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Everything posted by Turnberry18

  1. That is not the reason I do not like him, and I would not go as far as you do when you say people 'hate' him. I just do not see a match winner there. Look at Jelavic, the man is a thorn in the side of defences. Lafferty is talented, you can see that when he keeps the ball at his feet when he makes a run, but for impact he offers little I think. I just do not think we would have bought him in hindsight, and that could say quite a lot about his value to us.
  2. I do back any player that wears the jersey, but that does not mean I think he is not beyond criticism in a forum like this. I used to think we should give him time, and I can see talent when it comes to ball to feet, but Lafferty lacks something. This guy cost more than Davis, was nearly twice the price of Naismith, and seven times the fee we paid for Boyd. In that context I think we should be seeing something extra
  3. Erm, as someone who was a Miller fan, how do you work that one out?
  4. Compare what he did to say the sort of 'impact' Novo made time and again. For 3.75 million he has given very little at times. Yes , scored some important goals, but we should have expected more from him by now. When Jelavic came on the other night there was a ball of the line, he might have got a penalty, he could have scored again-Lafferty is not someone I see doing that
  5. well said regarding Lafferty. This 3.75million buy seems to be winning people over and why? He came on against Celtic and yet I had no faith he would make any impact whatsover; sadly I was right.
  6. I agree. The very fact that we are pushovers, or have been, really points to the leadership, or lack of, at the Club. We should take no less than the money Birmingham were offering
  7. this whole thing has been not great. If they want him at an airport with a green and white scarf on, let them buy him first. I have gone full circle on this one, from wanting him to stay a few weeks ago, the sooner we see the back of him the better
  8. many fine words from you there. My favourite goal ofMichael's was at Tyncastle, where he found the most unbelievable angle. I remember the cameras going to Jim Jeffries in the Hearts dugout and it was if he was saying 'what was that'!? Brilliant player. Technically, he has to be up there with the best. It is nice that Mols found the essence of the Club, that is what I got when I was growing up- it does not matter what anyone who does not support this Club etc thinks, every Rangers fan should have that appreciation of the history, the dynamics, and what it means to many throughout the world. If it takes a Dutchman to sometimes remind us, so be it.
  9. I could be wrong, and it might be wishful thinking on my part, but he does not look comfortable getting that scarf on!
  10. That goes with what I thought , that the length of the deal was significant. I want him to stay, not till the summer, but longer. when it works, and with him here it works, do not fix it
  11. I have no wish to argue with you, but have you seen the Mols video on another post?-can you imagine him, a Dutchman, calling our fans bigoted?
  12. I commented last night as went through the match again, on Rangers TV and could not believe me ears. I am not joking when I say this, but when I watch RangersTV I do not expect to hear a 'neutral', I want an unadulterated biased Rangers man doing our commentary.
  13. I do not really want to talk about Miller if he leaves us, but as he is still our player, for now, I will say this: if it is about money, fine, but I think he is making one big mistake on the football front by leaving us. I credit Ally with getting his career back on track and he should sign that contract. If Ally gets the job in the summer Miller would be pivotal to giving Ally a few trusted wise heads on the park and so on. Is money what it is all about?- he will hardly be skint if he stays.
  14. man, that was moving. That is one thing you do not get with Mols, someone making a cheap pound taking the Club apart. This is a great Club, not based on success alone, it just is, and he knows it.
  15. I have mixed views on this: I think fans know more than many pundits like to imagine. That is possibly the main reason I stopped listening to Radio Clyde, I hated the way they treated fans. I also think Rangers fans expect a lot, and sometimes the strong survive. On the other hand we need to be a bit objective, and in the heat of passion that can be a test. I always support the players in blue
  16. my kids love them, and that is good enough for me!
  17. Most under-rated, by a mile, is McCulloch. He has been on the wing, up front, centre-half, and now centre-mid. many good teams have a player like him in their side, the unsung hero; he keeps it tidy etc
  18. well, if his attitude was a problem then we should be looking forward to him being quite a player.he has the talent, last night was evident of that.
  19. With all respect I do not agree-even Fleck himself admitted his attitude is a problem. He needs to knuckle down now and show the Club what he can do. I think he could be the natural successor to Miller, but that is a responsibility and he needs to be mentally strong to deal with that.
  20. we need Naismith back consistently and a win against Hearts would certainly give us a lift.
  21. I think we have lost some of that momentum that we had a few months ago. maybe it was the Miller thing, but I am also not convinced we have got the OF loss out our system yet. I feel we need a big win, maybe Hearts will give us that.
  22. I agree with much of what you say- the boy is 19, and he holds his head up well, looking for things to happen etc. He needs to start getting his head right.
  23. If Ally can get Miller scoring then he should be able to do wonders for Fleck. It is up to the player now though- his attitude has been under question, potential is nothing if it has no end result, he should get his head down on and off the park. He would do well to take Davis as an example of what it is to be a Rangers player.
  24. were you at school with big davie weir by any chance?
  25. I do not know if people remember this but the season Celtic needed to beat hibs to have a chance of winning the League he was suspiciously off-side anytime hibs made an attack. I have often felt but for their defender at the time, Rob Jones, they might have won that match and gone on and won the League. He makes me think he has an attitude against us and for them whenever I see him, and it is disappointing that he is even being considered good enough for this Club.
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