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Everything posted by Turnberry18

  1. Fairly good team, but I wouldn't have Lovenkrands out wide left- I never agreed with him playing there. As regards Ferguson, I wouldn't have had him back after Blackburn either. The 'end my plight' headlines before he left for England(1st time) told me a lot. A permanent victim, not a great calibre of captain for the Club
  2. In tennis, there is Federer and Nadal- the rest can't touch those when it comes to the slams.
  3. Rubbish, most, if not all the fans I know, rated him at the time, and rate him now.
  4. some interesting names being given, but for me it would be Amato. I just don't think we had him long enough. He was a special talent.
  5. I never understood why Van der Sar was ever at Fulham, and why Wenger never signed him when we was with Fulham. Van der Sar was at Fulham for quite a long period, why did Arsenal never go in for him?
  6. A new occurrence is happening these days:not just Premierships fans not rating our League, but Championship fans who think their League, equal if not better than our SPL, and yet when they play friendlies here our teams beat them. That's what is getting to annoy me about comments like Savage's.
  7. Look what happened at The Emirates last year, the fans were brilliant, and that covered a weekend. It was organised, everything went smoothly. One thing can be guaranteed over the next week or so, responsible reporting, up to that match, will not exist.
  8. Who could fault what you said there? I think you've described, fairly well, much of went on that day. Many of us have been to football matches were it seems fans are fair game, and I hate that- fans are treated like the lowest forms of life. The events last year in Bucharest were totally over hyped, the media too eager to sharpen their pencils about it. This club has some serious water to navigate over this match in Manchester, basically because I sense the media are playing with this a little. I'll be glad when those matches are over.
  9. He plays a match well, one match, and the papers are all over him- as if they are protecting some investment. I noticed he was on the BBC spouting, you would think his head would be in shame. Lennon has convinced this guy that snarling and pulling faces works by the looks of; not on the world or European stage it doesn't. Walter Smith would have been mature for him, Lennon doesn't have the ability to make a player grow up.
  10. I had to do some things in London the following two days after the final, and the reputation of the Club took such a hit that I've never forgotten. People who knew me, knew I was a Rangers fan, it was a long two days. Everything needs a narrative; that could be political parties,organisations, countries, individuals, and football clubs- some story that defines who or what you are. Well, the Club, that day, inherited a bad narrative, and a lot of that was due to thuggish behaviour, and that will take a long time to repair.
  11. That would be something, would love to see that.
  12. Fairly well said Jim, I think some people were getting the Kleenex out for the people who were seen acting like thugs- shame on them for bringing this Club down. As regards the innocent fans, a lot of them should complain, both against the thuggish police officers who were random in their attacks and the fact this event was so poorly organised(it's not like they weren't aware a big gathering was going to be there). People need to take responsibility, and I can imagine the Club wish this would all go away, which is understandable, but some day a context needs to be put on this.
  13. West Ham have left some mark on football. Look at the managers that have come out of that Club. I was watching something recently, where they all met at a cafe and discussed tactics. john Bond, Malcolm Allison, Harry Redknapp etc. Upton Park is a place I'd like to visit one day.
  14. Even getting to a UEFA Cup final, against many odds, should have been a proud day for this Club. And Walter Smith, I was so happy for the man- he deserved that. One day I want to look at that achievement; we were very close to winning that- what a day that could have been, compared to all this stuff.
  15. I hate that I hate that day. and I hate that it is a useful tool to take the Club down a level. Look at this, we are playing Manchester United and the thought of reading the Manchester drivel all through the run-up to the game makes me sick. I long for the day that this is one distant memory.
  16. I'm not speaking about how big you are, and how many posters you need or don't need, what I've seen with this guy is not something I like. I think he is entitled not to like hooligan behaviour, I don't like it either, and many Rangers fans don't like it either. Those people who kicked police officers, threw bottles? - they did wrong and and should take responsibility for their actions. As should many others, whether they are in authority, part of the Club or whatever. I think we should move on anyway, but the thing I hate most about Manchester? The way the Club has been tarnished, either by thugs, or those that seek to bring it down from the outside.
  17. You think he is the only Rangers fan of that view. 'scum', 'Knuckledraggers? So what? He has his opinion. How many against one is it between you and him? That is not on in my book. And all because he condemns the ones throwing bottles and kicking police officers? My concern- first, last, and in the middle -is the Club, and those fans who didn't kick police officers, who didn't throw bottles, but who went to see their Club in a European Final but ended up being caught in the middle and being baton hit by police as well. There'll be no sob stories for the people who did wrong from me.
  18. tOk, I'm getting a bit concerned about what is going on here. What makes the guy a Celtic fan? I have not seen one pro-Celtic statement yet. Ok, you disagree with him, good, I disagree with some of his comments, but what I see here is getting a bit nasty. He has his opinion, and I Know none of you like it, but you are all going to have to deal with that. You think he is the only Rangers fan who holds this view? And spare us the sob stories about those that did do damage as well. My concern is first and last the CLUB, the club being used by its enemies because many can't take responsibility for their actions, whether that is thugs, the organisers, or the police and stewards. he has his opinions, but I'm not going to stand by and watch you lot round on him for having his opinions. And before you start, I am a Rangers fan as well.
  19. I'm really not going to stand full-square behind those convicted- no-one made anyone kick a police officer, throw bottles at screens, throwing bottles at police officers and violent disorder. My concern is the fans who were caught up in the mix- and GFG, I think you should appreciate that they exist- and the general narrative that is being a applied to this series of isolated incidents- no-one would seriously suggest it was planned and co-ordinated, would they? The Judge didn't really help matters with his comments: for a start would we say The Blitz was 'violence' in a conventional sense, and was there really 'riots', and when talking about 'destruction', does it not beg the question as to where this judge was in 1996? The fact is, saying the whole thing was poorly organised should be admitted, that way there will be balance. The press hear football fans, violence, and go way over the top. There were isolated incidents, some of them bad(I would say), but was that the whole story, was there a context for it? You wouldn't have to try to hard to see that there was a context, and that this is not the whole story.
  20. well, if you were that interested you would find out, eh? Maybe buying a newspaper might be a start, or even a Newspaper website. Just a suggestion.
  21. It was indeed two penalties he missed. sorry!
  22. There's a danger of becoming the club that has a card display every CL night. Hope not. I wish the focus was on the team, and not the fans, it reminds me too much of them. Let them do the 'look at us', we don't need to do that to define why our Club is special.
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