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Everything posted by davie1689

  1. yeah i really like the rangers chorus i love wolverhampton town too great songs both songs need to be played more
  2. I don't want to win I like a good banter! is that coz ye know ye lost oh dominant one
  3. Rear :pierre: Still the Broomloan is it not! :pierre: :pierre: But its the Rear to be precise hehe sheeza wummin m8 let her win
  4. whoever gave the NOTW this vid are wankers end of
  5. mad question but why dont ye just start a club then prince william loyal rsc
  6. tbh i would take the cash who would want him though if he has form for not turning up to games i think he has made his intentions clear to us by choosing which games he can be arsed with good player but not a rangers man
  7. cant be arsed reading the full thread but i thought he was pish as he always is what the fek was that corner about absolute dud imho
  8. going to bombay blues not saying when though incase the peelars and press attend
  9. TAM CRUISE IS A BEAR,TAM CRUISE IS A BEAR, IS A BEAR,IS A BEAR......You know how it goes Tom Cruise McGregor shagged your wife! McGregor shagged your wife! McGregor shagged your wife! (repeat) Quality
  10. "But Nacho Novo's heart will shatter into a thousand tiny pieces the day he's forced to walk out of Ibrox for the final time." dont think he will be forced tbh i`m a fan of him
  11. i rate khan great boxers always come back after nearly getting knocked out to win a fight IMHO
  12. wont be there due to shifts i am on i would be there though otherwise but can fully understand why people wont be
  13. personally i wouldnt even try to compost that ffs
  14. "It's an important six months for myself and I just want to show what I can do." youve shown what you can do ye fall on yer erse anytime someone comes near ye ffs
  15. stay at home then yer not welcome
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