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Everything posted by Redmond7

  1. It certainly wont go down as one of our best title triumphs, in terms of the football we've played. But, at the end of the day, you dont get points for pretty football and a title is a title.
  2. Perhaps thats what it is, could it be their body doubles for some new upcoming movie?
  3. Its probably pushing it to say he cost us the game, but if we had someone better in there when were totally murdering them in the 2nd half.. ach we'd probably still not have won but the fact still is that I have now totally convinced myself that Edu is the worst player I've ever seen in a Rangers jersey.
  4. Like watching a different team. Can't say I'm happy but at least we tried to show something in the second half. Looking at the reactions on the bench, I wonder if Ally's called some of the shots there. I bloody hope so because I for one dont want to see a WS clone next season. And if Greg Wylde hasn't played his way into the team on that performance, he never will.
  5. Exact opposite tbh, we've dominated since going 4-4-2 and the only thing lacking is a goal. Replace Edu in the middle and we've got a team on our hands I think.
  6. If he can't see the ball hitting a players hand right in front of his face, how could he ever hope to see it cross the line. Just money thrown down the drain when everyone knows they should be using video technology.
  7. What is the fucking point in the guy behind the goal when he can't see a fucking blatant penalty three metres away? And also, wtf couldn't we have played like this from the start.
  8. Okay whose kidnapped Walter Smith? Weir off, Naismith on.
  9. He would have gotten nowhere near that team, we may have been shite but we had players like Bobby Russell who were far far superior to Edu.
  10. Wylde seems scared to go forward. He's a fucking winger he should be allowed to play as such. Get Weiss on the right, Wylde on the left and even if we go out, lets fucking go out with a bit of fight for once.
  11. I know but I mean this season They are coming out with things that apply to normal teams.
  12. Oh and another thing, I wish someone would stick that fucking clipboard where the sun doesn't shine.
  13. I don't think I've ever seen such an inept and pathetic showing from any team at home in the later stages of a Euro competition. There's only two words to describe that, utter shite. Have to laugh at the comentators though, who quite clearly have never seen Rangers play.
  14. The so called takeover is about as exciting as some of our transfer dealings recently and taking just as long. Still, perhaps one day it will actually happen...
  15. Crumbs I can't even remember. Although my dad supported Rangers family circumstances meant he never took me to games. I don't remember the CWC Final in 72 when I was 8, and that always confuses me because surely I would have seen it. My earliest footballing memories are from about 1974, the World Cup, I remember the tims getting fucked by uhm... Atletico I think it was, and probably my first real memory that has stayed with me was Colin Steins goal that clinched the title to stop them doing 10 in a row. And probably the opposite of the OP, as we would have lost the league every year I had been alive till then.
  16. I'm pretty sure she was stepping down, which is probably why she doesn't care. She didn't reply to my reply to her reply. Hardly surprising though.
  17. And always has done in this country. Lets face it, many 'journalists' and newspapers have made their fortune beating the flames of bigotry to their own ends.
  18. And also, IF players like Cole had been given more game time, then it figures he would also have more experience and so therefore you have someone else you know you can rely when the time comes. The reason these players don't have the experience is because they arent being allowed it. There are plenty games in the SPL where we should be able to safely blood our youngsters, and if they are not good enough to play against Hamilton, St Mirren etc then they are not good enough and shouldn't be at the club. Thats probably the biggest thing that annoys me with Walter, he keeps whining about a small squad and players being 'tired' but he's had more than enough opportunities to increase the size of his available players, and he's stubbornly refused to do it. No-one is expecting, or even asking, that he throws in the entire youth squad but giving run outs to the likes of Cole, Hemmings whoever else now and again would surely be of benefit to them and the team. Too many regulars are simply too complacent because they know they will never be dropped.
  19. Well after the Cup Final it will be two either way In fact, might even be one. Not sure if that would even be a bad thing, as much as winning in Europe is fun the players seem to be wanting to use it as an excuse. Tired my arse, they were tired five minutes into the season ffs. Perhaps they need to look at their training routines and diets if they are tired.
  20. If we must play a 3-5-2 and it sure looks like thats the way Walter wants to go now, then we need much pacier wing backs. I guess Foster is ok, but I'd rather see Whittaker on the left side and Papac in the middle. Of course we all know that want happen and we're wasting our breath even discussing it because there is only 1 reason we're playing the 3-5-2 and thats to accomodate Davie Weir. It doesnt nessecarily have to be a defensive formation but with us it definately will be. If it wins us the league, then it wins us the league and right now thats really all I care about.
  21. I'll be sad to see Walter go, because for all his faults - and he has a few - he is still a legend and has been, in general, a great manager for us but I'll also be glad when he's gone because his blind faith in players of limited ability, his reluctance to freshen up the team when needed, and a few other things tell me he's just playing out time now. Will McCoist be any better? Who knows but its not as if we have a choice in the matter.
  22. I find both camps annoying as fuck tbh. People who blindly defend the indefensible are just as bad as people who are critizing the team before a balls even been kicked and actually want to see us lose, or at least thats the impression they give. Walter Smith has his faults, no-one with any degree of footballing knowledge can deny that, but I'm of the opinion of waiting till the match is actually over before shooting him. Whether we like it or not, he is the manager, he will play the same negative way for the rest of the season, but if it wins the League, then I for one will be happily relieved. It wont be the greatest title triumph in terms of quality of football, but at the end of the day who cares. And we can still win this. I'd see the point in some of the whining if we were 20 points adrift.
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