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Everything posted by BelgradeBear

  1. We are getting a battering whilst on the deck. It's non-stop and I've no idea when or how it will end. No longer is it a case of hoping for good news it's a case of just wishing the constant new bad news to stop. Grim.
  2. Is your steam working yet? I'm being taken back to the ICT game with a message saying I can't buy the game. WTF is it with the system they use on the official site.
  3. Yes. Although going by your location I hope it's Hamilton, Australia and not Scotland.
  4. I do but it does frustrate me that you pay good money for it but it's more often than not that the stream doesn't start straight away. But as you say, by paying it means the Club gets the readies and not some dork geek who set up a dodgy feed with adverts every 3 seconds.
  5. He was rotten. He might be able to look good at Blackpool and Liverpool in the EPL but he'll never get over the fact he couldn't reach the required level to play well for Rangers. He'll be gone from Liverpool by next Jan - their fans are starting to see he's not very good.
  6. Do most in Bar 72 go an hour or so before KO for a few pints? What's on tap and how much? I wonder if there's any scope for expanding this, either in the Govan or in other areas.
  7. It's getting to dangerous levels. The following is what many contribute to effectively starting the Balkan war. Dinamo Zagreb v Red Star Belgrade 1990. Couldn't happen in Scotland....could it?
  8. There will be many vultures watching Rangers players today and while most of them already have the incentive to play their hearts out, this added incentive I think will result in a very good performance from all today. Aluko to score a couple.
  9. There's been no interest in the matchday thread and that's no surprise. I take heart from the fact we're focussing more on what matters off the park. It does reinforce the fact that we are very much more than a football club - yes, what happens on the pitch is important but really it's the continuation of the institution that is The Rangers that is more important. We're all tired to be honest and the players and staff have had an even tougher week than us. Lets not be too harsh on them tomorrow and give them support in the true sense of the word. In my opinion, everyone of them deserves it from their efforts even if those efforts don't result in the most wonderful football we've ever seen.
  10. Sounds like Little and McCulloch up front. What's wrong with Healy?
  11. Probably more interesting than that. He used the word "interesting" and not "surprising" so I'm hoping it's good interesting and not, WTF interesting.
  12. Seems we've all had too many hard days and we're struggling a bit. Judging by lack of posts on the matchday thread, no one is even interested in what happens on the field anymore.
  13. Is Goian fit or not? He's looked like he needs a rest for weeks so ideally we'd give him a break. Shame though that Wallace and Papac are out. Could see McCulloch at CB. God knows how we'll play today. Need Edu and Davis to shoot when they get the chance rather than trying to walk the ball in. Come on Rangers. Just do it.
  14. The thread started out well but has now plunged into washing our shite stained sheets in public. The important point remains that we, Rangers, will be in a far better place with proper fan representation. I would have hoped that those with personal feuds with certain members of the RST, or indeed FF, would take heart from the fact they are now working as one with the RSA and can now look to identify the best possible representatives. Dingwall has spoken well in recent times and I expect he has learned a lot from previous experiences but I appreciate for some he will never be accepted. I expect he knows that. We're a broad church so we'll never all agree on personalities or all policies. But now is the time to build on what we agree on and look to how as a fan base we can work positively together.
  15. That's a good shout or maybe after 10 caps you get a different badge. Interesting and hopefully someone knows the definitive answer.
  16. It's a lesson to us all and to all supporters groups: just because someone connected to Rangers gives you the time of day does not mean you should suck their cock and believe everything they say. We've had certain fans groups telling us for at least 5 years that David Murray was a total cnt but too many turned a blind eye because they'd fallen for his sliver tongue. We all need to think of the common good for Rangers and not personal pride or gain.
  17. Fully agree. Every dog has its day. We can revel in the good times but when the dire times come we need to be strong. It won't be enjoyable, in fact it will be torture, but they can bring all the plastic ice cream and jelly they want and look like fannies. A few good banners from us reminding them of who we are, a fine win (or a few broken legs) and suddenly things aren't so bad. God help them though if they do win the league at Ibrox. Their actions over the past few years (in fact since their 'bortion) will make for some unpleasant situations. I fear many will be eating jelly and ice cream from a hospital bed for some months if things continue the way they're going. The police are mongs if they don't understand this.
  18. The problem is that many will "walk away" if the performance on the pitch continues. Today you could feel the enthusiasm drain out of the supporters after the half hour mark. We're on a streak of positivity at the moment but that will soon turn again. However, many will not have the will to continue when the going continues to be tough over a period of months and even years - it's natural selection and only the strongest will survive.
  19. Will mean we have something to play for in the last months of the season. Unlike Terrorist FC who will fester in their "league title win" and will have nothing to play for. All a bit of an anti-climax for the beggars. Scraping the barrel I know, but might as well make the pint half full and not half empty.
  20. I never thought I would, but I've stopped using the BBC website for sport related news. There are plenty others out there that are far better, more accurate and up to date. And who aren't Rangers haters (although they are getting few and far between). Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Just don't clik on Rangers-hating websites - it makes for a far more enjoyable life.
  21. Ahhhh FFS. I bought the on demand version for UK users. Now trying to buy the game live but says it's no longer available.
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