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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. PES was/is shite. I remember in its early days it was Machil Tovo and Lovenkrantz
  2. Blood is still boiling over that tackle
  3. FIFA may have went downhill for several years now but I've been waiting on Ibrox being in it for what feels like forever. Will definitely be buying it.
  4. Exactly. At least I'm getting through to someone 😂
  5. Never said the main thing wasn't kicking a football I just said there's more to it than that 😂
  6. Even if you sign a player who "can play football" it doesn't guarantee they'll come in immediately and be a revelation though. Like I said previously there's much more to it than kicking a football.
  7. Thats not how football works. Can't expect every single player you sign to hit the ground running. There are a multitude of things a new player has to adjust to. Even some of the best players in europe when they sign for a new club can take a while to get in to their stride. People like you don't have a clue about football, plenty in the same boat on here.
  8. I back Gio in his decision. In no way would he have wanted to drop Morelos but sounds like the squad as well as the gaffer have had enough of him.
  9. Didn't seem that much of problem when they won the league
  10. How long is a piece of string? Some players take longer than others to settle at Rangers
  11. Be better posting this in the OT mate.
  12. Hopefully our appeal is successful. Was a complete joke of a red card on Saturday. We need the big man, he's absolutely vital in our team now.
  13. Is it unreasonable to judge a player once he's had a run of games in the team?
  14. I don't think there's a conspiracy against us, I just think the referees in this country are absolutely shite
  15. Apart from being at fault for PSV's second and the Hibs equaliser at the weekend according to some on here mate
  16. Laughable that some think McGregor should be playing ahead of McLaughlin
  17. Good player who contributes when he is fit but that's not nearly enough. If he had a better fitness record he wouldn't be at Ibrox
  18. Good to see you are giving the boy every chance possible to prove himself.
  19. Great spell for Newcastle and got the goal
  20. I see its 1-0. Are Hearts starting to have a go now or are they happy to get beat?
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