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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. The Fulham fans will be excited by that 😂
  2. Enjoying every single minute of the Parkhead shitshow these days. I'd be amazed if big Ange is still there at Christmas. I just struggle to see the logic in appointing him as manager other than they had put everything behind getting Howe with no back up plan. Such an odd choice with no European or even British football experience.
  3. Fucking glorious 😂😂😂😂
  4. If Adams and Dykes are the answer for Scotland then what the fuck is the question? 😂
  5. Wonder how much revenue is potentially being lost by this kind of thing
  6. Some achievement when you see the field who turn up at those events and it's all played out to a finish on the day.
  7. He won the title today as well. What a player
  8. That'll be a tough tie for celtic
  9. Struggling to decide who's a worse defender, Ajer or Sviatchenko. Oh how the mighty have fallen 😂😂😂
  10. The calibre of player we have now has shown guys like Rogic to be bang average. He was made to look good when we were sending utter shite out against them home and away.
  11. This Australian fella is going to have to hit the ground running right away. So much pressure on the guy right from the first kick of the season.
  12. Delighted with that. He's a class act Will still contribute on the pitch next season but as a coach as well, every single player can learn from him.
  13. Got an email saying mine has arrived while at work. Tempted to wear it to my football tonight but same time thinking about getting the top framed for the wall in the man cave.
  14. Still can't believe they've not got a new manager in place since Lenny left. Hilarious the way the Eddie Howe deal collapsed and now it seems they may be having some difficulty with this Australian bloke. What a time it is to be a Rangers fan.
  15. De Sousa has such a quality throwing action. Makes it look easy
  16. They'll fucking batter Scotland with those players to select from 😂
  17. Delighted to see Killie go. Team of cloggers who've played a shocking brand of football for years on a carpet. Stick that one in your chips Billy Bowie! Now its our turn to laugh at them
  18. 55 has got right under the skin of absolutely everyone in this utter shitehole of a country
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