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Everything posted by Turnberry18

  1. Yeah, but that prawn that runs the BBC show was saying to Gordon Smith he didn't know where the five minutes came from; either he is stupid or he is fishing for comments. Five minutes was the least I expected.
  2. I totally agree. And late on he went to the Right and did a bit better. He is a Right-Sided player. Lafferty and Naismith can take the left, it is not as if we are short there.
  3. He can get very slack on the final ball, and at set-pieces; he should look at that part of his game. Is he trying to prove himself too much at times? perhaps he should compose himself a bit more. Sometimes he looks a man in a hurry, instead of reading the game more. I feel he sometimes takes another touch, instead of releasing the ball at the right time. Very good player though, last week at Aberdeen was a tough test, and he did not too bad.
  4. Walter, far be it for me to tell you your job, but please play him on the right. Late on he went to the Right and played better. Not a great game for him, but he's learning, and with a player his age you are going to get this now and again.
  5. They do not know where the five minutes came from? - you are meant to take these people seriously.
  6. Played seven, won against Hibs away, Aberdeen away,and Hearts away...brilliant
  7. How good was that? And doesn't it set you up for a great weekend? Brilliant Rangers; if you are going to win leagues, then that's how to win them. Cannot say anymore about it.
  8. You've just reminded me that it was a woman(my aunt) who educated me on the footballing talent of Willie Henderson. She went with my uncle many times, saw Baxter and lauded him, but Henderson was her player- her legacy is my regret at having never seen Henderson play, but loving every snippet I can find of him playing
  9. the thought of what you must been like at the St Mirren goal had me laughing Moses lol
  10. My fifteen-year-old daughter is more vocal than any fan within earshot, so has to be a yes.
  11. How good would it be to win on Saturday?- we would have played Hibs, Aberdeen, and Hearts away and won, in just seven matches. What I don't get is that we played Tuesday Last week/sunday live match, and now Wednesday this week/Saturday live match. If we are to progress then we need sense with fixtures surely.
  12. Every good British team has a McCulloch, and he is better than people gave him credit for. He has proved the critics wrong yet again. Alex McLeish's team were crying out for a player like that for some many years, he plays that linchpin role so well.
  13. Edu was very good tonight. It doesn't seem that two years ago there were a few doubts about him, then we played Milan and he had a very good game and got games after that. That pass for Miller could have led to a goal, and before that nearly scores- good night's work!
  14. As a side issue three years ago Billy McNeil claimed Rangers were five, yes five, years behind Celtic, that still makes me laugh. In that time we have won Two League Titles, got to a European Final, won Two Scottish Cups and the same number of League Cups. How many years ahead of Celtic does that make us?!
  15. When Middlesborough played in the EPL they had empty spaces in their Stadium, so what will they be playing in front of in the Championship. Therefore, Kris Boyd obviously went for the money. Play in front of a semi derelict Riverside stadium or a full Ibrox? Sometimes I wonder if the Club had great desire to keep him- offer him lower then he wants and when he rejects it you can always say you tried to keep him! I'm sure it didn't work that way, but who knows!
  16. Nothing our fans satisfies me? Erm, I don't think so. Our fans have forty odd thousand season tickets sold this year, merchandise bought, huge followings away from home and you claim they 'digust' me? - I don't think so. Rangers fans are amongst the best in the World in my opinion. But I am not going to get into an argument with you. Does Andy Walker's opinion matter to me beyond the fact he doesn't seem fit to be commentating on our matches?- no.
  17. if listened to Edgar and thought he made some points worth raising- he does say things that many Rangers fans say. But whenever an organisation has one man always at the forefront then that can be a danger- the Media gave me the impression that they wanted more to listen to Edgar than what the RST has to say.
  18. The way things are going he will not be the only one. That is unfortunate though, the RST has many points that need answering when it comes to the Club; will those questions go away because the RST is discredited?
  19. What, a song as if Andy Walker's opinion mattered? He wasn't even half a player for them in the 80's, and but for his possibly contacts in the media would have no voice at all. I dare say his kudos increases the more attention we give him. Walker's opinions matter nothing to me; he is a Celtic man, and if I object to anything it is his ability to commentate on our games. Other than that he is insignificant when it comes to Rangers.
  20. I don't like that our fans sung this, gives him some sort significance. Newsflash: Andy Walker doesn't like Rangers? My problem is the Company that employs him at our matches.
  21. Great player, and this week's match could be big for him if Davis doesn't make it. Naismith looks to me as if he is taking more responsibility on the Park; becoming a Rangers player at last.
  22. That is something I agree with. This Club needs a Waddell, is Walter Smith such a man? - who knows. But reading and researching Mr Waddell's role at the Club makes you appreciate the rudderless leadership the Club has in these times currently. Murray is not a Rangers man, Lawrence Marlborough had an acute sense of the Club- he could afford to stand away because he knew Rangers didn't need a showman, the Club being bigger than that. Murray lacked and still lacks that and the Club has been poorer for it. That is twice the Club has taken a hit in the last decade, and Murray jumped ship on those occasions; equate that to 'the big Deedle' in our darkest hour- he got a state of the art stadium built, through time. A real Rangers man, something this Club lacks at the helm today.
  23. Can you imagine Lafferty had done that? Phone-ins etc. We have enemies in the media, and yet some say this, 'it's paranoia'. It's all very well the fan earlier saying he doesn't care, but when it effects the songs at Ibrox, and the way our players get vilified, then you have to question what is really going on. They don't like us, we don't care, yes that's true, but when it begins to drag the Club and the supporters down then we should care. Personally I don't listen to Radio stations with an agenda, nor read newspapers, so I will possibly do the same with Sky. These companies, yes even the BBC(listeners and viewers figures are important to them), live in the market, and we should hurt them in the market by depriving them of custom; they will soon get the message.
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