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Everything posted by Chesh

  1. West Brom then? The guy I sit next to at work is a West Brom fan, will mention this to him tomorrow see what he says!
  2. Good or bad..Broadfoot I would of defended a 18 months ago but not now and Jela seems to have lost interest All depends on cash now and who we get into replace.
  3. Thought I would share this, was a Christmas present from the missues. Her sisters partner draws a bit and he drew the below. Was well made up as Coisty was my boyhood hero! Sorry been asked to remove the image
  4. Thought he did well when he came on against Hibs only time I have seen him seems to have been around for a while....looks like he could of done a job maybe (if he def leaves) Only time will tell....
  5. Ta Mrwin that will do nicely!
  6. So a large - 38 inch waist then?
  7. Bit of a random question but does anyone know what the sizes are like for tracksuit bottoms??? I know they give M L XL ect but does anyone know what waist sizes they actually represent???
  8. So much for a national partnership they neveer have anything in my local store (solihill)
  9. Is there anyway I can watch this program at 7 tonight while not living in Scotland or having Sky?
  10. It's not just Rangers they are against but anything that can be associated to the wider PUL community.
  11. Apparently (so I have been told) RFC sang it before Liverpool did! I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.
  12. Some really unbelievable names mentioned on this thread it is sad to see how far we have fallen. With the way money is in football at the moment will we ever rise to those standards again whilst playing in Scotland.
  13. I missed it all presume they were celebrating and talking like they have just won?
  14. I'm just round the corner from 'The Wood' and work on Birmingham Business Park! No I was clever I auggested the pub we were meeting up in (Weatherspoons is always a winner!) I'm in Sheldon so not to far away at all.
  15. Oh and sorry for double post on phone that is just since I started watching mid eighties
  16. Scots Team Goram Robertson Gough Hendry Munro Durrant B.Ferguson McCall Cooper Durie McCoist International Klos Porrini F.de Boer Butcher Numan Gattuso Arteta Gascoigne R.de Boer Laudrup Hateley Just a quick thought while starting work g
  17. I meant to post this after the event but forgot at the time. The other half and I had gone to Solihull to do a bit of shopping ( I live on the outskirts of Birmingham ) were we did our normal she will do her shops I'll do mine and meet up later in the pub for something to eat. So I am walking around early afternoon where I hear a random voice say Glasgow Rangers? ( I am wearing last seasons home shirt ). I turn and look to see some old guy who must be in his late 60's at least pointing at me. Before I know it he is over shaking my hand and going on a waffle about the club. So we stand talking for five minutes or so before he pipes up fancy pint? So I obliged happily were we spent the next hour in the pub putting the world to rites, talking about the current state of the club, past players, and everything RFC related. Don't get many oppurtunities like that these days, but it made me think how proud it was to be a Bear as we are just one big family when two random people can get along like they have known each other for like cause of that common bond!
  18. If I had gone to the same high school as my elder brother I would of been a year behind Barry Ferguson but we had moved to England long before that!
  19. That's how the other half got me mine for my birthday earlier this year!
  20. I've missed the qrticle what was it about?
  21. Make Bougherra sign a two year extension with the guarentee he will be sold after the first year, and bring Cuellar in as well.
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