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Everything posted by cooperonthewing

  1. Been done before but an updated vesion (apologies if already posted)
  2. Thanks BP, but it's not a competition. I just wanted Bears on here to get the opportunity to come along.
  3. Trebles All Round! This year is the 60th Anniversary of the first Scottish Treble when Rangers won the League Championship, League Cup and Scottish Cup back in season 48/49. That achievement will be marked with a tribute night on Saturday 20th June. Our principal Guest of Honour will be goalie Bobby Brown who played in every game of the 48/49 season. Players from all seven Treble seasons the cub has been involved in will hopefully be joining us at the Wee Rangers Club - more guest will be announced in the coming weeks. The entertainment on the night will include comedian Bruce Morton, much-admired journalist David Leggat, the MC will be John Gilligan. A four-course meal is also included in the bargain £20 ticket price! The proceeds will go to a couple of good causes. You can purchase tickets via Paypal - link below - or by sending in a cheque. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co...d=247&Itemid=1
  4. I thought that too at the time but I've subsequently heard that someone in the Rangrs end had a Bosnian flag that he was trying to get to but the stewards wouldn't let him.
  5. I'm watching the Celtic game. The 'big cheer' went up around 21 minutes. Lovely.
  6. No they can't be blaming us. If they were it would be a sectarian attack. Get with the programme.
  7. Wee Nacho didn't want to leave the pitch. Anyone see him starting the Billy Boys in front of the Govan?
  8. We just need to concentrate on what we are doing. I expect them to win so we have to go for it, which I think we will.
  9. For anyone with kids, bring them along to the RST Family Day on Saturday 13th June. You don't have to be a member and it's a great day for the kids (and the mums and dads). It's completely free and gets the wee ones interested in Rangers from an early age. Lots of activities for young and old alike and goody bags for the youngsters. Anyone interested PM me the ages of the children coming along so that we can get an idea of numbers and sizes (we usually include a tee-shirt in the goody bags).
  10. What a condescending and sexist post. I did not mention I was 'busy with kids' at any point in this thread. I was merely responding to criticism that I hadn't answered certain posts by pointing out that I do, if fact, have other responsibilities that prevent me from being on websites 24/7. I find it odd that there are a number of posters with very few posts entering this debate. There has been an influx from VB on here in recent days, some admitting it, others not. There's nothing strange about it, members on VB were aware of what you were saying on here. VB posters have no problems in going to where the debate is, unlike the trust. It was an opportunity for many trust members past and present to get their points across to board members. This is also a "neutral" board in the respect free speech is welcome and encouraged, it's a win-win for many people. We either get answers or other people realise the mess the trust is in. P.s you don't seem bothered about people with a low post count who are pro-trust. ANYWAY WHAT ABOUT THE OFFER THAT'S BEEN MADE SEVERAL TIMES FOR ALL RANGERS GROUPS/SITES TO MEET AND SHARE OPINIONS ON WHAT WE CAN ALL DO TO HELP THE FANS/CLUB? Will you answer me now? Go ahead and organise it. I'd attend if it was something I thought was of benefit to the club and the fans. Problem is, you'll get one camp who want want SDM out under any circumstances, another who want him out but don't want any dirty linen washed in public and others who want him to stay. How do you reconcile these views? The main problem started for the Trust when those who joined because they thought it was a 'Murray out' vehicle got upset when we started having meetings with him and were very vocal about it.
  11. What a condescending and sexist post. I did not mention I was 'busy with kids' at any point in this thread. I was merely responding to criticism that I hadn't answered certain posts by pointing out that I do, if fact, have other responsibilities that prevent me from being on websites 24/7. I find it odd that there are a number of posters with very few posts entering this debate. There has been an influx from VB on here in recent days, some admitting it, others not.
  12. Maybe that's because I posted your cheque first thing this morning.
  13. We don't want to be that body and have never said that. We will do as we always do and that's defend our support, faith, culture and heritage. I'll say no more, than the the 3 or 4 posts I've made, as it's very obvious who's telling the truth and who is not. Vanguardbears started as a wee homemade website among friends, no more, no less. However due to some of the articles and results achieved, it has now reached 30,000 hits in the very first month of the new site, with nearly 4.5 million clicks on the boards and site in that period. I stress again, we do not want to be the voice or representation of Rangers fans, we want to do as we do now and that's fight against a common enemy. Just in the same way the RST should be doing, but don't. Like all Bears, I want a strong and decisive RST who'll defend the Gers fans, not smear them, tell lies about them, patronise them or refuse to answer members questions. We don't pretend to be as big as FF or Rangers Media. Indeed we don't pretend to be anything, other than True Blue Rangers fans who'll defend our traditions and club. I'm sorry you got chopped for not posting mate, but everyone knows the rules when they join. We do spite ourselves doing this, but we believe in our system and it mostly stops interlopers (T****) from coming on. Our message is simple to Bears.. You think the present RST are fit to run the Trust, then back them to the hilt. If like me, you see them for what they are, then resign from the RST today and tell them why you did so. Cite smears, lies, incompetence and a refusal to converse with the members. Oh and tell some of them to get a job and stop making money from fellow Rangers fans My RST membership is long gone mate. They do nothing of note now, Edgar-esque soundbites are easy, but actions speak louder than words. The RST is bombproof in its present form as no one cares enough about them anymore to take the trouble to make change happen. They are washed up, useful to no Rangers supporter. However reading this thread there is obviously a body of folk who feel strongly about it. The only way to get real change in the RST is by joining them en masse and forcing change. Very valid points indeed Sir. Or everyone could resign en masse and force change. However let me tell you why some won't resign. Some have been offered jobs in the media doing RST work, others can can sell more T shirts to Bears through RST work and some are doing as they are told by tyrants and blow hards at the top. I'm sure they'll explain in good time why they had meetings in a derelict office in Bath St. They may even tell you who owns this office in one of Glasgow's most exclusive and expensive streets. Who is selling tee shirts to Bears through RST work? It may be a while before I'm back. I'm away to support my team.
  14. As someone who spent £500 on a ticket and probably the same on travel and accomodation I strongly resent that remark. There were no 'secret' meetings in Bath Street. It was a full Board meeting where the venue had to be changed at a very late stage due to our usual venue being required byaudiors. Rather than canel the meeting, we decided to go ahead as many of us were already on route. You talk of smears and yet you seem to be doing the very same thing.
  15. I believe I said something along these lines in a private e-mail. I'll look out who I sent it to so I know what I'm dealing with here. Pretty underhand tactics if you ask me. To answer your question, I was going to resign but found there was no substance to the stories I had been told. COTW you misunderstand. I am not talking about private chat by email. You stated at the board meeting on 11 June 2008 (you were late for that board meeting, weren't you?) that you were minded to resign. You blamed the fallout from the formation of the new committee. But then you agreed to stay until the special general meeting. More leaks than the piggery's roof! I see, the old 'leak on the Board' thing. I see what's happening.
  16. So what have I missed then? More accusations of being a liar, more language such as tee-shirt tout, egotists and profiteers? I was accused of lying about gassing comments until I put up the actual post, then it was just a throwaway line on a message board. I may have got the circumstances wrong about the lead up to the situation but the truth was that several of these people turned up to see a 'meeting' with a Tim from the Scotsman message board. It's not what I would call normal or sensible behaviour. What did they hope to achieve? I also have a screenshot of another post by the guy called Lutheran which threatens fellow Bears. If you think that's acceptable so be it. There was also the innuendo about my 'forgetfulness with money', in reference to a time when my son was ill and my mother had been diagnosed with cancer. I know they weren't to know that but there was no need for these comments. As I said earlier, I'm sure there are a lot of good Bears on Vanguard and I have read a lot of good articles but there are a few on there that I have a problem with. The obsession with the RST and, in particular, Mark Dingwall is unhealthy. Far be it for me to stick up for Mark. He's big enough and ugly enough to do that for himself. However to call him these names when FF is his business, and therefore his livelihood, is plain stupid. No-one forces anyone to buy the fanzine or indeed tee-shirts. And lastly (as 24 has just started) I could easily have got a bunch of my friends to come on here to have a go just like they have done but I have chosen not to. On a side issue COTW, did you not say you were goint to resign at the Board Meeting last June only to be persuaded to stay on until the Special General Meeting ? Have you given up on this pledge now ? I believe I said something along these lines in a private e-mail. I'll look out who I sent it to so I know what I'm dealing with here. Pretty underhand tactics if you ask me. To answer your question, I was going to resign but found there was no substance to the stories I had been told.
  17. Thats the problem the Trust has. There are a few thousand (if that) fans who want SDM out regardless and want some kind of campaign for this. There are probably the same number that want him to stay. The vast majority I would guess probably err on the side of wanting him to go only if a suitable alternative comes in, preferably some billionaire. Most ordinary fans do not like him being criticised in public. That is the reality I'm afraid.
  18. So what have I missed then? More accusations of being a liar, more language such as tee-shirt tout, egotists and profiteers? I was accused of lying about gassing comments until I put up the actual post, then it was just a throwaway line on a message board. I may have got the circumstances wrong about the lead up to the situation but the truth was that several of these people turned up to see a 'meeting' with a Tim from the Scotsman message board. It's not what I would call normal or sensible behaviour. What did they hope to achieve? I also have a screenshot of another post by the guy called Lutheran which threatens fellow Bears. If you think that's acceptable so be it. There was also the innuendo about my 'forgetfulness with money', in reference to a time when my son was ill and my mother had been diagnosed with cancer. I know they weren't to know that but there was no need for these comments. As I said earlier, I'm sure there are a lot of good Bears on Vanguard and I have read a lot of good articles but there are a few on there that I have a problem with. The obsession with the RST and, in particular, Mark Dingwall is unhealthy. Far be it for me to stick up for Mark. He's big enough and ugly enough to do that for himself. However to call him these names when FF is his business, and therefore his livelihood, is plain stupid. No-one forces anyone to buy the fanzine or indeed tee-shirts. And lastly (as 24 has just started) I could easily have got a bunch of my friends to come on here to have a go just like they have done but I have chosen not to.
  19. Going on a subcrawl is a crime now is it? Lets not have a social life eh? The RST has never had a subcrawl but if someone posts it on here it must be fact. Please forgive my daft sense of humour. It was supposed to infer that the RST and FF were one and the same. Of all the points raised, questions asked and opinions stated she (cooperonthewing) choses for the first time in pages of this thread to come back on this point. Does that not just say it all. Sorry, forgive me for having a job, a family to feed, a dog to walk - not forgetting the dishes to wash. I've got a dishwasher; it moans, shakes and whines a bit......but she's good with the kids Now that is funny.
  20. Going on a subcrawl is a crime now is it? Lets not have a social life eh? The RST has never had a subcrawl but if someone posts it on here it must be fact. Please forgive my daft sense of humour. It was supposed to infer that the RST and FF were one and the same. Of all the points raised, questions asked and opinions stated she (cooperonthewing) choses for the first time in pages of this thread to come back on this point. Does that not just say it all. Sorry, forgive me for having a job, a family to feed, a dog to walk - not forgetting the dishes to wash.
  21. Going on a subcrawl is a crime now is it? Lets not have a social life eh? The RST has never had a subcrawl but if someone posts it on here it must be fact.
  22. No I registered under the same username I have on here. I did so to see if what I was hearing about some of the things posted there were true. I probably still have the confirmation e-mail. Prove me wrong.... How many are in the RST? Is it less than 700? Did the RST ever have 5000 members? If not, why do you consistenly say this? Did you not say on Vanguard you forgot about money in your posession because you were busy? (answer very carefully) Did the ex board members resign because of smears and bullying? (Answer very carefully again) Very simple solution Cooper to all this, give me the answers and prove me wrong. I'll wait right here for you to show me up. You are not fit to represent Rangers fans, neither are some of the profiteers and egotists who you follow like a wee blind dug. I also have in my posession an email you sent, where you openly slated two board members from the RST, who you now support on this forum. I would suggest you are a liar, hypocrite and not fit for purpose. Time for you to resign. I have answered questions about membership to individuals on here. You talk of smears and bullying yet you resort to the same tactics. As for any money in my possesion, what exactly are you trying to imply? I have been involved in three collections of money. One for an 80th bithday present for Davie Cooper's mum, one for a portrait of Bobby Shearer and one for the George Simpson appeal. All this money sat in a Paypal account and I have records of all income and expenditure. If you want my comments on the ex board members resignations have a look at my reponses to their statement on here. I'm not going over that old ground again. As for this e-mail I sent, I really don't care what you have in your possession. If I've slated people it's probably nothing I wouldn't say to their faces. Shame though that someone felt the need to pass on private correspondence.
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