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Everything posted by Yata

  1. He said he wants a unification fight or the ring title, so don't be suprised to see him over there in the next year
  2. I must be the only one who doesn't like tight fitting tops
  3. He's one of those cunts that seems to me his boxing ability just comes from the fact hes a violent scummy psycopath
  4. Should be a good fight. I'll be rooting on Burns obviously, why wouldn't I want a fellow scot to win
  5. Rhodes is a striker and forrest is a winger, they shouldnt be competing for the same spot. Its Miller whos keeping rhodes out the team
  6. I think it is Quis separabit he is talking about, a quick wiki (I know fuck all about latin) shows Although to be fair, it could be taken from any of those groups
  7. Yes I did attend football matches in the 80's, the police treated us like dogshit, vermin and thugs, but I had never been to hilsborough for a match. Some of the things in this report I suspected but not the things like police changing witness statements and testing the bodies of children for alcohol so they could pin it on the supporters. Lets not kid ourselves, this could have been ANY club's supporters, the fact it was liverpool does not matter to me, the attitude that it was just 'those bloody scousers at it again' has been one that has told again and again in the years after it. I had friends I was talking to on the day of the disaster and afterwords who had been in the leppings lane end who weren't suprised in the slightest when the trouble started to filter through, it was only a matter of time before there was a serious problem there.
  8. Has anyone who is making comments about this read the report?
  9. Fucking lawl, 4-6-0 now. Does Rhodes not exist or something?
  10. Some bears seem more obsessed with hating them than supporting our club
  11. To be fair, it was well publicised that he was having problems settling into liverpool and finding form as long with injuries when he first joined. If anything his form came back at the end of the season and he performed well for liverpool and country, now would have been the best time for a team like liverpool who are crying out for a proper striker to utilise him, instead they give him to a rival for free. Just insane, maybe not being able to fit carroll into his plans shows a glaring flaw in rodgers ability to manage a squad. Imo he could end up being the english AVB
  12. Andy Carrol is more than just a 'Big guy' that can only header Did anyone even watch him play for newcastle? He has his hand in nearly every goal when he was there, linking up play, bombing forward, laying it off for other players. Liverpool could have certainly done with him today
  13. You must live a fantastic life to waste your time on what wasn't even that good a troll
  14. That would be a fantastic move, tailor made for the EPl. I was disapointed to hear he might be going to italy instead of england as I think it would suit his game more
  15. He isn't like Toure at all. I don't know in what way you can make that comparison.
  16. He's a tim. Also his refusal to play carroll is mind boggling, guy finished the season in great form and had a decent euros. Rodgers seems to think hes just a big target man and nothing else, did all his time at newcastle get erased from memory or something?
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