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Everything posted by HeHaw

  1. Have they went in to full Hibsesque North Korean style of lockdown?
  2. HeHaw

    PC Specialist.

    You should really consider just getting a desktop man.
  3. Agree, I think Nevin is awright.
  4. Darren played well last year in a very poor team and was suspect at times but he was a great pro and showed commitment when other so called Rangers men looked like they couldnt give a fuck. Don't care if he signs for the Hibs, he's a Hibs fan, lives in Edinburg and has a young kid to look after, if Hibs are offering him half decent wages and will give him game time then goodluck to Darren.
  5. Have no fear mate, managed to save it and re-upload before it was taken down! https://vid.me/s9sB
  6. Don't worry mate, I managed to save it before it was taken down! https://vid.me/s9sB
  7. If anyone is having issues watching it try viewing on a different browser.
  8. Got you sorted mate! https://vid.me/s9sB
  9. £50 says it's Andy "his wifes a whore" Walker.
  10. Pretty good gesture from both clubs imo http://www.hibernianfc.co.uk/news/4893
  11. So a con man gets control of our club, runs up loads of debt and gets us liquidated and this mentally unstable person still trys to play the "victimized" card. I like how he has stopped supporting his team because of his hatred for us, sums up a good portion of their fans base and shows the mindset they have. I swear this guy is a closet Rangers fan.
  12. HeHaw

    Good pc games

    Get the mouse from your PC and get yourself a free copy of Dota 2 off someone or buy it for 0.02p off the steam auction thing. It's a bit leauge but all classes(think theres 100 of them) are available and it's imo a lot more fun than LoL
  13. Been switching between CS:GO and Dota 2, both on PC ofcourse (console are for girls)
  14. I honestly had no idea they were playing today lol, what was the score?
  15. HeHaw


    Anyone play CS:GO? PC version.
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