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Everything posted by rambo1428

  1. iirc a certain committee overturned this decision. TBB went from "it's fine, not banned" to "sectarian, banned" within a week or two from UEFA, there's something evil asunder, and we all know how much FIFA and UEFA enjoy taking bribes
  2. Im more sick of the state of some people in charge of the 2nd biggest team in glasgow and the fact no-one at the SFA will stand up to them, same shite different year.
  3. Thats what I did, couldn't get any tickets but Got a bucket of chicken to make up for it but
  4. im sure rules will state that every shirt on outfield players must be identical, aside from names and numbers. Not sure about keeper tops though, but it'll probably be along the same lines
  5. Walter can't play the way we did in Feb, he saw in the cup final that pressing them gives us the advantage, so he needs to keep it up, should be pressing for a good 3 or 4-0 win. If we go up 2-0 the game is ours, the 1 goal then sit back tactic doesnt work. The defense play too deep and it just invites shot after shot, one will eventually go in so we need to take the risk and just go for it
  6. Dunno what everyone else is saying, your all wrong! :kerkar: without a doubt
  7. Might look more interested, but not as effective
  8. Nah man, my dad got a ticket in the draw for the uefa cup final, but i didnt because i still had a childs season ticket, even though i was over 16 i didnt even go into the draw, had to shell out £800 for tickets. Think its a bit rediculous there was no child tickets for the game, but thats understandable, UEFA are money grabbing cunts. What really pissed me off was that anyone with a childs tickets didnt even get a chance, even if i was 4 years old, it's history, people arn't going to miss that. So why were children not offered tickets at the adult price? No matter how old I had been, me and my old man are not going to miss something like that, so we had to resort to paying more than double the value of the ticket. The organization behind the ticket office is ridiculous, as is much of the internal running's at ibrox.
  9. I wouldn't give them the money, hell, i don't even want to pay for my season ticket this year. Until Bain or someone from the club is actually willing to defend their fans, no-one is going to win. The fans hatred of the board will continue to increase until something is done, and banning fans for singing a few songs is not the correct way to go about it, I don't think the people we have are capable of running a club, especially not one at our level. And also, where would the money go? If i knew I was paying £40 to sit in my house, as i'm sure many others would, I would want to see it go towards players or something to actually do with the club, not paying off an overdraft or tax
  10. Find it a bit odd that a lawyer who in the not so far ago past, was looking for loop-holes to exploit in the SFA rulebook. So what's now going to happen, this cunt is going to re-write the rulebook, and I highly doubt anyone at the SFA will be able to correctly interpret what it is changed to, but it'll be ok and go through as official, yet no-one has thought the minute that septic get any form of ban or hearing, a huge pile of loop-holes will be used to get them off, again and again. Its times like this I wonder how retarded people can actually be, but this is a prime example, DON'T GIVE IN TO THE TIMMY AGENDA!
  11. In that case, il have a bash GT: rambo1428
  12. Odds on bet365 for Jela becoming SPL top scorer: 40/1 Would you think its possible for jelavic to get over 10 goals between now and the end of the season, and more importantly, would you spunk a quid on it?
  13. Yeah I totally understand where your coming from, and yes, we all know they arn't offended by TBB of the famine song but they have decided to change their views and are out to hurt our club, there's nothing else about it. A spiteful and vindictive campaign. But the reason I'm annoyed by this group isnt due to the word h*n, far from it, they can call me that and an OB all they want, what get on my tits is this whole "I'm an innocent catholic and they said fenian, im offended" when they can happily come out with any type of slander they fancy and get away with it. What doesn't sit well with me is how their campaign is working and no-one can stand up against them, representatives from the club are too scared to, and if the fans try, no matter what, its sectarian. We should have a level playing field and if we are going to have to face up to sanctions, then we shouldn't be the only ones.
  14. Aye im sure i posted something about this a while ago, how come we're being branded racists and bigots for singing the word fenian and yet they can throw the word h*n about with no re-percussion's? This should be reported to the SFA, UEFA and FARE to prove were not as bad as were made out to be.
  15. im sorry but this makes no sense at all. so what you saying, cancel your subscription, right that might work if we had enough fans for this to work, but say 50,000 accounts get canceled, that will be a minor blow for sky, especially if the scum catch wind and they'll all sign up. But signing back up the next day? why bother? so 50,000 people cancel, and then 50,000 people sign up again the next day? so... what have they lost? its paid monthly anyway so you've paid for the month already, or will have to, so signing up again you could even end up paying for it twice, so no, i don't think there's a chance this will work. Sky will have nothing to do with it, UEFA will be making money from subscriptions all over Europe, you need to take some form of action towards them if they don't see through these far fetched complaints.
  16. The fact the head of FARE's missus is a out and out septic fan, who used to have a season ticket, this should be thrown out of court, blatant conflict of interests, but lets see McSnide comment on this
  17. doesnt matter what number he is, why would you want to change it if he's spectacular as it is?
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