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Everything posted by Turnberry18

  1. well, it refers to each of these managers spending on the first full season in charge. I have to say that there seems to be some feeling that in Ally McCoist we will have some joker in charge, easy to see why if you look at his time on Question of Sport or when he was a player, at times, but he is intelligent, a winner, and has a great passion for Rangers- I think if he wants it then he will be a serious contender, and it could work. I trust Walter's judgement about Ally- if he thinks he is a good prospect for manager then I think he must have good reason for saying so.
  2. of course, Kenny could turn round and sign a new contract- it is still an option for him.
  3. One mistake in defence, they score, and we are left to chase the game. I am happy for that so called manager/coach/tactical genius of theirs to stay in a job- can you honestly imagine Walter Smith lose a league race to him? It has got to the stage where I do not even care who they sign now. Lennon does not have the subtelty required for this in the long term.
  4. What do people assume the Club when this 'rumour' is even given even 5 minutes of credibiliy by some on here? Prospective owners who cream themselves the chance to talk to the manager, and managers coming out with a cheap response?- utter rubbish, and allowed to extend itself by so many pages by people who think so low of the Club to think it would run in such a mickey mouse manner.
  5. Last night's Darrel King's headline described the 'Gers Carcass' in the context of Rangers dealings with Kenny Miller- if you remember, after we had just won the league, this journalist also said there would be wholesale departures from the club in the summer. Let me draw your attention the main players in the side who left and why they left. Kevin Thomson, a player who had the second serious injury of hi career- the club were right to ask of him another season without committing to a long term deal( Thomson was also right to think of his future, and so it was amicable). Kris Boyd, a player who was offered a good enough deal, a deal the Club went out of its way to come up with- he rejected it in favour of an offer the Club couldn't replace. Danny Wilson, he was offered a contract by the Club- he rejected it for a move to Liverpool. I don't know about any of you, but this hardly constitues a 'sinking ship'. Sure, the Club has a debt issue, but so do many clubs, and so do many companies at this time. It's not that Rangers are necessarily in such bad shape financially, but the various factors that make up the Club do not allow us the same financial freedoms we once enjoyed. We have very little tv money, we the Cl Qualification/non-CL Qualification dilemme to negotiate each year and so we can never guarantee in any long term what our revenue is going to be with any great certainty. In light of the fact that the English Premiership has priced us out of players that we once took for granted would be likely to arrive at Ibrox, the Club has set about a youth policy coupled with seasoned pros and the odd prospect- the days of Laudrup, Gascoigne, De Boer and Prso are well and truly over. This Club has problems with a clear narrative, there is no mystery at Rangers, and for some people that isn't good enough- no matter what the Club does is never good enough, 'we are having to be reliant on youth' and yet with the same voice these journalists proclaim that youth has to be given a chance. Rangers In Crisis serves a purpose, it sells papers, it gives people something to talk about, but what it also does is feeds into the gloom and doom merchants amongst our number who see every problem as a disaster. You care about the Club? then pay your way if you can, attend matches like last night if you can, give the Club what you can- Rangers is a fan dependent Club, we are not Blackburn, we can't play in empty stadiums. The main problem for Rangers is the dichotomy that exists in CL revenue- we cannot plan for more than a year, because around 50% of our turnover is dependent on our success or failure on an annual basis. Kenny Miller, if he is sold, will be sold for football and with somet financial reasons. Rangers is run with all factors taken into consideration, how much risk is involved, the ages of players, and what the Club can afford. This is no 'carcass' and no 'sinking ship'. Miller will not have his heart at the Club if he signs a pre-contract agreement elsewhere. These are plain and simple facts, they won't sell papers, they won't be dramatic, but they are proved to more be more acurate than they hypothetical guessing of people when it comes to our Club.
  6. Dellbear, well done coming on here and showing the passion for the Club. You had to withstand the usual idiocy that goes with this Forum, but no matter, you did okay in handling that. Im not sure what holding a banner in Charlotte Sq. would do though- maybe in the past Sir David Murray would have been in a position to do something, but what do you expect to happen by a protest? I have been told that the Whyte deal is very serious, and that all being equal will manifest. I don't think it's a matter of Sir David just turning round and throwing out the Whyte proposal, and I would suggest to people to consider that Due Dilligence is reciprocal and that everyone with a say at Rangers will being going through Whyte's finances with a fine tooth comb- so it is not just a matter of Whyte looking at Rangers, although it is possible Ellis has been brokering on behalf of someone anyway trying to find a buyer, but Whyte will have be considered on many different levels and both Sir David and the board are possibly going to consider that. Watch this space as they say; time will tell the outcome of what is going to happen at Rangers.
  7. Anyway, I'm off. But I would like to add that the poignancy of the tribute from the Club was very moving, and paid respect to the victims of that day. My 14 year old experienced his first old firm match yesterday, and that was age of the young boy who's mother spoke so deeply about the events that day. I won't be patting anyones back for keep a silence at time like this, and it is the victims who our thoughts should be- they deserve respect.
  8. what, are you both incapable of taking the question seriously?
  9. I would like to know why, only because he is manager of them, where he was when the minute's silence was going on. I was on the BBC board earlier and some fan of ours got dogs abuse for inquiring. Yes, it is minor point to some- I am interested in Lennon in no other way other than him being celtic manager yesterday, and for such an occasion he should have been there.
  10. That could be quite a clever play on words on your part. I have been very reluctant to speculate about this, because there is no point really, but you have to explain what you mean when you say 'that "he" has concerns over the funding of this deal'. Remember that when due dilligence takes place it is reciprocal, so of course when whyte has due dillegence measures placing his finances under scrutiny there is going to be 'concern over the funding' that he has in regards to his offer and subsequent proposals. I will be surprised if this deal does not happen, the timing thing is not really that important, and I am also lead to believe that when walter talks about his budget for the next transfer window his is being a little political, which is not necessarily a bad thing. In regard to AJ, what he thinks is not really 'immaterial', he is the chairman of the club, and his approval of this deal is strategically important to all parties concerned. So, whilst the formal protocol might not afford AJ much credence, at rangers in this present time it very much does- his approval is crucial to this deal.
  11. This is all nonsense. What do you mean he 'went to court against him'? I could go to 'court' against you and you with me and it would mean nothing. I also take that this going 'to court' was a civil matter- happens all the time in business. Instead of your boss giving abstract minor sub-plots what was the result of this legal action?- that is the real matter here. As for Mr Whyte being a conman, you are perfectly entitled to your hearsay, and to bring it on here, but what does it mean? I could say you are a conman, but would you not retort that I should explain myself? I have no doubt that Craig Whyte is not a boy scout but there is nothing of substance to anything you have said about him. And as for 'the bigger picture', this is Rangers FC, what bigger picture do you mean? Apart from selling Ibrox, Murray Park, all the players, and then appointing some duffer to manage a youth squad, what bigger picture can there be?- it is a football club, nothing big and mysterious is going to happen. Last week no one knew the guy, this week they do, and yes, still, people believe the media up here when they ask why anyone would want to buy the Rangers? Rangers would raise the profile of any man,even Ellis is a household name. Just wait and see, and give people a chance.
  12. I do not care who we lose to, that result has put me on a downer. I hate us losing anytime. Weiss was not bad tonight, weir did well, broadfoot and whittaker did much of what can expect in nights like this, Davis was at times fairly good, but then the odd loose pass that a match like this does not let you away with was not so good. Hutton not bad, looks a little better than when I saw him at the start of the season. Naismith was very composed, pity about the penalty, and, if I am being honest, kenny looks out of his depth in the big league, but I am hesitant to criticise any of our players- difficult match.
  13. I think the deal will be concluded at some point but feel pretty confident it will not be done tomorrow. To the person saying a multi-million pounds deal being concluded in a week: he and Murray have been speaking for a lot longer than that
  14. Sadly, this is an indictment on the Club also. We need a Waddell, I have been arguing for this for sometime- the Club was built on strong traditions with strong men fighting to maintain them. Murray, who I am not a wholesale critic of, did not have Rangers in his DNA, when it came to these matters he was posted missing, but having read about Mr Waddell no bullshit was taken from anyone. It is now time to defend this Club. Are we saying that in the current political climate that Rangers have no enemies in the media, that there would be no agenda against the Rangers? Those that deny such things live in ignorance and naivety. The stakes are high, they always have been, and this Club needs strong people again to defend its ethos and what it stands for. No big Club, anywhere, is purely a football club, not Barcelona, not Real Madrid, not Milan and not us.
  15. Keep arguing the cause- you know you are right, I know you are, and many others also. The BBC is a state broadcaster, of course it has an agenda, and Rangers gets up the noses o f many in Scottish life. This was hardly fair, but all too typical investigation by the BBC- any surprise when they find themselves not guilty?
  16. absolutely right Adams. To clarify what I meant last night, after watching Newsnight, was that the SFA should play the Celtic against the refs angle. If Celtic are allowed to carry on this assault on the honesty of our refs, then it undermines the whole game up here. Yeah, we can have a few referees who are not that good, but to imply that he is setting out with an agenda against them is ludicrous. Any SFA fight against Celtic should be about the fact that this is not the SFA that Celtic are attacking, but men who are trying to go about their job honestly and fairly, and in the process of doing so, and being human, are going to make mistakes. Kelly last night was unbelievable, possibly he wants to ingratiate himself to the supporters of his club, but it is apparent that their paranoia is now naked for all to see, and the SFA should act now in the strongest possible way and uphold the good name of what is our national sport.
  17. they are all mince- crocker, provan, walker, burley and derek rae. Burley can have played for whoever as far as I am concerned but can you honesly tell me that any of them a love of the sport? Burley and Nicholas give me the impression they would no open the curtains if a match was being played in their back gardens. It really is time we had people up here who loved our product and sold it. It is a dirge, and Craig Dreich is as bad as the rest
  18. Well, if the refs go on strike and we import refs to replace them then the SFA will have scored a big own goal there. The only way forward is for the SFA to take on Celtic in this matter. Sir Michael Kelly has clearly shown the Celtic argument on Newsnight Scotland, he looked well briefed to me, and I think the SFA have now got to get rather clever and let the refs protest and play the arbiter; even if underneath they are seething
  19. Tonight Reporting Scotland has Craig Thomson surrounded by Rangers players to exemplify the kind of pressure a ref is under, as were some other clubs featured in the report, but refs are not going on strike because they are surrounded by players in a high pressured game- this was not the reason for Mr Peat's comments. Typical BBC, scared of the main culprit in this argument
  20. I do not get why the Statue is of John Grieg and not Mr Waddell. Waddell made it his mission to get the stadium built etc- so affected was he by that tragic day back then. A statue of someone still alive is not quite the same either. This story would not suprise me if it was true; I have long got the impression that with some of them, we are just the fans.
  21. I do not 'feel' for John Fleck at all- he plays for the Club I love, that I have dreamt for playing for since I was a boy. He is in control, not Walter, it is in Fleck's hands, and he is the one who has to take the responsibility, not Walter. If he was burning the grass he would be playing, it is for him to take his chance. If he is a Rangers player in the making, let him prove it. What do you want, Walter to hold his hand?- it is up to Fleck how he plays, and if he is irreplacable then Walter will have him in the team. Stop having a go at Walter because a lot of young talented players have poured their careers down the river; it is all in Fleck's hands. I think Fleck will come good, but it is up to him.
  22. I need to check later what McGregor was up to. And please, spare me the pragmatism, I am devastated that we lost 3-0 at Ibrox, to whoever. The defence concerns me, something is lacking there, especially when a ball is crossed in
  23. well said opening poster, not for what you said, but for loving this great Club of ours. Yes, have a go at the guy but he is hurting, you are all hurting, and I am hurting to such a degree that I cannot say what I feel right now(probably can come down to one word: devastated). We were woeful tonight, and woeful against Inverness, now we will see what this Team is really made of on Saturday.
  24. Saw the man wearing a Celtic strip in some Rangers TV and it looked odd to say the least- but Kenny Miller is a great player for us. Well done Kenny!
  25. Great goalkeeper- one of the best in Britain, never mind Scotland
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