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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. No way man 😂😂😂😂
  2. Great idea 😂😂😂
  3. Would love to see us absolutely batter them tomorrow. If we perform then there's only one winner
  4. The clamour for Balogun from some of our fans would only intensify if that happened to be true....
  5. Can't work out at times if you are taking the piss or being serious. Ben Davies didn't kick a ball for Liverpool so that's my thinking of why he wasn't thrown in at the deep end and I thought he had a knock Tuesday so didn't play? If we've played 4 million for a centre back then he will absolutely be Goldsons partner going forward
  6. Katic hasn't been given a chance because he's not good enough, that's why
  7. Could be a good tie then. I don't know much about Swiss football but imagined Zurich would have been heavy favourites
  8. Marvin Bartley says Hearts will put Zurich out. Somehow I don't think so
  9. Made me laugh that mate. Moon unit that boy
  10. Boy on Clyde saying it will be Morelos and Colak up front next week 🤣
  11. Is that Cammy Bell on tonight? That accent is honking man
  12. It's hard to think of a better value for money signing in terms of what he's contributed to the club. Rangers legend.
  13. That pass last night was exceptional. Maybe the legs have gone but you don't lose that kind of vision. What a team goal to get us right back in it last night.
  14. We've been playing Morelos constantly for the last few seasons praying he wouldn't get injured as we all knew how much we relied on him. It's absolutely brilliant Colak has now settled and getting goals. It will be a good headache for the gaffer to have when Alfredo is fully fit again. Both contrasting styles as well which is also good for certain types of games.
  15. The Facebook and twitter loyal wanting us to play Colak through the middle and Alfredo on the wing after last night 😂
  16. Yes he was good in the air but he was a bombscare at times. PSV may well have still scored 2 regardless
  17. Great performance. Worked his arse off and was unlucky not to score a 2nd. Loved his celebration.
  18. His decision making and final ball are dreadful most of the time. Doesn't really offer much at all
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