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Everything posted by ger4life_1872

  1. you done well mate , they continually tried too trip u up and draw u into contradicting yourself because they aren't daft and they will try rubbish any points that they don't agree with , keevins just spoke shit most of the night , he just doesn't understand the situation
  2. If it wasn't for these brave men and women and their sacrifices these ppl wouldn't be here too be antagonised by anything , and my personal opinion is that rememberance weekend is a celebration of everything we are as a country , we should be joyful and unbelievably thankful and so proud that when our country needed them our fathers / grandfathers etc stood up and protected us so we could be free
  3. I hate how weak willed our country has become , it's now no longer acceptable too take pride in being British , this rat bastard who complained should have been told too fuck off
  4. yeah mate actually thinking back your probably right that they did , we were unlucky too with hitting post etc , just think we should be fitter and better organised than all of these teams which should lead too results
  5. he could have went 442 from halftime and we should have been out of sight , I'm not just blaming ally btw , our players are not performing the basics but the manager will always carry the can
  6. A midfield that doesn't close down , a defence with no presence ! They were always going too score ! I have never seen any other team playing 5 in midfield be so outnumbered and so outrun and it's happening consistently
  7. I don't think it's knee jerk too say that probably 90% of the stadium seen that goal coming , maybe ally even saw it coming ! So why not change the team too prevent it !!!
  8. Icantbearsedwiththatcuntbunter ! There is a suggestion
  9. Loads of villa fans on talk sport slating lambert after the game and wanting him out
  10. how many ppl have too tell u that u heard wrong ! Or are u deliberately trying too wind ppl up ? If ur going too put the show on at least listen too what is being said
  11. calm down , clean out your ears , and relax , I think Charlie has proved now that he won't let us be fucked with
  12. tbh I'm not sure he made the announcement then repeated it a cpl of minutes later and said we have had a tweet " half a million , you couldn't get my cousin vinny for that " they laughed in studio then moved on , like I said I listened too the show , the op did hear wrong
  13. Fuck all was said about the sfa paying anything ! He said the fighting fund would cover any legal costs in our fight against the spl or sfa if need be , the cousin vinny comment was a tweet he read out ! It was a snidey dig that didn't need too be said but its Clyde its what is expected !
  14. What was actually said was the fighting fund will be used too cover our legal costs
  15. where do u sit ? Because from the Copland rear I obviously watched a different game
  16. A disgruntled rangers fan , butcher , gough , numan
  17. You do realise they are allowing 16 year olds too vote on the independence bill so these young scamps your complaining about will be eligible too vote !! Fuck the snp
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