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Everything posted by Raligt

  1. Yeah they look good up front together. Milan really need to be beating teams like Lecce if they want to win the title.
  2. Didn't know Villa would have the funds to buy the £30million Charlie 'Zidane' Adam.
  3. If anybody missed Ibrahimovic's goal there. YOU NEED TO SEE IT !!! PEACH !!!
  4. Yes but in the future not right now. We have such a small squad that some of these guys are getting games ie. yesterday with Ness and Wylde.
  5. Exactly this I think it was posted the other day or something.
  6. Met him in xscape one night about 3 year ago. Was talking to him for ages. Sound cunt
  7. Interesting..... Thing is if we sell Shagger that the money, if Walter gets it for transfers, it will go to strengthen other parts of the team because we have an excellent back up keeper just now plus the speculation about Cammy Bell as Alexanders backup if McGregor leaves. £7.5 million plus would be great for us. We would be able to bring in possibly 3 or 4 good players including a new CB which is BADLY needed.
  8. Got these aswell mate Best pair of boots i've had in years
  9. The guy has done great for us. Everyone who is calling him a shitebag etc. is talking pish tbh. I would rather he left now but if not i would want him to give us 100% every game till the end of the season.
  10. if xbox add me raligt You're gettin pumped
  11. You'll definately get in mate
  12. Naw you need to have the golden season ticket to be able to get in. Only a select few have it. I'll sell you mines for 100 million dollars.
  13. Shagger gees a wave shagger shagger gees a wave. *McGregor waves WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  14. Good player That is a good price I wouldve thought he would be worth about 10mil
  15. Kris Boyd has improved wonders since leaving us......
  16. On their day hibs are actually not bad. I reckon the will up their game today. Wotherspoon was unlucky there. Good first chance.
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