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Everything posted by Yata

  1. It's a fucking joke, words CANNOT DESCRIBE how angry I am right now Fucking cunts, grade A cunts
  2. wtf is happening in this country. please someone tell me
  3. Wtf, I thought 3rd div no sanctions. Seriously WTF. WE ARE COMING FOR YOU SCOTTISH CUP
  4. I feel so bad right now, had such high hopes. MON THE MAD VLAD WE will fucking see you again at ibrox again, un-fucking-believable. People said he played when he wanted to, well he fucking wanted to for us, FUCK YOU CRAIG WHYTE, FUCK YOU IN THE ARSE.
  5. The NBA play offs were a joke last year, the reffing was probably some of the poorest I've ever seen in ANY competition, it was basically a set up from start to finish
  6. ROachs has been training him to stay still as well, I always thought khan as someone who could dart could the ring, lean on his jab and fast hand speed, not be drawn into a fight and trading blows
  7. Are you fucking joking, these fights shouldn't even be allowed to go ahead Each one of these is a joke fight by the promoter to add at +1 onto their record, its a joke. Vlad only had 3 credible challengers left in the world and refuses to right either. Brooks last fight was another set up against a pish opponent and has yet to fight anyone decent at that weight. Fury fighting another journyman washout instead of fighting price. No wonder the current world champs look so amazing when the cunts we line up to fight them are fighting against chumps and dodging big fights. I for one will not be watching any of these fights and I have a subbie to boxnation as well.
  8. Schumacher and button should do good tommoro, even with his position, rain at silverstone = good race
  9. How the fuck to women get the same money as men, that final was a joke, like ten minutes of casual play to a best of three. NOTHING like the pain of the mens game
  10. Why do they let serena williams play womens tennis, if she's female then I'm a fucking Centaur
  11. Good on schumacher, form is temp, class is perm
  12. Wiki him, he has a coloured past but he is totally ben rangers mad this year. Every single tweet has been in support of the club, the guy really cares about us for some unknown reason.
  13. You can still support green but ask the guy to develop a spine and make sure we arent groveling to get in div1
  14. Stephen Craigan backing us up, saying rangers went into admin only because of craig whytes debts and that we werent cheating
  15. Yeh some decent bears need to pick up the phone and let them know the score, its a rangers only special right now
  16. Most of my mums side of the family are italian
  17. What, because I'm actually watching the runs players make and the positional play instead of just where the ball goes. Part of Italy's effort against spain in the first game was blocking off spains passes through the middle by playing de rossi central as to force spain out wide, I've seen NONE of that so far from this game, for someone with a reputation for having an engine and being able to cover the defense and the midfield De Rossi has just stood out, almost wide left doing fuck all and not even running back when needed.
  18. Get De Rossi off, how has no-one else noticed how shit a game he is having compared to the first spain italy game. The guys a liability, I don't think ive seen him run once
  19. Look at the reply for hte goal, de Rossi being a lazy bastard again and not marking properly
  20. De Rossi has had a fucking terrible game, against spain the first time be played as a cb, and normally the guy is a more defensive midfielder. Today he has always been the last fucking one back, hasnt ran about much at all, left pirlo to do all the defensive work. Id say hook him at half time for Motta, he's just having a pish fucking game
  21. ANyone know where i can watch this live or on a stream
  22. Ah, a fellow bear filled me in. The organizers booked the arches for their Rhebel music love in and a fellow bear telephoned the venue warning them and the venue banned all football colours. Considering the festival was all pro-ira tripe this is fucking hilarious. Lots and lots of timmy KO'ed from the venue
  23. I've been a bit absent today, can anyone explain to me what happened with this shamrock festival thing? Something about a bear managing to get tattiedome colours banned or summit. Seen shit trending about it on twitter
  24. What a load of shite, no-one was taking the olympic football seriously here because we already have a world cup for football. This was the chance to get people interested as part of a showcase event, have players from EVERY country of the union in the team, beckham as well. And actually make people want to watch and buy tickets, now its just the england under 23's with giggs and bellamy. Fuck that shit.
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