our thread.
  9. Where is the hype for this game on RM? Mine was dispatched today so hopefully get it for Thursday or Friday. Potential GOTY.
  10. whats wrong with it? can it be fixed? Goes green light, then orange then red in a few seconds so won't turn on. Claimed through the insurance saying it got smashed after it fell and bought a new one with cash. Hadn't backed up my saved games and don't want to lose them all, so will look into getting it fixed and retrieving all the saved games before punting it on ebay. Also need to deactivate my accounts from that ps3 as one of them has reached it's download limit.
  11. I would play but at the moment my guy is saved on the broken ps3 and I can't transfer it across until it's fixed. Don't want to let the side down and not got time to build another guy up.
  12. Did that Wayne Drummond sign as well? Haven't seen anything on official site, but someone posted info saying he had signed and there is this one article. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/KING+KRIS+IS+UP+TO+MAGIC+MARK%3B+SPL:+RANGERS+HITMAN+HAS+CENTURY+AT...-a0225341187
  13. Well in NerwyBear, that must have took a while but the badges section will be amazing on RangersPedia now.
  14. Keep checking your blog for new articles McBoyd, they are always brilliant. Great work.
  15. Dead on might take a while to download Maybe turn down the settings on camera because think they took so long to display because they were large files.
  16. Not sure what the story behind the ball is, but it will go in the improved Trophy Room section that we will do soon that will have separate pages for all the different items displayed. To NewryBear, pics of all of the badges if you can get time but there is no rush.
  17. Great video. Added it to The Blue Order RangersPedia page.
  18. Well that didn't work Cracking pics though mate. Could you do individual close up ones of the badges?
  19. Was it not McBoyd that got them to produce that?
  20. Good luck to them all. Changed the RangersPedia page and made a page for Andrew Milne. http://www.rangerspedia.org/index.php/Reserve_/_Youth_Squad Moved the guys who haven't played a game to the Former Youth section.
  21. Could be back sooner than expected. Big bro might get a slim and then I give him money back once the cheque arrives from insurance. He is missing it as much as me.
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