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Everything posted by AyeReadyStu

  1. I hate the little two-sided grounds, wtf is the point in that? Anyway worst was probably Firhill Best, probably Almondvale.
  2. He the bloke that did that handball on the line a few years back? Rolled around like a cowboy being shot? Some fucking acting that was sure you could hear him go 'arrrgghhhh' on camera as well
  3. I know Brian Gilmour is rotting away in Lincoln City's reserves
  4. Coaches don't really coach kids techinque nowadays, too much emphasis is being put on being strong and athletic. A guy who is 6'2" and good in the air is more likely to make it than someone who's 5'5" and good technically, sad but true. I had a trial as a winger for Aston Villa's U16 team in 2004 when I was 15, they spotted me playing for Rhyl. The coach said I was great technically, but he had concerns with my height, in the end I was told I too short to ever make it as a pro
  5. Anyone recommend any decent boots for indoor footy? Fancy a pair of Nike CTR360's but I've never really thought much of Nike's boots?
  6. Fuck me where are the men in white coats when you need them
  7. In the hole behind two strikers. Certainly I don't think he's a winger or an out an out striker. I think he'd be a good centre-mid alongside Davis actually
  8. Is 19 today, , seems like he been around for a hell of a lot longer :
  9. He'll be wanted by police once he's finished with Mulgrew!
  10. Whoa! Appreciate the optimism ,but unless Fleck progresses at an Usain Bolt-like pace then that's not happening for some years at least.
  11. Love the way he just cut him down mid-wankfest 'your first test- you Failed'
  12. Mascherano is a bastard and isn't the player Cambiasso is. Maradona fucked-up massively not taking him and/or Lucho Gonzalez to the World Cup. Also I just realised Cambiasso is only 30, I thought he was about 35!
  13. So you'd react by getting yourself sent off, and putting your team at a disadvantage Players who play for Rangers need to put the team before themselves. Obviously he hasn't got the sense to do so and can't control his temper.
  14. I think what people are getting annoyed about is more to do with the manner of Lafferty's sending off rather than the fact he got sent off. He got sent off for reacting like a little kid, different situation to getting sent off for being last man or a handball.
  15. This is a repost x1000, but it's worth a listen again, sensational stuff from Mr Benchpress
  16. The same Newcastle that got raped by Steven Whittaker
  17. At some point we're going to have to do something. At Rangers you only get a couple of chances at most. He's had more than everyone and still hasn't come up with the goods, time to sell him imo. Financially, sometimes you just have to take a hit and minimise the loss as much as possible.
  18. Naismith the only player that's been decent the first half.
  19. I have nothing against Lafferty, but he brings it upon himself with his actions. He either learns to control his temper or we get rid imo.
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