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Everything posted by ger4life_1872

  1. sometimes I eat pies too , could you take me under your wing tho superfan and teach me how too be great like you
  2. idiots also pay a lot of money and are entitled too voice their opinion on what they say ! But what would I know I'm an idiot apparently
  3. he is prob a member of the rst !
  4. Why don't we all just fight like fuck on here then when season starts we all go along too ibrox and unite in slating Hutton , black etc ? Is that not what fans do ?
  5. thanks btw I managed too get a hardback copy after ur post
  6. exactly mate , I didn't expect them too play in 3rd division but all they had too do was the right thing , transfer over and let us get maybe a quarter or more of what they were worth !
  7. Cunt , how will him and the rest of the rats deal with sitting down and explaining too their grandchildren that they can't take them too ibrox !! How they played for the greatest club in the world then fucked them over because of greed
  8. sure the big man had this as his profile pic on twitter a while ago
  9. Have you tried the guys who do the founding fathers trail , they might be able help u out
  10. so you want too scout the sfl for all these youngsters from all over the world u want ?
  11. fuck ur right , because Murray was running a conveyor belt of young talent from around the world
  12. baldy guys aren't always angry, right cunt
  13. exactly mate that's what is concerning , either he has blatantly lied the other day or the papers and the signatures are bogus , we deserve too know the facts and quickly
  14. ok , did u then lift this story from ££ and post it here as your own ?
  15. I will never get over georgie welcome only getting a trial
  16. are u Peter Adam smith ??? Because this is the story he has been trying too stir up on twitter
  17. Tom miller just tweeted their game is off
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